
boobooke 编程 计算机编程

计算机编程问题?要看懂head first设计模式要先具备哪些编程知识要先懂哪些编程语言要先看哪些书

admin admin 发表于2022-07-16 19:51:02 浏览105 评论0



int strA = “123“;
int strB = “456789“;
int strAns;
int i, j, k;
int AddOne = 0;
int Sum = 0;
// strA和strB逆序省略
for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; strA || AddOne; )
Sum = AddOne;
if (strA)
Sum += strA - ’0’;
if (strB)
Sum += strB - ’0’;
strAns = Sum % 10 - ’0’;
AddOne = Sum / 10;
strAns = ’\0’;
// 把strAns逆序

要看懂head first设计模式要先具备哪些编程知识要先懂哪些编程语言要先看哪些书

I am a senior and I will graduate soon.我学的是嵌入式系统软件开发,侧重于软件方面,个人以为是这样:C语言是基础,先学习一点C语言,得是嵌入式C语言(嵌入式C着重于理解为什么,而不只是会Use), then learn a little object -oriented program明. Then involve a little bit of electronic technology foundation, do not need to be proficient in numbers with the simulation circuit, as long as you can understand the simple circuit schematic diagram. (Because I learned embedded software development, it focuses on software. You can based on your own situation. If you focus on hardware, of course, you need to learn the digital simulation circuit.) Next, learn a embedded processor architecture, Personally recommend 32 -bit processors, like ARM, because the 8 -bit processing of embedded software is a bit too low. Most of them can only be used as simple industrial control. There is no complex software system and cannot be called an embedded system. Finally, learn a embedded operating system, such as Linux, WINCE, etc. Linux may be better because it is open source, huh. Other things are based on your hobbies, like an embedded network application, the operating system has studied what you look at first.

