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迅雷7和迅雷极速版有什么区别 哪个下载快?迅雷极速版是干嘛的有什么功能

admin admin 发表于2022-07-21 09:20:11 浏览128 评论0


迅雷7和迅雷极速版有什么区别 哪个下载快

Thunder发布了Thunder Low -Key的速度版本,版本号为1.0.1.16。此版本中最重要的更改是“闪电安装和删除插头广告”,但生成的桌面图标仍然是“ Thunder 7” 。 ” .1。一个单击安装。简化安装步骤,然后单击一键安装。简单和复杂的安装过程,默认情况下您最智能的设置,告别到痛苦,然后开始。2。 P2P加速模块是居民,第一个速度版本是快速的。3。 Craftsman的心态。Beauty,隐藏一些高级功能,删除一些插头的广告,并努力做最了解您的雷声。从新版本的界面进行判断,没有令人不安的广告和复杂的功能。该界面新鲜又简单,更像以前的雷声简化版本。条件下载地址:http://act.vip.xunlei.com/vip/2014/fast_xl/


尊敬的迅雷用户,您好:迅雷极速版的优点如下:(下载速度快慢跟自身宽带网速有关,建议使用“下载优先”模式下载)1.下载加速镜像服务器加速全网数据挖掘,自动匹配与Mirror users with the same resource download. Principles: Use the resources provided by other servers on the Internet for download. If the user downloads a software, the software exists on website A, users download from website A. At the same time download speed. 2.P2P accelerates the use of P2P technology to accelerate between users. The upload traffic generated by the channel will increase the health of the channel, thereby improving the acceleration effect of the channel. Principle: If other Thunder users have downloaded this file, they can be uploaded to themselves when downloading. 3. High-speed channel acceleration high-speed CDN acceleration, high-speed channels can use the upper limit of your physical bandwidth for acceleration. If you are a 4M broadband, your maximum download speed is 390-420kb/s ". Resources, Thunder will record the resource address. After the cloud is prepared, other users can download it with high -speed channels when downloading. 4. Offline download to accelerate. You only need to submit the task link. You can download it at high speed after the cloud is ready. Slowly, Thunder Server can replace users to download. After downloading, users can download files from the Thunder server at a high speed according to your own needs. It is recommended that you use the Thunder extremely fast version and log in to the Thunder Product Center to download (



其次,广告栏之间的差异:因为雷霆速度版仅配备了下载功能,它将节省太多功能(最重要的广告栏)。雷霆7将默认情况下打开广告栏,用户不能删除或消除它。因此,不喜欢广告的用户可以优先选择Thunder Edition。-迅雷7官方免费下载


第四,任务栏分布之间的差异:下载雷速版中的任务,根据加载时间顺序从上到下添加。用户只能在任务之间更改序列号。在Thunder 7中,根据用户的个人设置,可以更改任务栏的分组,以使下载任务一目了然。

第五,构建功能之间的差异:简单的Thunder Speed Edition不配备下载之外的其余下载。Thunder7配备了更多人文化的功能,包括娱乐游戏,新闻列,资源搜索和其他功能。Thunder 7可以为用户提供所有综合服务。-迅雷7官方免费下载
