
linux入门 linux基础知识 linux基础

linux基础知识有哪些?linux学习 看什么书籍比较好~

admin admin 发表于2022-07-15 18:07:19 浏览90 评论0



第一阶段:linux基础入门Linux基础入门主要包括: Linux硬件基础、Linux发展历史、Linux系统安装、xshell连接、xshell优化、SSH远程连接故障问题排查、L inux基础优化、Linux目录结构知识、Linux文件The second phase of attributes, linux mixes, regular expressions, Linux system permissions: The advanced management of Linux system management Linux system management includes: Linux timing task, Linux user management, Linux disk and file system, Linux three swords SED commands, etc. Essence The third stage: Linux shell foundation Linux Shell foundation includes: shell programming basis, Linux three swordsman's AWK command, etc. Fourth stage: Linux network foundation Fifth stage: Linux network service Linux network service includes: cluster actual combat architecture and environmental preparation, RSYNC data synchronization service, Linux full network backup project, NFS network storage service refinement, Inotify/servernc real -time data data Synchronous/NFS storage real -time backup items. Sixth stage: important network services of Linux network services include: Twelfth stage: High -performance database Redis and MEMCACHED Course, stage thirteen: Linux large -scale cluster architecture Construction (200 units) 14th stage: Linux Shell programming enterprise Case combat Phase 15: Enterprise -level code release plan (SVN and Git) 16th stage of enterprise -level KVM virtualization and OpenStack Cloud Computing Phase 17 Public Cloud Ali Cloud 8 major components to build cluster 18th stage: Eighteenth stage: Doc客r Technical Enterprise Application Practice Phase 19: Python Automation Introduction and Advanced Twenty Phase: Career Planning and High Salary Employment Guidance

linux学习 看什么书籍比较好~



为了学习Linux的推荐来进行[Dane Education]进行专业学习,Linux学习了最新的书:“嵌入式Linuxc语言编程基础课程”本书用作嵌入式专业C语言教科书。这本书共有11章。第1章介绍了嵌入式Linux下使用的常见C语言开发工具,以为后来的学习奠定基础。第2章〜第5章解释了嵌入式linuxc语言中的基本知识。包括数据,数据输入和输出,操作员和表达,嵌入式Linuxc语言中的程序结构和控制语句。第6章主要解释嵌入式LinuxC语言中的数组,包括一个维数阵列,多维数组,字符数组和字符串。第7章主要解释嵌入式LinuxC语言中的指针。第8章主要解释嵌入式Linuxc语言的功能。第9章主要在嵌入式LinuxC语言中介绍用户定义的数据类型。第10章介绍了嵌入式linuxc语言的高级用法。第11章介绍了嵌入式Linux内核中的常见数据结构。如果您有兴趣,请单击此处了解有关Linux相关信息的更多信息,并推荐咨询[Dane Education]。作为国内IT培训领域的领先品牌,戴恩的每个员工都将“帮助每个学生实现自己的梦想”作为自己的责任。这也是因为丹麦人的持久和努力。为IT行业的学生提供更多付费的机会,并为中国IT行业的发展做出了巨大贡献。 DANE IT培训机构,在有限的时间内收听配额。-linux基础知识