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①百度知道 ②搜狗问问 ③破折君问答 ④360问答 ⑤新浪爱问 ⑥天涯问答 ⑦知乎⑧头条问答等一、知乎:一个装逼至上的社交网站,一个升级版的百度知道。 At the beginning of the invitation, the content was all compiled, and the public account was pushed. Know, share your just edited story. Second, Quick Search Questions and Answers: The only social question and answer platform that supports Markdown in China is also the first question and answer platform to have a market share overseas. Focus on Feeds information recommendation and knowledge search. It is a serious knowledge and answer community. Third, Goku Q & A: The son of today's headlines is easy to play with one hand. In the early stage, he started by grabbing Zhihu Da V. It is a question and answer website that is mainly news. Fourth, hand hundreds of questions: Following the death of the Baidu faction, Hai Bai is mainly responsible for confrontation with Zhihu, and now I haven't seen any special places. V. Sesame Q & A: This is the question and answer of the WiFi universal key. It is estimated that I also see that today's headline bundle the drainage, the content is messy, there is no popularity. What are the high -quality Q & A platforms abroad? I. Google Answer: The latest question is listed in different categories and promised to answer 24 hours. Second, Yedda: It belongs to a user participation search engine, and the website is more inclined to participate in more participation of netizens to allow users to get a better search experience. Third, WONDIR: You can ask questions anonymous, provide two services, one is to match experts, and the other is a search result from various search engines. 4. Quomon: A professional online Q & A service website mainly provides websites about online Q & A services in IT -related fields. 5. Stackexchange: Experience and answer interactive platform is a website that attaches great importance to the quality of Q & A and professionalism. It is essentially different from the majority of peers. It is a website that truly provides specialized knowledge. 6. Brainly: Socialized knowledge sharing platform is a social learning website built by students in many countries around the world. It provides students in each country with a share of knowledge, mutual learning, and social incentives to promote students. Social networks that are educated. 7. SegmentFault: Geek IT knowledge and answer community is a question and answer community specializing in developers for the IT industry. You can ask any issues related to development here. 8. FormSpring: A question and answer social platform based on interest is a new interactive site for social Q & A based on interest. Users can choose some interesting questions to answer questions according to their hobbies and interests. At the same time, they can also be friends with like -minded people.
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