
亿田燃气灶售后服务电话 集成灶 亿田集成灶


admin admin 发表于2022-07-12 19:39:49 浏览131 评论0



Yiti安集成炉也可以。这是第二个品牌。建议购买综合炉灶,以选择大自然之家下的Wilm安Integrated炉子。威尔曼(Wilm安)的集成环境保护炉(Environmental Protection Stove)虽然为用户提供便捷的体验,但它进一步改善了范围引擎盖,以使集成炉更容易,更高效。 Wilm安集成的炉子由自然家庭形式拥有,距离引擎盖的功能,燃气炉,消毒柜,存储柜,微晶炉,感应炊具和其他功能。为了最大程度地提高各种功能的使用效率,人机交互式操作接口是完全智能控制的,人们追求绿色和环保的高端厨房用具的要求。自然家居家具下的威尔曼集成炉的燃料吸收率超过99%。可以使用微空动力学的原理以及污染源和外部环境的两个路线隔离。在下文中,在扩散之前有效地消除了油烟和蒸汽,而辣椒在炒胡椒时闻到了一点味道,从而创造了干净干净的厨房环境。有关综合炉灶的更多信息,建议选择自然之家。威尔曼(Wilm安)的综合炉灶功能强大,在烹饪的高峰时段,800Pa的压力很大,烟雾平稳,没有洪水。直流频率转换,无限电源调节,节能和节能;寂静的电动机;静音电动机;静态电动机;带有静音管,吸烟噪音和噪音,全部 - 一张配音,安静而安静。多年来,Wellm安n一直致力于精确,专注于制造过程,功能开发,材料选择和质量标准,并遵守德国完美的文化本质的本质。


西安地区碑林区雁塔区莲湖区未央区新城区高新区老板燃气灶维修400-----6818-----869厂家维修点故障常见分享:燃气灶点火针位置不当燃气灶点火针位置Improper, the gas stove ignition needle is improper. If you want to ignite, the gas stove has certain re区irements for the distance between the ignition needle and the fire cover. Once the distance is too much, it will cause the stove to be unable to fire. Solution: Generally, the distance between the ignition needle and the fire cover is 4-6mm, and the fire holes must be aimed at. The high -voltage line of the gas stove is aging, and the stove has a high -voltage line and its connector. Once the high -voltage line is aging, it is also easy to make the stove and cannot fire. Solution: At this time, you only need to add high pressure protection. This should be paid more attention to observation in the usual life. Cleaning skills of the stove stove, the gas stove mouth cleansing skills: When cleaning the stove's stove, you should first remove the stove's stove stand, gently wipe the soft hair metal brush, and then use the home paper towels to cover it. Live and spray some detergents, wait for five or six minutes to clean. Gas stove soup cleansing skills Gas stove soup cleaning skills: The residual soup on the stove should be wiped at hand. If the stove is hot, you can use chopsticks to sandwipe a napkin paper, stretch it under the stove frame to wipe, not only convenient, but not afraid of scalding. You can keep the stove in a clean state; if a small amount of dirt stained on the stove, you can wash it with a brown brush dipped in water. After washing and drying the water, apply a thin layer of salad oil to prevent rust, which is everything. Pay attention to check the phenomenon of gas stove aging. Pay attention to check the aging phenomenon of gas stove: often use soapy water to check whether the interface of the gas supply pipe is leaked, whether the rubber hose is intact, and whether the aging is cracking. Once you find it, it should be replaced in time. Gas foster removal: users using gas stoves should regularly clean up the fire holes in the fire cover to prevent blocking and often clean up the dust and cobweb in the stove's head.




1:集成的炉灶的集成炉形选择可以分为深层积分的炉灶,侧吸入式炉灶和侧吸模板。深井型集成炉的结构是关闭的,不仅不能完全利用燃料,而且气流也很差。节能和安全存在某些问题。它是最基本的集成炉。它基本上被消除了。侧型集成炉形为方正,与深井相比,它更科学。安全和节能问题也已解决。基于侧模板的集成炉的各种功能的有机组合符合高度模块化设计的标准。这种炉子型设计更科学,每个模块都可以独立维修保养和维修保养,并且更容易清洁。更好的性能,全面的安全保护和更高的面值。 2:就三分钟吸力的家族而言,每分钟15m³的能力是最低要求,这也是高质量集成炉的必要要求。只有这样,它才能完全吸收油烟。吸力越高,油烟的影响越好。 3:通常,集成炉产生的噪声越大,吸气越大,但是高质量的集成炉应控制60dB之内的噪声。这是我们人体可以接受的舒适范围。为了确保安静烹饪环境,您可以使生活更舒适。 4:功能集成炉的优点在于“集成”。对我们来说,高质量的集成炉子不仅必须是基本功能(火力和强烈吸气),而且还为我们提供了一个“一个停滞的厨房烹饪计划”,它足够实用。现在,蒸熟和烤制的集成炉灶的首选正是原因。一个前四名,蒸,炖和炖的样品。炉子连锁的功能完全满足使用的需求,足以成为人类。 5:当前房屋可以描述为黄金。在选择厨房电器方面,冰箱的可能性就越大,因为有必要存储物品,但是厨具产品必须尽可能小,以便为其他电器留出空间。这是非常有利的。它不到一立方米。左上的空间可用作柜子。蒸箱烤箱不需要购买额外,也不占用该位置。它还可以增强厨房的整体美感和设计。-集成灶