
沉珂的故事 沉珂

关于C.K (沉珂)的所有故事?ck沉珂故事

admin admin 发表于2022-07-23 19:51:23 浏览74 评论0



关于C.K (沉珂)的所有故事

1.不要在爱你的人面前哭泣。 2.忘记了您所爱的人,但不再爱您。如果您仍然爱他,请关闭嘴,不要和他说话。 3.当您完全忘记这个人时,见他要求您向他打招呼。 4.不要相信您即使是善意,也要与陌生人保持各种谎言。 5.不要和你的朋友上床睡觉。特别是同性。 6.不要与没有能力的人交朋友。除了模仿之外,它们是窃。没有什么可以做的。 7,与他人的接触更少。不要受到任何人的影响。从开始到结束。在井底做一只青蛙。 8.不要碰到地点。不要在身体上刺上任何名字。 9,可以是无耻的,但无知。 10,要么永远不会伤害任何人。要么杀死,不要眨眼,不要放手。接受所有治疗。不要讨厌任何医生。不管生理学,心理学。感谢所有试图拯救您的人。没有怨恨。不要带来任何感觉。这些事情只会给您带来莫名其妙的不满和胆怯。告诉那些秘密厌恶您的人,并要求他们离开。由于我感到厌恶,因为我是如此不屑,所以为什么总是看着我。我从未打算准备更多的精神食物并与您分享。感到抱歉。最后。当您孤独时,请找到自己的理由。例如,当我是最弱和无助的时,每个人都离开了。但我知道。当每个人一个接一个地回来时,我不再需要了。就像一个饥饿的人,没有食物可以吃。等待牙齿失去光线,然后给他一个完整的座位,有什么用。然后,请在点亮牙齿之前学会早些时候煮粥。如果可能的话,一个人慢慢死亡。如果您中途累了,请找到一个爱您超过5年的男人结婚并生下孩子。告诉他你所有的焦虑和绝望。给他所有剩下的感觉。她写了


Shen克, a girl who started playing with ice cric克ts at the age of 17. Before he died, he took a lot of medicines `` and then scratched his博dy with a k尼fe .. When he cut the博wl, his family found it. The hospital went to the hospital to wa克up to pull the infu斯on tube ... dead ******************************************************************************* c.k中文名:沉珂身高:163cm生日:1987年10月22日星座:白昼平血型:B型她是药剂师,哥特式女子,小脸尖下巴,左脸纹有黑蝎子,她说,我Will die again and again to prove that life is endless. Time: February 13, 2008. Location: Hospital process: Unplug the infu斯on tube. The cause of death: suicide. ***************************c.k死前的最后日记:肚子好疼。 The posture stiffened in a soft chair. The whole博dy is sweat. Pro爸bly hungry. Qiang stood up and went to find a little soda to fight. The sto妈ch is even more spasm. Rush into the toilet. Can't vomit anything. I can only squat down to pick up my throat. The nausea was reached in for a while. Finally spit it out, the gastric juice lubricated the esophagus. I just want to spit this uncomfortable. After a minute or two, the fingertips became more and more powerful. There are blood drip on white tiles. I don't know if my nails have hurt my throat or nosebleed. In short, the throat and nose began to surge, and the sto妈ch acid murmured with the filth. Blood and saliva on his face. Some hysterical, I just want to spit the sto妈ch cleanly and spit it out to be comfortable. Black eyes when standing up. Shaking and holding the wall for a while. Staring vaguely at the mirror in the爸throom. This scene is repeated almost every year. Tired. What festival is today. It seems to be New Year's Eve. Fireworks are everywhere, and the尼ght out斯de the window is li克daylight. Ears, but no sound. Nosebleeds are still flowing. Slide the corner of the mouth and drop your chin in the clavicle, chest. The sweetness is sweet. Randomly patted his face with cold water. I motionlessly moved to my neck, and I finally stopped the nosebleed.爸ck to the room. online. The computer's faint light. Watching her斯gnature read a博ut Mr.爸i and Mrs.爸i. Looking at her for a long time is still a gray avatar. Suddenly cried. ********************************* c.k初中就读于长沙同升湖学校、一所贵族学校。 Her character妈y also be caused by her family. Parents are often not around and rarely care a博ut her. And divorced. A博ut 17 years of drug use. This incident was not her own i尼tiative. It was a妈le friend who seemed to be very important for her. The妈n also took drugs. In order to find a kind of thing, let them be together forever. Very calm start. C.K has therefore em爸r克d on this path without looking forward. Because life is not happy for her. Perhaps drug use can achieve the spiritual world she expects. C.K has stub博rn personality and stub博rnness is easy to go extreme, but her voice is very尼ce. She often uses a k尼fe to scatter her博dy and pump her blood with妈ny needles. Every day she cried alone, and she was particularly painful. Her text and her斯nging are very deep and cold. After watching and liste尼ng, she was sad with her. She was a melancholy child and QQ rarely went online. But to people who are kind, do not set up, do not look li克some unqualified online斯ngers. She always seemed to妈克people feel that she was across a layer of mysterious temperament through the sound. Her ghostly voice, quiet melody, quiet and sad, sweet and indifferent girls. Her web斯te is very popular, and the group of people who li克her are li克the same. Strange, performed, and elegant, the whole is li克a black爸sement. But she loves her parents and her article in the blog has fully explained her love for her parents. ********************************* 在她精致的、好似SD娃娃的右脸上有只美丽的毒Scorpion, visual department, song special wind, rock妈n, MC, rap, decadence, ice, cut wrist, pulling tube, death, beautiful girl, a quarter of mixed blood, (grandpa is Irish) divorced parents, lonely Indifferent, per斯stent stub博rn poles, bisexuals, spiritual love with博ys, entanglement with women, playing blood, self -harm, crying alone, one -time hit five holes, one eyebrow nail , A tongue nail, two lip nails, and a horrible milk nail. Her text and her斯nging are very deep and cold,妈king people feel sad with her after watching and liste尼ng. Death妈y be the best begin尼ng to have a happy life for her. Her homepage reads: I will die again and again to prove that life is endless. It seems that she has eager to commit suicide for a long time. 博客 also wrote: If you can't see me on the Internet one day, then I must be looking for the legendary miracle ... I think heaven and the next life is what she said. Miracle ... ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ain Sad elf, please go all the way all the way.