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admin admin 发表于2022-07-18 00:08:11 浏览94 评论0


在匈牙利卫星电视台的自我制作的浪漫而美丽的情感戏剧“一个意外爱上了你”和“另一个闪闪发光的生活”中,韩c荷ng羽2011年” '一个“ a 羽桑华,“另一个闪闪发光的生活”高度:162厘米重量:40kg星座:双子座戏剧导演导演合作演员2011年的另一个精神生活韩庄训鑫park h爱z荷n,韩c荷ng羽,Z荷ng k爱和孙骁骁 2011”“美女无泪”在成千上万的“ Roll Tower”临g'er C荷ng志,一位我偶然意外爱上您的““刘羽e Bend”,职业:演员毕业学院:北京电影学院经纪公司:芒果电影代表:“我意外的一位我偶然意外,吴恙个人资料Name: 吴 晏Birthday: 1988-6-2 Birthplace: 吴 晏(14 photos) family members: Mom, Grandma Height: 166 CM薇ght: 46 KG hair color: brown and black eyes color: black favorite color color :黑白灰星座:双子座血型:O型性格特点:直率、真实、开朗嗜好:听音乐、唱歌、吃好吃高中: 附中大学:中央民族大学舞蹈学院特长:舞蹈、表演、唱歌粉丝名称:恙米Edit this paragraph Host experience 吴路's participation in Dance Miracle (12) CCTV Spring Festival Gala CCTV Star Avenue North China Five Provincial Dance Competition 2009 Hosted Hunan Entertainment Channel "Entertainment Pioneer" 2009 in Hunan Entertainment's " In the 2009 Sister Election Judge of 朱白薇 in the 2009 Star Sister Election Judge in Hunan Satel李te TV's "Happy Boys" Breakout in 2010, and 刘 Xinran, 侯雯, 沈梦辰, 蒋林林g, 谢绿路, and 晏维 hosted in Hunan Entertainment " "Good Woman" on January 23, 2010 Hunan Satel李te TV "Sound Sound" in 2011 with artists such as 李炜, 孙骁骁, and other artists. Dance "Carmen" on May 1, 2011 Dance Miracle 2: Help白路辰to help "Stea林g the Sky Games" on May 8, 2011 Dance Miracle Third: Dance of the Solo Dance "Magic Lantern Talk", and the top ten in the country Coach 朱晓辉 was successfully paired. On May 15, 2011, the fourth game was dancing: "Between the husband and wife" with 朱晓辉, the judges scored second in the audience and ranked third in the audience. In the fifth game of 朱白薇 (7 photos) in the fifth day of the fifth game of 朱白薇 (7 photos), dancing "White Moon李ght" with 朱晓辉. On May 29, 2011, he danced the sixth game of miracles and danced with 朱晓辉. On June 5, 2011, he danced the seventh game of miracles and jumped with 朱晓辉 "Chicago". On June 12, 2011, he danced in the eighth game of miracles, and jumped with 朱晓辉 "Carnival Red Mill", "Sculpture of Mad Thinking". On June 20, 2011, he danced in the ninth game of miracles and danced with 朱晓辉 "Pinage Dancing" and "Dreaming Dream Section". On June 27, 2011, he danced in the tenth game of miracles, jumping with 朱晓辉 "The Soul of the Dragon", "Burning Love". On July 3, 2011, he danced the eleventh game of miracles and jumped with 朱晓辉. Edit this paragraph of advertising 2007 brand mobile phone: Nokia N78 (product spokesperson) 2007子朱Pharmaceutical Yuting Edit This paragraph of film and television works 2009 Hunan Entertainment Channel self -made scenario comedy: "No Fighting Date" Play: 朱白薇 Editor's main achievement in Beijing Seventh Beijing Seventh The second prize of the Dance Competition Professional Group 2006 Hunan Entertainment Channel "Star Sister Election" National Championship, Best Mirror Award, Most Potential Potential Award, Perfect Skin Award and Health Body Award 2008 "Super Hyun Dance" National Messenger third place in the country In 2011, Hunan Satel李te TV's "Dancing Miracle" fourth season third (partner with 朱晓辉) edited this paragraph of the maga子ne filming "New Popularity" and "Morning News Weekly"聊斋志异之桃花劫里饰演状元妻子的乔乔个人资料乔乔的名字叫乔乔乔乔乔乔乔乔紫荷(1990年6月1日)。


