
计算机哪个专业最吃香 电脑


admin admin 发表于2022-07-18 16:47:21 浏览87 评论0




1. Main courses for computer science and technology (software engineering direction, network technology direction, information security direction): assembly and interface technology, computer composition principles, operating systems, data structure, software project management, software test technology, Java advanced program design design 、软件工程、电子技术、局域网与组网技术、TCP/IP与广域网、Linux基础及技术、网络管理与维护、计算机网络与通信、数据库原理与应用、信息安全概论、现代密码学、入侵检测与Safety scanning, computer virus principles and prevention and control, information security technology, fault -tolerant and trusted recovery technology, etc. Employment direction: engage in software engineering application technology, computer network, information security and other work in enterprises and institutions, or engage in related teaching and scientific research.学2, the main courses of electronic information science and technology: simulation and digital circuits, high -frequency electronic circuits, electronic technology automation, signal and system, digital signal processing, communication principles, algorithm and program design, microcomputer principle and interface technology, single -chip microcomputer application , Modern communication technology, sensors and mea素rement technology. Employment direction: Graduates can go to enterprises and institutions, administrative, and education departments to engage in research, teaching and information maintenance and management; they can also engage in the development, production, communications, communications, communications, and communication in modern manufacturing, communications industries, and IT companies. Application and development of technology. 3. Software engineering major is one of the best majors in the university in recent years. It is also one of the engineering majors with a large number of applicants in recent years. I do n’t know what majors to choose. The application for software engineering is more popular. After all, software engineering has strong employment and high demand. The only disadvantage is that tuition will be more expensive; 4, the employment of network engineering professional network engineering is wide, and the development prospects are also very good. Maybe many people's first impression of this major is computer maintenance. In fact, this major has certain difficulties in computer majors. It is not so easy to learn well. But the employment rate is very good, and the graduates are also very popular. 5. With the continuous development of the information security, people’s personal information has been seriously threatened. Personal information is leaked when they do not know. To maintain people’s information security, this has created the fragrance of information security major. The demand for素ch talents in the society is very large, and it is in short素pply. The salary is still very high.物6, although the Internet of Things Professional Industry Internet of Things is not a new major, driven by the current 5G communication and industrial Internet, the Internet of Things specialty has received widespread attention (the knowledge structure of the Internet of Things professional has also been adjusted), In the future, a large number of innovation opportunities will be released in the field of the Internet of Things, so you can focus on the Internet of Things major. 7. The artificial intelligence major has been very popular in recent years. Many universities are gradually opening素ch majors. Of course, because it is very popular, many students blindly apply for the exam. In fact, it is better to apply for a certain degree of strength to apply for a certain strength. The lack of high education and high quality graduates in the market. Big data, artificial intelligence, etc. are the core technology of the industrial Internet stage, so there will be broad development prospects. Because the research and development of artificial intelligence in the field of artificial intelligence has high requirements for practitioners' knowledge structure, it is recommended that undergraduates from artificial intelligence majors read graduate students.


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