
html自学教程 html自学 教程


admin admin 发表于2022-07-13 16:46:25 浏览141 评论0





您可以直接修改梦编织带随附的默认值中的搜索页面,并在编写前端代码的情况下添加引号:“ form action =”/plus/plus/search.php“ method =” post“ class =”“搜索形式”,“”输入名称=“关键字” class =“ input-keyword” value =“ search”您感到有兴趣...“ onblur =” if(this.value = ='')this.value =搜索您感觉自己感觉就像是感兴趣的……”;“ onfocus =” if(this.value =='搜索您感到兴趣...)this.value ='';“ type =“ text”,“ input name =” class =“ search”“搜索” search-btn“ value =” type =“ castion =” submit''“”“”/form“”


Method/Step 1. Create a new TXT text document. Do not rush to modify the file suffix name. If you have basic friends, you can manually enter the HTML code. Code: "! Doctype HTML", "HTML", "Head", "Title" static webpage production tutorial " /Title", "Meta Charset =" GBK " /" "LINK HREF =" CSS.CSS "Roth =" STYESHET "Type =" " Text/CSS "Media =" ALL "/", "/Head", "Body", "/BODY", "/HTML" 2. Basic static webpage code is written. The data content (text, pictures, forms, videos, etc.), and then modify the suffix of the TXT text document .txt to .html. Now click to open to see the effect! Editor's text in the middle of Body: Static webpage production tutorial. 3、这样的文字太单调了,需要用CSS样式定义,小编在桌面上新建一个文件夹“web”,把index.html文件放进去,然后在web文件件里面新建一个txt文本文档,修改为"CSS.CSS". 4. Use the right mouse button to "open" and select the txt text document CSS.CSS file. Use CSS to define 12 pixel size of the webpage, the background color of the webpage is red, and the font color is white. Code: Body {font-size: 12px; background: red; color: white}, then open the index.html file in the web folder to view the effect. 5. Below a new iMAGES folder below the web file, then open the software Fireworks, design the pictures you need (go to Baidu to search for the pictures you need, use the QQ screenshot function, intercept the pictures you need), design the design, and the design is well designed. The picture is stored in the Images folder below the web folder. Now we put the picture in the body and let the picture stand in the webpage. Code: "DIV Align =" Center "" "IMG SRC =" Images/Pic.png "Alt =" LOGO "Title =" Static Web Production Tutorial "/" "" "" "" In the body, open it after saving and see the effect! Xiao Bian omit the production of tables and videos here. If your friends do not know, you can search Baidu. The entire simple static webpage is made.-html自学教程