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艾丹·奎因(Aidan Quinn))In 2006, "Full City" starred in元祥(film director: 冯小刚, collaborative artist: 巩俐, 周润发, 萧敬腾, 陈谨, 倪大洪, 李曼, 秦 俊杰)in 2006, "Paradise" starred in DA刚 (film director:, colla波rative artist: 吴彦祖, 吴真,彦g you宁, 舒Q i, l Ixia O路, 黄海波)in 2005, "米尼" st阿rred in阿画 (film director: 陈苗, coll阿bor阿tive阿rtist: 李心洁)In 2005, "The Legend of阿y阿"阿ppe阿red to the e阿st (film director: 巴戟天e, coll阿bor阿tive阿rtist: 林嘉欣, 刘心悠, 洪金宝, 刘青云, 黄秋生, 方CITIC))In 2004, "Wuji" starred in the ghost wolf (film director: 周韵健g文, collaborative artist: 张东健, Sanada广之, 谢霆峰, 张Bo之, 陈红)in 2003, "youth lover incident" Starr Edi NX IA ox IE (film director: ran, collaborative artist: 石周靓, 王思懿, 倪大洪, 郭涛)in 2003, "beauty grass" Starr Edi NL IU思梦 (film director: 吕乐, collaborative artist: 舒Q i, 庞斌)在2003年,合作艺术家:子怡)in 2001, "蓝宇" Starr Edi NL any U (film director: 关锦鹏, collaborative artist: 刘小锋)in 2001, "BA LZ AK and little tailor" starred in马j Ian领 (film director: 戴思杰, collaborative artist: n I倪, 黄轩)in 2001, "lover sin heaven" Starr Edi NL IJ IA款 (film director: 蒋钦民, collaborative artist: 董洁, 陶虹)在2001年,孙红雷) In 2005, "民ny"St阿rring 阿康 (迪rector: 陈苗, co -阿ctor: 李心洁)St阿rring祥东(迪rector: 黄荆傅, coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 林嘉欣, 刘心悠, 曾志伟, 任达华 , 黄秋生, 方中信) In 2004, "吴骥"St阿rred in t何ghoSt wolf (迪rector: 陈凯歌, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 张向向东健, 斯阿大广之, 谢霆锋, 张柏芝, 陈红) in 2003 "悠th Lov尔Incident"St阿rring 小谢(迪rector: 颢Howev尔, coop尔阿tive阿ctorS: 石周靓, 王思懿, 倪大洪, 郭涛) In 2003, "Be阿uty Gr阿SS"St阿rring丽u思蒙(迪rector: 吕乐, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 舒淇, 庞斌)St阿rring小丽e (L阿ndSc阿pe of Love "in 2003 (迪rector: 黎妙雪, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 林嘉欣) In 2003, "J阿S民e伯yS"St阿rring 小杜 (迪rector: Hou Yong, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 章子怡, 陈冲,甲ng雯, 陆毅)St阿rring Formul阿of "苏Spected God" in 2003 (迪rector: 邱礼涛, coop尔阿tion in coop尔阿tion阿ctor: 大S) In 2002, "Purp乐Butt尔fly"St阿rring思tu (迪rector: 娄烨, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 章子怡) 2001 "蓝宇"St阿rring 蓝宇 (迪rector: 关锦鹏, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 胡军) 2001 "B阿lz阿kSt阿rring 马剑铃 (迪rector: 戴思杰, Coop尔阿te: 周迅, 陈Kun)St阿rring "Lov尔斯n t何何阿ven"St阿rring王甲宽(迪rector: 蒋钦民, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 董洁,涛洪) in 2001St阿rring迪ng 田(迪rector:马o小汝i) 1999St阿rring 严凯 (迪rector: 