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Liana一、含义:n. 藤蔓植物=liane.中文音译丽埃娜,liam一、含义:n. 利亚姆(人名),藤:某些蔓生或缠绕植物的茎,二、用法名字含义Liana [liana] 作为女孩的名字发音为lee-AHN-ah,“藤“的英文怎么写藤bine[bain]n.蔓, 藤binebineAHD:[bºn] D.J.[ba!n]K.K.[ba!n]n.(名词)The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.蔓,名字印象是对人友好,mila和liana那个英文名用的人多liana,拐棍和家俱Work made of the stems of these palms.藤制品:用这些藤茎制成的作品A switch or cane made from these palms.藤棍:用这种藤茎制成的开关或拐杖Malay r½n perhaps from raut [to pare or trim for use] 马来语 r½n 可能源自 raut [削或修剪使能用于] rattan[rE5tAn]n.藤条[杖]rattan rope藤索rattanrat.tanAHD:[r²-t²n“, r…-] D.J.[r#6t#n, r*-]K.K.[r#6t#n, r*-]n.Any of various climbing palms of the generaCalamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems. The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.Work made of the stems of these palms.A switch or cane made from these palms.Malay r½n perhaps from raut [to pare or trim for use] vine[vain]n.葡萄树, 蔓生植物(如甜瓜), 攀缘植物(如豌豆,蛇麻草), 藤, 蔓vinevineAHD:[vºn] D.J.[va!n]K.K.[va!n]n.(名词)A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.藤本植物。


藤bine[bain]n.蔓, 藤binebineAHD:[bºn] D.J.[ba!n]K.K.[ba!n]n.(名词)The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.蔓,藤:某些蔓生或缠绕植物的茎,如啤酒花、紫茎忍冬或旋花Alteration of bind [vine] bind的变化[攀爬植物] bine[bain]n.(爬藤或攀生植物的)蔓, 葛, 茎啤酒花茎binebineAHD:[bºn] D.J.[ba!n]K.K.[ba!n]n.The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.Alteration of bind [vine] ratan[rA5tAn]n.(=rattan) 藤, 藤茎RATAN=Radar and Television Aid to Navigation 雷达和电视导航设备ratan[rA5tAn]n.=rattanRATAN=Radar and Television Aid to Navigation 雷达和电视导航设备rattan[rE5tAn]n.藤杖, 藤条rattanrat.tanAHD:[r²-t²n“, r…-] D.J.[r#6t#n, r*-]K.K.[r#6t#n, r*-]n.(名词)Any of various climbing palms of the generaCalamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems. 藤,省藤:属于省藤 属或 白藤 属的热带亚洲的爬山虎类植物中的任意一种,茎细长而硬朗 The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.白藤茎:这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱Work made of the stems of these palms.藤制品:用这些藤茎制成的作品A switch or cane made from these palms.藤棍:用这种藤茎制成的开关或拐杖Malay r½n perhaps from raut [to pare or trim for use] 马来语 r½n 可能源自 raut [削或修剪使能用于] rattan[rE5tAn]n.藤条[杖]rattan rope藤索rattanrat.tanAHD:[r²-t²n“, r…-] D.J.[r#6t#n, r*-]K.K.[r#6t#n, r*-]n.Any of various climbing palms of the generaCalamus, Daemonorops, or Plectomia of tropical Asia, having long, tough, slender stems. The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.Work made of the stems of these palms.A switch or cane made from these palms.Malay r½n perhaps from raut [to pare or trim for use] vine[vain]n.葡萄树, 蔓生植物(如甜瓜), 攀缘植物(如豌豆,蛇麻草), 藤, 蔓vinevineAHD:[vºn] D.J.[va!n]K.K.[va!n]n.(名词)A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.藤本植物,蔓藤:一种茎杆弱小的植物,依靠沿表面爬升、缠绕或蔓生来获取依附The stem of such a plant.这种植物的茎A grapevine.葡萄藤Grapevines considered as a group:葡萄藤总称:products of the vine.葡萄藤的产物v.intr.(不及物动词)vined,vin.ing,vines To form or develop like a vine.形成或长成藤蔓:形成藤蔓或象藤一样生长Middle English 中古英语 from Old French vigne 源自 古法语 vigne from Latin vºa [from feminine of] vºneus [of wine] 源自 拉丁语 vºa 源自vºneus的阴性词 [酒的] from vºm [wine] 源自 vºm [酒] vine[vain]n.(=[美] grape-vine)葡萄树有蔓植物, 藤vine borer葡萄树上的钻蛀虫vine[vain]vi.形成[长成]蔓藤vine-cladadj.藤盖的vinedresser[`vaIn9dresE(r)]n.修剪或栽培葡萄的人vinestockn.藤本植物的砧木vineyard[5vInjB:d]n.葡萄园高尚的精神活动的范围vinelet[`vaInlIt]n.藤蔓植物的幼苗a clinging vine完全依赖男子的孤苦女人die [wither] on the vine(计划等)夭折under one’s vine and fig-tree安居于自己的家园, 平安在家(来自《圣经》)alamo vine美国牵牛花Amur grape vine山葡萄, 黑龙江葡萄climbing vine攀缘藤本grape vine葡萄藤hop vine啤酒花藤Matrimony vine枸杞; 滨藜叶枸杞thunder god vine雷公藤vinevineAHD:[vºn] D.J.[va!n]K.K.[va!n]n.A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.The stem of such a plant.A grapevine.Grapevines considered as a group:products of the vine.v.intr.vined,vin.ing,vines To form or develop like a vine.Middle English from Old French vigne from Latin vºa [from feminine of] vºneus [of wine] from vºm [wine]





n. 利亚姆(人名),其他音译:李安。


利亚姆作为男孩的名字发音为LEE-am。它是古德语起源,利亚姆的意思是“确定的保护者”。爱尔兰盖尔形式的威廉。演员利亚姆Neeson。 爱尔兰短格式的WILLIAM。


Liam told me you had the reward.






n. 藤蔓植物=liane.中文音译丽埃娜。


名字含义Liana [liana] 作为女孩的名字发音为lee-AHN-ah。它是法国人的,Liana的意思是“缠绕”。热带雨林常见的藤的名称。也是简称Liliana和Juliana,或Eliana的变种。-liana


The author has also studied the liana of major vegetation types.


