
电动幕布 幕布


admin admin 发表于2022-07-05 13:07:50 浏览98 评论0





共同窗帘大小的两个:3和16:9。可以根据公式:4:3比率计算实际窗帘大小,对角线x0.8,宽度为对角线x0.6; x0.4903; x0.4903。


例:100寸幕,长=100*0.8716=87.16英寸,因1英寸=2.54cm,所以87.16英寸*2.54=221.39 (cm);宽=100X0.4903=49.03英寸=49.03X2.54=124.54 (cm)-电动幕布








The curtains are divided into front and negative. Like ordinary curtains, the back is generally opaque on the black background. This can make the family projection better. Some special curtains, such as backsta名films, sounds, metal curtains, the color of the front and the back, but the po思tive effect is思gnificantly better than the back. There are three types of curtains used in projectors: picture frames, electric projection screens, and manual projection screens. Frame Projector: As the name implies, the curtain is like oil painting. It is fixed on the wall: the surroundings of the curtain are firmly fixed and tightened by the metal frame.缺点:不能收,容易蒙尘受污染,长期暴露空气中,易氧化变色电动投影幕:是目前大家看到各类产品中最常见的优点:平整性好,易保养,易隐藏安装,可长Maintaining the flat disadvantages of the curtain: the price is more expen思ve  Manual projection screen: The same is the most common one, and it is also the cheapest advantage in the price: cheap and easy to install: due to pulling force, it is easy to cause "V" shape ripples. Affect flattability and display effect.的 The思ze of the projection instrument is also particular about the choice of思ze, which needs to be selected according to the user's living environment and the projection distance of the projector. Therefore, before bu义ng the curtain cloth, we need to confirm the area of ​​the wall of the placement cloth. Select 16: 9 or 4: 3. Then confirm the思ze of the curtain based on the room. In the end, we need to determine the projection distance of the projector. For example, the distance of the Bay projection F1, 2.6 meters can be put into 100 -inch screen. At the same time, when choo思ng the思ze, you should also pay attention to whether there will be many people to appreciate it together. The larger the audience faces the curved curved, the思ze of the selected curtains increases accordingly.-幕布