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The calculation method of the Buddhist calendar (2009-09-16 22:30:21) The year of the Buddhist calendar for the year of the Buddha calendar can be reduced by 543 years.佛历年公元佛历年公元佛历年公元佛历年公元佛历年公元2498 1955 2511 1968 2524 1981 2537 1994 2550 2007 2499 1956 2512 1969 2525 1982 2538 1995 2551 2008 2500 1957 2513 1970 2526 1983 2539 1996 2552 2009 2501 1958 2514 1971 2527 1984 2540 1997 2553 2010 2502 1959 2515 1972 2528 1985 2541 1998 2554 2011 2503 1960 2516 1973 2529 1986 2542 1999 2555 2012 2504 1961 2517 1974 2530 1987 2543 2000 2556 2013 2505 1962 2518 1975 2531 1988 2544 2001 2557 2014 2506 1963 2519 1976 2532 1989 2545 2002 2558 2015 2507 1964 2520 1977 2533 1990 2546 2003 2559 2016 2508 1965 2521 1978 2534 1991 2547 2004 2560 2017 2509 1966 2522 1979 2535 1992 2548 2005 2561 2018 2510 1967 2523 1980 2536 1993 2549 2006 2562 2019 佛教创始人释迦Mu尼was originally known as Jodama Siddor, the ancient Indian 释迦族 people. Sakyamu尼is the name of the Sakyama. Also known as "Buddha" (consciousness), "释族n" and so on. In his birth and death, the "Law" in the Northern Buddhism based on the 汉译 of "The Law of the Law" was inferred from 565 BC to 486 BC, and the southern Buddhism was from 624 BC to 544 BC or AD. From 623 to 543 BC. In 1950, the first "World Buddhist Friend释p Association" was held in 科伦坡, Sri Lanka. The conference decided: The Buddha was born in 623 BC, and was in 588 BC. He died in 543 BC. In 1954, the year was held in仰on, Myanmar. During the meeting, the Buddhist country was decided to use the "Buddhist calendar" era and calculated from the Nagamu尼尼rvana.-2548