
红警地图编辑器 编辑器


admin admin 发表于2022-07-22 09:42:00 浏览94 评论0



There are really a lot of problems, and it is troublesome to say. 1. How to modify it, all the units I built are gray! How to change color! Generally, novice contacts are multi -person maps. You cannot see the color in the map and you need to set up triggers. This must be noted, because in the multi -person map, the units of the party will be set up in the game. disappear! The dear above was wrong. The only use of the affiliated party in the multi -person map is to set it as public order to achieve the effect of all the players alliances, and is generally used for the gate. Set the method of changing the trigger to the trigger. Let me briefly talk about it.首先在选项中去掉简单模式的勾,然后在的菜单中打开触发器,新建触发,改好名字,点击右面的条件标签,新建,选择8—任何事件,点击事件标签,新建事件,选择14, - Change the belonging, modify the parameters to player@abcdefg or something you want, is the player 1234567, so, then turn off the trigger, double -click the unit you want to change in the pop -up box, and associate it until you just set the settings Trigger. 2. What folder is saved in the modified map? Save the root directory of your red police is to open the attributes of your shortcuts running the game, and click to find the folder you can reach. 3. Is it a question of "Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge Modifier"? I don't know how to answer. 4. How to create the ocean? How to save after making? The ocean is not created. On the left of the instrument interface, you choose the unit on the map on the map, expand the surface, and choose the water to put it on the ground. 5. I made a highway. I did n’t know how to delete it when I made a mistake? It's the same as above, choose the surface you want to cover it. Some things can be understood in one or two sentences, so I brought it over. After reading these, I suggest you find it yourself. Some questions are not necessary to ask questions. If you have any questions, please send me a message to me.


丰富的文本,丰富的文本编辑器,称为RTE,是一种可以嵌入浏览器中的文本设备。它是一个文本设备解决信息问题,例如颜色,大小,样式和其他信息问题,例如颜色,尺寸,大小,并在网页上的样式。LET简要介绍了Rich Textter的用法和简短原则。



丰富的文本器与我们通常的文本设备不同,但是它的功能确实与我们通常的单词相似,但是Rich Textter的设置是解决不编写HTML并且需要在USON网页中设置各种文本格式的用户。


关于丰富文本的原则,有些人可能会认为丰富的文本原理非常复杂,实际上,事实并非如此。当然,自然很难意识到功能强大的设备。网页上Rich Textter的一般原则是使用JavaScript技术来将用户输入内容的内容和用户的设置样式转换为代码可以识别诸如HTML和CSS之类的浏览器。-编辑器


