
a9g 索尼a9 索尼a


admin admin 发表于2022-07-20 22:52:07 浏览84 评论0





如果没有。它仍然是一个 - 盒子微型摄像头。


1. The same price as the A6500 should be A7; 2. A7 is better than the A6500 place is better. In addition to the physical factors of the depth of depth of depth of the sensor area (more blur), according to the most authoritative sensor evaluation according to the most authoritative sensor evaluation机构法国dxo实验室评测,总分为90分,其中色彩深度(记录颜色的能力)24.8bits,动态范围(记录从高光到低光区域的灰阶的能力)14.2evs,可用高感(弱光Imaging ability) 2248iso, while the A6500 sensor score is 85 points, of which the color depth 24.5, dynamic 13.7, high -sensitivity 1405, under the premise of using the same quality lens, the quality of A7 is better; The place is a faster 4D focusing system. It has 425 phase detection focus points, which can achieve the fastest automatic focusing speed of about 0.05 seconds. It uses a larger cache space. , Better shooting stability. In addition, the A6500 also has 4K video performance that A7 does not have; 4. If the general home is used, the picture quality of A7 is better; if the fast -moving scene is often photographed, the A6500's focusing system is better.-索尼a9