


admin admin 发表于2022-07-03 04:15:31 浏览105 评论0





It is neither realistic nor feasible for the following reasons:


1. In a year when India's deliberate provocation led to extremely tense relations between China and India, China overtook the United States to become India's largest trading partner, and the trade volume between China and India exceeded US $100 billion, which exceeded the GDP of many countries.-商品吗


2. Of the $100 billion, 65% came from China and the rest from India. Of course, as China is the world's manufacturing center, China has a larger number and advantage in all aspects.-商品吗


3. Boycotting Chinese products will lead to large losses for Indian traders, because they need to first purchase raw materials or commodities from China and then sell them in India. If a boycott is launched, the backlog of inventory and loans is enough to bankrupt many Indian enterprises, which means that Indians will destroy their domestic economy and industries, because these businessmen contribute to the Indian economy through tax payment, and millions of workers will have nowhere to make a living.-商品吗



4. There is no reason to resist, just because China supports Pakistan or border friction? That's childish. If so, China can easily boycott and block all Indian products, because India supports the United States and Japan, which are China's competitors.-商品吗


5. The entire smartphone and telecommunication equipment market in India is almost occupied by Chinese multinational corporations, which has created huge income for the Indian economy. If India resists, India will not be able to provide corresponding substitutes in a short time, and the national Internet will be paralyzed and suffer huge losses.-商品吗


6. If you boycott, why only involve Chinese lanterns, fireworks and some painless and itchless mobile phone applications? Wouldn't it be more effective to resist smartphones from Xiaomi, Lenovo, Gionee, oppo, LETV, oneplus and Lenovo's laptops? The Indian government will never think of this because countless consumers are crazy about these products.-商品吗



These companies have begun to invest and set up factories in India, which is the second largest potential market after China. The massive cheap labor force and huge consumer market help them maintain a low-cost and efficient operation mode.-商品吗


The Indian government has no legitimate reason to resist the legitimate business practices of any country. If you have to resist, then the product must be defective, defective and harmful, otherwise it will be bound by its own cocoon.-商品吗


But the reality is that Chinese products have no defects and no harm. That's why smartphones and laptops produced by Chinese companies are more popular in India, hurting the enemy and harming yourself. Why resist? The fundamental reason is that the Indian government and Parliament were kidnapped by nationalist sentiment and completely lost their ability to plan and think.-商品吗


It is totally illogical, wrong and unexplainable to resist just because China supports Pakistan or the border dispute.-商品吗



At present, in China, some groups are trying to launch a national campaign to incite and prohibit the use of Chinese products on social media. They portrayed this social media movement as a symbol of nationalism and patriotism, and some of our leaders and so-called politicians are also frequently supporting them. What's more ridiculous is that according to them, not buying China's daily necessities will hinder the further development and growth of China's economic giant ship.-商品吗


Judging from the close trade ties between China and India, boycott is not feasible. China exports more than $60 billion in goods and services to India every year, while India only exports $11 billion in goods to China. Basically, our trade deficit exceeds $50 billion. From these figures, we can see which country is in the dominant position. We basically export raw materials, and they resell the processed products to us. Now the question comes, why do we need to export raw materials? Can we produce our own goods? The answer is No. under the current circumstances, our industry cannot produce products of the same quality at a lower price than China.-商品吗


Judging from the close trade ties between China and India, boycott is not feasible. China exports more than $60 billion in goods and services to India every year, while India only exports $11 billion in goods to China. Basically, our trade deficit exceeds $50 billion. From these figures, we can see which country is in the dominant position. We basically export raw materials, and they resell the processed products to us. Now the question comes, why do we need to export raw materials? Can we produce our own goods? The answer is No. under the current circumstances, our industry cannot produce products of the same quality at a lower price than China.-商品吗


If we stop buying Chinese products, we will have to make a compromise between price or quality or both. In my opinion, for a worker who earns 150 rupees a day, the quality of Chinese electric lamps purchased at 15 rupees is better than that of Indian electric lamps purchased at 150 rupees. Therefore, we should accept the fact that there is a big gap between our Indian industry and Chinese competitors.-商品吗


First, we need to focus on improving ourselves rather than opposing Chinese products. For China, India accounts for only a small part of its total trade, while for India, China accounts for 20% of its total trade (India's largest trading partner). Therefore, to retaliate by banning them or not using their products is not so much to damage their economy as to hinder our own economic development, as a famous proverb says - dig our own grave(अपने पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी मारना).-商品吗

首先,我们需要专注于改善自己而不是反对中国产品。对中国来说,印度只占其贸易总额的一小部分,而对印度来说,中国占其贸易总额的20%(印度最大的贸易伙伴)。因此,通过禁止他们或不使用他们的产品进行报复,与其说损害他们的经济不如说是阻碍我们自己的经济发展,正如一句著名的谚语所说——自掘坟墓(अपने पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी मारना)。-商品吗

Finally, I can only say that extremism is never a good thing, no matter which side it is. I'm not saying that supporting Indian goods is a bad thing, because it also has some positive aspects. Like the decoration items of Diwali festival, Huli Festival and other festivals, we can buy locally produced products. In this way, it can not only promote the development of relevant domestic industries, but also help to inherit their skills. Why not? This will certainly boost their morale, and they will tend to produce more high-quality products in the near future. In my opinion, the slogan of this campaign should be "a step towards economic sovereignty", not just "Anti China".-商品吗


I would like to ask all those who support these groups not to start a revolution against Chinese products, but to start an optimization revolution, strive for better education policies, better skills development plans, better labor laws and land reform, and produce more products with better cost performance, rather than being helpless and crazy when they see the label made in China.-商品吗



As a country, India cannot make up for its huge trade deficit with China. All this can be attributed to China's relatively strong competitiveness. Just as India has a large trade surplus with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, India's competitiveness is stronger than Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, which is irreversible.-商品吗


Simple economic analysis shows that we use Chinese products because they are the most competitive, low cost and high quality.-商品吗


If India really starts to boycott Chinese products, we will have to import at a higher cost, or provide more tax incentives or technical incentives to domestic manufacturers, or squeeze the labor force whose income is less than $300 in the worst case.-商品吗


Everyone knows the solution. We need to improve economic competitiveness, cultivate the ecosystem of domestic manufacturing industry and build a complete industrial chain. The special economic zones act of 2005, nmiz, national manufacturing policy, industrial corridor (dmic, etc.) and promoting interstate competition are all steps in the right direction, but the implementation is still a question mark.-商品吗


Chinese companies are also helping India develop its manufacturing industry. Xiaomi produces mobile phones in India. Haier, Sany Heavy Industry and Shanghai Electric invest here, while Nokia recently closed its factory and fell into a fierce lawsuit.-商品吗


In terms of business environment, the worst part of India is contract execution (requiring faster justice, more arbitration, etc.) and construction permit (land acquisition, delay, slow bureaucracy). India had better focus on these structural obstacles rather than sudden emotional outburst against an unwarranted opponent.-商品吗


China has a lot to learn and adapt to. Indians should avoid such childish ideas, because these ideas are not only counterproductive, but also reflect the worrying quality of education in the country.-商品吗
