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单击单击)“继续克隆” 5. QQ空间克隆完成,首先下载QQ空间克隆器,输入要克隆QQ的号码,请单击“登录QQ Space”并输入您的QQ帐户和密码,QQ空间怎么克隆啊您可以获得1,怎样克隆QQ空间啊First, download a QQ space 克隆r and come back to install. After the installation is completed, open the QQ space 克隆r. The opening interface of the QQ space 克隆r is as follows; click "Log in QQ Space" at the upper left corner of the QQ space 克隆r interface, enter your QQ number and QQ password in the pop -up window Knowing that there is a favorite QQ space, you can enter the opponent's QQ number directly in the box in the upper right of the QQ space 克隆r interface, and then click to start the cloning to start the cloning space.如果没有的话可以在界面中选择,然后单击“ OK” 2.输入登录接口,建议使用克隆器处理以下原始材料到您自己的QQ空间专辑。


First, download a QQ space 克隆r and come back to install. After the installation is completed, open the QQ space 克隆r. The opening interface of the QQ space 克隆r is as follows; click "Log in QQ Space" at the upper left corner of the QQ space 克隆r interface, enter your QQ number and QQ password in the pop -up window Knowing that there is a favorite QQ space, you can enter the opponent's QQ number directly in the box in the upper right of the QQ space 克隆r interface, and then click to start the cloning to start the cloning space.如果没有的话可以在界面中选择,其中有“官方推荐、酷炫、可爱、简约”等等各种类型选择;找到有喜欢的空间后可以把鼠标指针移动到空间预览图上停留一会,在Select "Preview Space" in the pop -up window to enter the space to check the detailed situation; if you view the space in detail, if you li克this QQ space, you can click "click cloning" in the upper left corner for QQ space cloning. If you don't li克it, you can close it. The other QQ space previews; after clicking the "click clon" in the upper left corner, the following pop -up window pops up, and click submit after entering the verification code. After submitting, the number of waiting time and the number of times the input verification code will be displayed; after the waiting time is completed, enter the verification code again to load the next space template. After entering the verification code, click Submit and continue to display "Waiting Time and the Number of Enter the Verification Code". The following operations repeat the above input verification code operation. "Whether to preview the space", click "Yes" to preview after cloning; 9 Enter your QQ space preview. You will find that your QQ space is the same as the QQ space you saw before, so the QQ space is completed.


它是克隆QQ空间的一个小工具。您像QQ空间一样,您可以复制它。BaiduQQ克隆通常可以根据操作实现。标准:方便且快速,其余的设计时间具有美丽的空间。访问空间。这些图片正在联系他人。如果他删除他,您将被空白。建议使用克隆器处理以下原始材料到您自己的QQ空间专辑。注意:克隆后,您必须保留QQ空间布局:Free Mode:free Mode.Thise。将显示。


您可以获得1,首先下载QQ空间克隆器,下载地址在人才信息中。下载和解压缩,单击文件包中的“ QQ Space Cloner”,然后单击“ OK” 2.输入登录接口,请单击“登录QQ Space”并输入您的QQ帐户和密码,单击“ OK”,立即输入输入,立即输入,输入“ OK”,现在输入,输入,现在输入,现在输入,立即输入,立即输入,立即输入,立即输入,现在输入。分析界面,输入要克隆QQ的号码,单击“开始分析” 3.然后单击“启动克隆”,QQ空间备份弹出,单击“ no” 4.输入验证代码(需要输入输入验证代码两次),单击单击)“继续克隆” 5. QQ空间克隆完成,您现在可以看到空间,请立即单击“立即查看空间”-qq空间克隆器