
手机无线连接电脑 无线上网 手机


admin admin 发表于2022-07-14 15:00:49 浏览108 评论0



First of all, your laptop has wireless network cards, and you are now through the network on the network. The method is very simple. The step-to-start-start-control panel (the upper right corner is viewed mode, here is the selection as the category)-network and network and the network and the network and the network and the network and Internet-View network status and tasks-Manage the wireless network on the left-add-create temporary network-the next step-network name: iPhone (casual)-type (no authentication, for simply selection! )-Check the "Save this network" below-the next step-the device is closed, and you can see the "iPhone" you just added in the management wireless network. 2.然后单击任务栏右下方的小电脑--单击无线网络中的iphone--点连接--然后系统会提示等待用户--不管它--回到开始--控制面板--网络和Internet-View network status and tasks-change the right accessories settings on the left-you can see the local connection and wireless network connection-select them at the same time-right-mouse click "Overseas Chinese connection"-if it is prompted to be wrong, depending on your local area Whether the connection has turned on the shared online, just close it! (Local connection-attributes-sharing-removing the internet allowing other network users to connect through this computer) -i a bridge will appear after the bridge is successful.


1.手机软件的闪回可能是由未更新的手机系统或软件引起的。应更新手机系统或软件以将其保存在最新版本中2。清理手机内存。过多的手机存储器可能会导致手机运行顺利。为了保持手机具有一定的内存,它不会导致单个软件在操作过程中闪回。在应用程序软件的背景下,请重新使用运行软件的数量。同时运行的过多软件会导致手机粘回3。为了清理手机软件的缓存文件,该软件的缓存文件将占据大量的手机存储器,并且太多的软件缓存文件可能会导致手机闪烁。4。检查手机使用的网络是否平稳稳定,不稳定的网络有时会导致软件断开连接并恢复速度。建议使用WiFi使用易于-to -Rund Software.5。如有必要,您可以备份手机文件,然后恢复手机的出厂价值操作。