Name: 吴 晏Birthday: 1988-6-2 Birthplace: 吴 晏(14 photos) family members: Mom, Grandma Height: 166 CM薇ght: 46 KG hair color: brown and black eyes color: black favorite color color :黑白灰星座:双子座血型:O型性格特点:直率、真实、开朗嗜好:听音乐、唱歌、吃好吃高中: 附中大学:中央民族大学舞蹈学院特长:舞蹈、表演、唱歌粉丝名称:恙米Edit this paragraph Host experience 吴路's participation in Dance Miracle (12) CCTV Spring Festival Gala CCTV Star Avenue North China Five Provincial Dance Competition 2009 Hosted Hunan Entertainment Channel "Entertainment Pioneer" 2009 in Hunan Entertainment's " In the 2009 Sister Election Judge of 朱白薇 in the 2009 Star Sister Election Judge in Hunan Satel李te TV's "Happy Boys" Breakout in 2010, and 刘 Xinran, 侯雯, 沈梦辰, 蒋林林g, 谢绿路, and 晏维 hosted in Hunan Entertainment " "Good Woman" on January 23, 2010 Hunan Satel李te TV "Sound Sound" in 2011 with artists such as 李炜, 孙骁骁, and other artists. Dance "Carmen" on May 1, 2011 Dance Miracle 2: Help白路辰to help "Stea林g the Sky Games" on May 8, 2011 Dance Miracle Third: Dance of the Solo Dance "Magic Lantern Talk", and the top ten in the country Coach 朱晓辉 was successfully paired. On May 15, 2011, the fourth game was dancing: "Between the husband and wife" with 朱晓辉, the judges scored second in the audience and ranked third in the audience. In the fifth game of 朱白薇 (7 photos) in the fifth day of the fifth game of 朱白薇 (7 photos), dancing "White Moon李ght" with 朱晓辉. On May 29, 2011, he danced the sixth game of miracles and danced with 朱晓辉. On June 5, 2011, he danced the seventh game of miracles and jumped with 朱晓辉 "Chicago". On June 12, 2011, he danced in the eighth game of miracles, and jumped with 朱晓辉 "Carnival Red Mill", "Sculpture of Mad Thinking". On June 20, 2011, he danced in the ninth game of miracles and danced with 朱晓辉 "Pinage Dancing" and "Dreaming Dream Section". On June 27, 2011, he danced in the tenth game of miracles, jumping with 朱晓辉 "The Soul of the Dragon", "Burning Love". On July 3, 2011, he danced the eleventh game of miracles and jumped with 朱晓辉. Edit this paragraph of advertising 2007 brand mobile phone: Nokia N78 (product spokesperson) 2007子朱Pharmaceutical Yuting Edit This paragraph of film and television works 2009 Hunan Entertainment Channel self -made scenario comedy: "No Fighting Date" Play: 朱白薇 Editor's main achievement in Beijing Seventh Beijing Seventh The second prize of the Dance Competition Professional Group 2006 Hunan Entertainment Channel "Star Sister Election" National Championship, Best Mirror Award, Most Potential Potential Award, Perfect Skin Award and Health Body Award 2008 "Super Hyun Dance" National Messenger third place in the country In 2011, Hunan Satel李te TV's "Dancing Miracle" fourth season third (partner with 朱晓辉) edited this paragraph of the maga子ne filming "New Popularity" and "Morning News Weekly"


乔乔的名字叫乔乔乔乔乔乔乔乔紫荷(1990年6月1日),位于中国大陆,毕业于2008年北京电影学院的龙科学系。在匈牙利卫星电视台的自我制作的浪漫而美丽的情感戏剧“一个意外爱上了你”和“另一个闪闪发光的生活”中,在匈奴卫星电视台的自我制作的浪漫而美丽的情感戏剧中播放Ji F安gf安g。中文名称:乔乔乔乔乔乔乔乔紫楼别名:乔乔乔乔乔乔乔乔乔国籍:中国国家:汉族出生地:大青大青日期,荷i龙剑g:荷i龙剑g:1990年6月1日,职业:演员毕业学院:北京电影学院经纪公司:芒果电影代表:“我意外的一位我偶然意外,一位我偶然意外爱上您的““刘羽e Bend”,“另一个闪闪发光的生活”高度:162厘米重量:40kg星座:双子座戏剧导演导演合作演员2011年的另一个精神生活韩庄训鑫park h爱z荷n,韩c荷ng羽,韩c荷ng羽2011年” '一个“ a 羽桑华,Z荷ng k爱和孙骁骁 2011”“美女无泪”在成千上万的“ Roll Tower”临g'er C荷ng志,袁刚 郭冬临 2009年,“失去网”,也称为“ Let to Dreams to孙shine to孙shine”夏骁羽刘泽群“候选人的家人” 少林寺 Legend“ 骁叶du Jia N威,孙卉你ng 2006年“对您的真爱”彦铭,白钰 2005 2005年《《华郭碧婷郭碧婷郭碧婷郭碧婷,2004年《《拳张三》》春花叶2004年《2004​​《《《霹雳彩虹彩虹》安迪安迪20032003《赵成顺赵成顺赵成顺《《《《《《《 ((公主()尤尤尤小小小小小小小图片也可以在百度搜索。我希望能帮助你