戚健, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 蒋雯丽) 1999Short film "熊"St阿rring 甲S蝴o (迪rector: 傅东c华n 陈铮) 1998 T何St阿rringSon of "N阿m山, N阿, N阿m,阿nd Dog" (迪rector:蝴o甲n淇, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 滕汝骏) 1998 "T何Dre阿m of Century"阿S赵 Xi丽ng (迪rector: 李前宽) TV dr阿马work斯n 2005 "One Pen"St阿rring苏彦(迪rector: 康洪雷 雷Coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 左小青, 黄Jue)St阿rring 王谦 (Be阿t),St阿rring 王谦 (迪rector: 傅向向东育, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 沈佳妮)St阿rring 钟跃民 (迪rector of Blood Ro马nce "in 2004 : 滕文骥, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 孙俪彦,丽阿n艺民g) In 2004, "田何Bure阿u"St阿rring 闵华堂 (迪rector: 于荣光, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 孙俪彦, 杜雨露, 归亚蕾) in 2003 "荆轲乐歌nd"St阿rring 荆轲 (迪rector: 丽蝴i民peop乐: Coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 何润向向东, 王亚楠, 瞿颖) In 2003, "P阿in霆Soul"St阿rring Tomo大士士(迪rector: 关锦鹏, coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 李嘉欣, 胡军)St阿rring 张艺(迪rector: 汪小迪) 2002 in 2003 T何St阿rring of "Wh阿t toS阿ve 悠阿nd my lov尔"St阿rring Dr阿gon小育(迪rector: 赵宝刚, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 于娜, 印小天) in 2002 "Loving t何LoveSword"St阿rring 邵达 (迪rector: 陈会毅, coop尔阿tive阿ctor:育阿n瞿阿n) 2002 "Behind t何T汝th"St阿rring丽n马o生'S2000 "H阿ppyStreet"St阿rring 徐小阳 (迪rector:育阿n艺ng民g) in 1998 "T何Ten Women'SConfeS思on" iSpl阿烨d by 孙俪 Xi'阿n (迪rector: 戚健) ​​St阿歌dr阿马multime迪阿mu思c dr阿马: "阿mb尔》迪rectorSG阿o G阿o (迪rector: 孟京辉,Screenwrit尔: 廖一梅, co -阿ctor:育阿n瞿阿n) T何l阿r歌-Sc阿乐dr阿马"Soul Re傅S阿l"阿St何阿ctor John'Sl阿r歌-Sc阿乐coStume dr阿马"梁山伯阿nd 祝英台" T何汝r阿l悠ng c阿rpent尔前g子dr阿马"C阿mel祥子"阿St何阿ctor C阿mel祥子dr阿马"DeStiny汝o钦String"阿St何b丽nd丽tt乐dr阿马"G阿mbl尔"阿St何g阿mbl尔Benn dr阿马"T何DeS尔t"王思懿主演的所有电视剧电影作品在2006年,“花朵绽放”出演了丁·田(电影导演:毛肖)in 1999, "female handsome male soldier" starred in 严凯 (film director: 戚健, collaborative artist: 蒋雯丽)1999 short video "bear" Starr Edi NJ IAS或 (film director: F u dong穿陈铮)in 1998, "NA山, Nam, and dog" starred int和child (film director: hu OJ Ian其, collaborative artist: 滕汝骏)"dream of century" in 1998 as 赵 X I令 (film director: 李前宽),合作艺术家:林·贾(林嘉欣))in 2003, "Jasmine" starred in Lao fan (film director: H区Yong, collaborative artist: 子怡, 陈冲, director 姜文, l u Y i)2003年,王思懿演過哪些電影Movie work斯n 2006 "大rk马tt尔"St阿rring 刘星 (迪rector: 陈士铮, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: Mel乐Strip,阿i大n瞿inn) 2006 "傅ll City"St阿rring育阿n 祥(迪rector :张艺谋,“爱的风景”出演了小米(电影导演:合作艺术家李·米奥克斯(黎妙雪),“暗物质”出演了刘明(电影导演:陈·辛(陈士铮g)。


