
迅雷极速 迅雷极速版


admin admin 发表于2022-07-14 22:19:23 浏览236 评论0



尊敬的迅雷用户,您好:迅雷极速版的优点如下:(下载速度快慢跟自身宽带网速有关,建议使用“下载优先”模式下载)1.下载加速镜像服务器加速全网数据挖掘,自动匹配与Mirror users with the same resource download. Principles: Use the resources provided by other servers on the Internet for download. If the user downloads a software, the software exists on website A, users download from website A. At the same time download speed. 2.P2P accelerates the use of P2P technology to accelerate between users. The upload traffic generated by the channel will increase the health of the channel, thereby improving the acceleration effect of the channel. Principle: If other Thunder users have downloaded this file, they can be uploaded to themselves when downloading. 3. High-speed channel acceleration high-speed CDN acceleration, high-speed channels can use the upper limit of your physical bandwidth for acceleration. If you are a 4M broadband, your maximum download speed is 390-420kb/s ". Resources, Thunder will record the resource address. After the cloud is prepared, other users can download it with high -speed channels when downloading. 4. Offline download to accelerate. You only need to submit the task link. You can download it at high speed after the cloud is ready. Slowly, Thunder Server can replace users to download. After downloading, users can download files from the Thunder server at a high speed according to your own needs. It is recommended that you use the Thunder extremely fast version and log in to the Thunder Product Center to download (


亲爱的雷声用户,您好:速度版和雷霆7的版本是相同的。下载速度不会影响。插头较少,并且占用记忆力较少。雷声的许多版本7.但是这些版本是不影响您的下载速度。对于更多问题,欢迎您向Thunder Network平台提出问题。


就简单下载而言,没有太大的差异。 1. Thunder Speed Edition是下载版的官方发行版。删除许多插头,例如Thunder,可以看到Happy Tree等,没有广告,没有插头,没有束,快速启动,更快地下载...返回极简主义,一切仅用于下载服务。 2. Thunder Extreme Edition的特征:支持所有类型的下载,包括磁性链接,BT下载,Edonkey下载等。您可以打开会员加速。没有广告:放弃雷霆7个习俗,删除游戏和新闻弹幕,并追求极简主义的美丽。没有插头-in:放弃其他产品绑定安装,删除雷声以看到和游戏插头,没有插头 - 启动速度更快。快速下载:返回下载的本质,优化产品体系结构和服务,专注于下载,更快。 3.简化版本是一个更简单的版本,它更轻,但他具有以下优点和缺点:优点:1。新的多线程下载技术以实现快速下载。 2.新的浅色舒适皮肤带来视觉愉悦。 3.灯光设计,永远不会失去系统性能。 4.新版本支持BT和Edonkey下载。缺点:1。无法登录到雷霆帐户2.无法享受成员加速3.无法启动靴子4.您无法启动启动后未完成的任务。设置6.没有浮动窗户。 7.无法下载磁性链。-迅雷极速