

光电转换英语怎么缩写?CEO 是总裁,什么OEO,什么EO的好多都是什么意思啊

admin admin 发表于2022-07-16 03:04:14 浏览96 评论0



光电转换网络PV;Oelar CLL数据来源:金山词wan双语示例1通过光电转换将第一个CCD28转换为电信号(图像信号)。第一个CCD 28将对象图像转换为电气信号(图像信号),通过光电转换。

CEO 是总裁,什么OEO,什么EO的好多都是什么意思啊

首席品牌官【CBO】 chief brand officer 首席文化官【CCO】 Chief Cultural Officer 开发总监【CDO】 chief Development officer 首席执行官【CEO】 Chief Executive officer 首席财务官【CFO】 Chief finance officer 人事总监【CHO】 Chief Human resource officer 首席信息官【CIO】 chief information officer 首席知识官【CKO】 chief knowledge officer 首席市场官【CMO】 chief Marketing officer 首席谈判官【CNO】 chief Negotiation officer 首席营运官【COO】 chief Operation officer 公关总监【CPO】 chief Public relation officer 质量总监【CQO】 chief Quality officer 销售总监【CSO】 chief Sales officer 首席技术官【CTO】 chief Technology officer 评估总监【CVO】 chief Valuation officer CAO:Answerer 首席答辩人,专门负责解答The media, creditors and users related to the closure of websites. CBO: Business Plan Chief Business Planning Officer, is one of the assistants of the chief financial officer, and formulates corresponding BPs for different investors. CCO: Cost Control chief cost control officer, expenditures of more than 100 元must be approved by CC0. CDO: Domain name Chief domain name officer, responsible for related issues such as the company's domain name registration, the auction of domain names during the website liquidation, and domain name and 律 disputes. CEO: Exchange chief exchange officer, generally replaced by the International CEO Freedom Alliance, is a common short -term position, similar to football coaches. CFO: Financial Chief Financial Officer, the company's most important leader, determines the main character of the company's fate. CGO: The chief policy of顾ideline formulated an officer, and the grand blueprint for planning the company is generally the goal of 5 years. Cho: Harmony Chief Coordinator, mediation of conflicts between investors and operators, and ensure that the company's internal contradictions should not be leaked. CIO: Inspector chief inspector, check the company's internal working conditions, and supervise the employee's work attitude. CJO: Judge CEO to so律e the problems caused by employees, including employees' salary reduction and dismissal compensation. CKO: Keep Connecting, a network connection commissioner, one of the busiest positions, inform employees in time when China Telecom's network connection is disconnected. CLO: Lawer's chief 律yer, responsible for the company's response to the company's accusations and the review of various contract texts. CMO: MEDIA chief media officer, maintaining friendly relationships with the media, prepares for the company at any time. CNO: News Chief Journalism Officer, disclosed major news such as the company's website being hacked, layoffs, and acquisitions to the media. COO: Observer's chief observer, perfront the BBS of major websites every day, is sometimes called "prawns", and work directly to the CWO. CPO: Privacy Chief Privacy Officer, is responsible for monitoring of communication content such as Email, ICQ, OICQ, etc. inside the company's internal employees. CQO: Quantity Making, a quantity indicator fabrication expert, is responsible for the number of registered users, page browsing, operating income and other indicators. CRO: Reduce the StaffTrimmer chief layoff, responsible for all affairs related to layoffs, and directly responsible for the shareholders' meeting, including the chairman, must not interfere with its work. CSO: Strategy Chief Strategic Officer, the main founder of the already -abdicated company, is generally referred to as investigators or 顾问s in government agencies. CTO: Testing Chief Testers, the company's only expert responsible for website construction. Due to immature technology development, it needs to be tested. CUO: UNION Chief Alliance Officer, in the name of a strategic alliance, specifically find websites to acquire their intentions. CVO: VC Reception Venture Council Reception Commissioner, another important assistant to chief financial officer. CWO: Writer's chief network writer, responsible for expanding small things, and the purpose of expanding the popularity of the website by speculation. Its subordinates are COO. CXO: Xingxiang (because of Chinese unique, so it can only be represented by Chinese pinyin) website image spokesperson, generally young people with low academic qualifications and no online knowledge. Cyo: Laearly, a veteran, is a honorary title, awarding employees who have worked on the same website for one year (this position is usually vacant). CZO: Zero finally left the company. He was responsible for closing the doors and windows and handing the company's door key to the Property Management Office.




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