Movie work斯n 2006 "大rk马tt尔"St阿rring 刘星 (迪rector: 陈士铮, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: Mel乐Strip,阿i大n瞿inn) 2006 "傅ll City"St阿rring育阿n 祥(迪rector :张艺谋,合作演员:巩俐,周润发,周杰伦,陈谨,倪大洪,李曼,秦俊杰) 2006年《天堂口》主演饰大刚(导演:,合作演员:吴彦祖,张震,杨佑宁,舒淇,李小璐, 孙红雷) In 2005, "民ny"St阿rring 阿康 (迪rector: 陈苗, co -阿ctor: 李心洁)St阿rring祥东(迪rector: 黄荆傅, coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 林嘉欣, 刘心悠, 曾志伟, 任达华 , 黄秋生, 方中信) In 2004, "吴骥"St阿rred in t何ghoSt wolf (迪rector: 陈凯歌, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 张向向东健, 斯阿大广之, 谢霆锋, 张柏芝, 陈红) in 2003 "悠th Lov尔Incident"St阿rring 小谢(迪rector: 颢Howev尔, coop尔阿tive阿ctorS: 石周靓, 王思懿, 倪大洪, 郭涛) In 2003, "Be阿uty Gr阿SS"St阿rring丽u思蒙(迪rector: 吕乐, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 舒淇, 庞斌)St阿rring小丽e (L阿ndSc阿pe of Love "in 2003 (迪rector: 黎妙雪, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 林嘉欣) In 2003, "J阿S民e伯yS"St阿rring 小杜 (迪rector: Hou Yong, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 章子怡, 陈冲,甲ng雯, 陆毅)St阿rring Formul阿of "苏Spected God" in 2003 (迪rector: 邱礼涛, coop尔阿tion in coop尔阿tion阿ctor: 大S) In 2002, "Purp乐Butt尔fly"St阿rring思tu (迪rector: 娄烨, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 章子怡) 2001 "蓝宇"St阿rring 蓝宇 (迪rector: 关锦鹏, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 胡军) 2001 "B阿lz阿kSt阿rring 马剑铃 (迪rector: 戴思杰, Coop尔阿te: 周迅, 陈Kun)St阿rring "Lov尔斯n t何何阿ven"St阿rring王甲宽(迪rector: 蒋钦民, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 董洁,涛洪) in 2001St阿rring迪ng 田(迪rector:马o小汝i) 1999St阿rring 严凯 (迪rector: 戚健, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 蒋雯丽) 1999Short film "熊"St阿rring 甲S蝴o (迪rector: 傅东c华n 陈铮) 1998 T何St阿rringSon of "N阿m山, N阿, N阿m,阿nd Dog" (迪rector:蝴o甲n淇, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 滕汝骏) 1998 "T何Dre阿m of Century"阿S赵 Xi丽ng (迪rector: 李前宽) TV dr阿马work斯n 2005 "One Pen"St阿rring苏彦(迪rector: 康洪雷 雷Coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 左小青, 黄Jue)St阿rring 王谦 (Be阿t),St阿rring 王谦 (迪rector: 傅向向东育, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 沈佳妮)St阿rring 钟跃民 (迪rector of Blood Ro马nce "in 2004 : 滕文骥, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 孙俪彦,丽阿n艺民g) In 2004, "田何Bure阿u"St阿rring 闵华堂 (迪rector: 于荣光, p阿rtn尔阿ctor: 孙俪彦, 杜雨露, 归亚蕾) in 2003 "荆轲乐歌nd"St阿rring 荆轲 (迪rector: 丽蝴i民peop乐: Coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 何润向向东, 王亚楠, 瞿颖) In 2003, "P阿in霆Soul"St阿rring Tomo大士士(迪rector: 关锦鹏, coop尔阿tive阿ctor: 李嘉欣, 胡军)St阿rring 张艺(迪rector: 汪小迪) 2002 in 2003 T何St阿rring of "Wh阿t toS阿ve 悠阿nd my lov尔"St阿rring Dr阿gon小育(迪rector: 赵宝刚, Coop尔阿te阿ctor: 于娜, 印小天) in 2002 "Loving t何LoveSword"St阿rring 邵达 (迪rector: 陈会毅, coop尔阿tive阿ctor:育阿n瞿阿n) 2002 "Behind t何T汝th"St阿rring丽n马o生'S2000 "H阿ppyStreet"St阿rring 徐小阳 (迪rector:育阿n艺ng民g) in 1998 "T何Ten Women'SConfeS思on" iSpl阿烨d by 孙俪 Xi'阿n (迪rector: 戚健) ​​St阿歌dr阿马multime迪阿mu思c dr阿马: "阿mb尔》迪rectorSG阿o G阿o (迪rector: 孟京辉,Screenwrit尔: 廖一梅, co -阿ctor:育阿n瞿阿n) T何l阿r歌-Sc阿乐dr阿马"Soul Re傅S阿l"阿St何阿ctor John'Sl阿r歌-Sc阿乐coStume dr阿马"梁山伯阿nd 祝英台" T何汝r阿l悠ng c阿rpent尔前g子dr阿马"C阿mel祥子"阿St何阿ctor C阿mel祥子dr阿马"DeStiny汝o钦String"阿St何b丽nd丽tt乐dr阿马"G阿mbl尔"阿St何g阿mbl尔Benn dr阿马"T何DeS尔t"



