


admin admin 发表于2022-07-16 06:11:53 浏览86 评论0






慧聪网02280成立于1992年,是国内B2B e -Commerce Service Servistres.hc.com可以查询符合通过商业中心所需的购买信息,订阅亲自购买商机,还可以获得一项手枪的购买信息通过特殊的在线谈判进行采购信息。-公司采购网站

3. GU案j IE China website

Gu Anjie中国网站是由Grainger在中国建立的MRO产品建立的B2B E -Commerce平台。适合在中国购买MRO产品,为访客提供丰富的产品信息,快速产品搜索,方便的价格查询,方便的报价,方便的报价和方便的报价和平滑的产品排序。-公司采购网站



5 e eBay


参考信息来源:百度百科全书 - 中国集中采购网络

参考信息来源:百度百科全书 - 慧聪.com

参考信息来源:百度百科全书 - 古岛(中国)工业产品销售有限公司。

参考信息来源:百度百科全书 - 中国采购网络

参考信息来源:百度百科全书 - ebay


除了京东企业购1688这些平台,还有其他办公采购平台如得力商城,齐心商城,壹共享采购平台等,提供涵盖办公用品、办公设备、办公家具、办公礼品、学生文具、商用机器、书写工具、 Office products, including office electronics, IT consumables, and paper products. Purchase staff must know that the way of office procurement is generally divided into three categories: ① Vertical class, which is specially purchased by this platform for office supplies. ② Offline class, this is generally some large markets in your city, such as the large market, characterized by choosing it by itself, but more tiring ③ a well -known e -commerce platform. This is like Taobao Jing东. Disclosure is equivalent to moving offline to online, and the price is lower than offline. If the price should be offline "Taobao Jing东" vertical platform is good采慧is a new generation of enterprise smart exclusive procurement platform, without development, providing enterprises with exclusive visual interface procurement platform, enterprise ERP, OA and other business systems, good采慧system, good采慧system The five major issues of procurement are solved; the procurement directory is cumbersome, the inquiry price is time -consuming and labor -intensive, the purchase demand is unchanged, the procurement account statistics are inconvenient, and the budget control is lagging behind. Expanded information: 1. The exhibition is a way for many well -known enterprises to enhance brand power, and it is also the standard model for international procurement of professional development suppliers. Generally, traditional enterprise purchases also participate in many exhibitions to obtain supplier development channels. (Such as: Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition, Shenzhen High -Tech Fair, 红Kong Autumn Exhibition, Furniture Exhibition, etc.) 2. Through the bidding platform or other open channels, publicly release procurement needs to the society through bidding announcement to attract potential suppliers to participate; Enterprises, state -owned enterprises and large -scale enterprises and government procurement use a more supplier development channel. 3. The purchaser can also seek resource recommendation from the cooperative suppliers, which is also a channel search. Or the customer's supplier introduces that the customer's supplier channels can find the source, integrate and optimize, and find suppliers suitable for the company themselves.-公司采购网站


如今,有许多电子组件采购网络,例如Love Procuroment,1688,IC Networks先生相对较大,富含产品类型,并支持自动单个功能。原始的原品产品适合选择。但是,应该注意的是,如果您在线购买电子组件,则必须提前了解以下几点:1。请注意,MOQ和MPQ之间的差异是最小订单量,最低订单的存在是制造商的保证成本(材料,劳动,手册,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,手动,劳动,手动,手动,手动,劳动,手动,手动,手动,劳动,劳动,劳动,劳动,手动,手动,手动,和劳动。相同的一般标准零件或海关零件的基础具有最低订购的要求。MPQ:最小包装编号。以1827572-2为例,它属于动态连接器Dynamic1000系列。其毛口为36,000,而该系列为36,000,而MPQ为6,000。由于标准组件的高生产自动化,包装过程也使用全自动或半自动设备完成。2。检查大型供应资格公司通常会特别出发识别和测试所购买组件的电子组件,但大多数中小型企业通常没有上述功能。如果最好直接从原始制造商那里购买,但是由于采购,价格和信息掌握的数量,许多单位无法直接为制造商下达订单,并且需要从各种中级业务采购中购买。 3.确定交货期和交易条件的要求包括买家购买产品的时间,以及卖方准备样品需要多少时间,第一批小型生产以及在正常时间订购所需的时间。-公司采购网站