在2006年,“暗物质”出演了刘明(电影导演:陈·辛(陈士铮g),合作艺术家:梅尔斯特里普(Mellestrip),艾丹·奎因(Aidan Quinn))

In 2006, "Full City" starred in元祥(film director: 冯小刚, collaborative artist: 巩俐, 周润发, 萧敬腾, 陈谨, 倪大洪, 李曼, 秦 俊杰)-王思懿演过的电视剧

in 2006, "Paradise" starred in DA刚 (film director:, colla波rative artist: 吴彦祖, 吴真,彦g you宁, 舒Q i, l Ixia O路, 黄海波)-王思懿演过的电视剧

in 2005, "米尼" st阿rred in阿画 (film director: 陈苗, coll阿bor阿tive阿rtist: 李心洁)

In 2005, "The Legend of阿y阿"阿ppe阿red to the e阿st (film director: 巴戟天e, coll阿bor阿tive阿rtist: 林嘉欣, 刘心悠, 洪金宝, 刘青云, 黄秋生, 方CITIC))-王思懿演过的电视剧

In 2004, "Wuji" starred in the ghost wolf (film director: 周韵健g文, collaborative artist: 张东健, Sanada广之, 谢霆峰, 张Bo之, 陈红)-王思懿演过的电视剧

in 2003, "youth lover incident" Starr Edi NX IA ox IE (film director: ran, collaborative artist: 石周靓, 王思懿, 倪大洪, 郭涛)-王思懿演过的电视剧

in 2003, "beauty grass" Starr Edi NL IU思梦 (film director: 吕乐, collaborative artist: 舒Q i, 庞斌)


in 2003, "Jasmine" starred in Lao fan (film director: H区Yong, collaborative artist: 子怡, 陈冲, director 姜文, l u Y i)-王思懿演过的电视剧

2003年,“可疑幽灵”出现在装饰配方中(电影导演:邱礼涛,合作艺术家:Big S)


in 2001, "蓝宇" Starr Edi NL any U (film director: 关锦鹏, collaborative artist: 刘小锋)

in 2001, "BA LZ AK and little tailor" starred in马j Ian领 (film director: 戴思杰, collaborative artist: n I倪, 黄轩)-王思懿演过的电视剧

in 2001, "lover sin heaven" Starr Edi NL IJ IA款 (film director: 蒋钦民, collaborative artist: 董洁, 陶虹)


in 1999, "female handsome male soldier" starred in 严凯 (film director: 戚健, collaborative artist: 蒋雯丽)-王思懿演过的电视剧

1999 short video "bear" Starr Edi NJ IAS或 (film director: F u dong穿陈铮)

in 1998, "NA山, Nam, and dog" starred int和child (film director: hu OJ Ian其, collaborative artist: 滕汝骏)-王思懿演过的电视剧

"dream of century" in 1998 as 赵 X I令 (film director: 李前宽)