在所有支持光学防抖拍摄的800万像素卡片相机中,佳能A650 IS使用的是一枚6倍光学变焦IS光学防抖镜头,同时配备一枚3.7倍光学变焦IS光学防抖镜头,一种是全手动支持的a720 尼康s51 1、800万像素、3倍光学变焦尼克尔镜头、3英寸23万像素LCD 2、尼康S51的降价幅度并不算大,佳能720 1、800万像素、6倍光学变焦佳能镜头、2.5英寸11.5万像素LCD 2、一提到家用相机,一是不支持光学防抖拍摄,佳能IXUS 960 IS不光拥有1200万的高像素,集大变焦能力、齐备的手动曝光、IS光学防抖拍摄和1cm微距拍摄能力于一身。
个人建议和观点供你参考:其实这个问题很难有个没有争议的答案.消费级DC产品上,佳能第一,索尼第二,尼康第三.单反产品上,佳能第一,尼康第二, 索尼 Third. Canon A2000IS, (Canon A2000IS has 6 times optical zoom), Canon Ixus80, 85, 870, 980IS, 索尼 W50, W170, W300, 尼康 S710, of which Canon 870 and 索尼 W170, 尼康 S710 have 28mm wide -angle wide -angle angle wide -angle The price is around 1300-2300 yuan. It is a card machine using a telescopic lens. The imaging effect is better than the card machine with a subtained lens (such as the 索尼 T series camera). The cost of cost is relatively high. Canon A2000IS, Canon IXUS80, 85, 870IS, 索尼 W50, W170 is a fully automatic camera. In actual shooting, for various complex and changeable shooting environments, it is impossible Accurate exposure can only cope with various complex and changeable shooting environments through various shooting modes in the machine, especially when the light is poor, especially when shooting尼ght scenes, the imaging effect will not be ideal, but but but The general home is fully capable. Among them, 索尼 W300, Canon Ixus980IS, 尼康 S710 have better performance, the most important advantage is that the CCD size of the photosensitive chip is relatively large, which is a博ut 1/1.7 inches. Numbers can truly bring higher quality imaging effects. In addition to a variety of shooting modes in the machine pre -form, it has more comprehensive manual shooting functions. When shooting, you can integrate more effects you want, the fun of shooting, the fun of shooting. The space will be greater, especially when shooting pure尼ght view photos, after manually adjusting the parameters of exposure, aperture, ISO and other parameters, the effect of the photo screen is clear and clean. , W170 The imaging effect of the so-called program mode (commonly known as the fool mode) of the W170 is not comparable to the imaging effect of the camera. Canon A590IS, A650IS, A720IS, the price is around 1200-2000 The advantage is like 索尼 W300, Canon Ixus980is, 尼康 S710, has a comprehensive manual shooting function. Among them, the Canon A650IS is better. A博ut 12 million high image can truly bring higher quality imaging effects. 索尼 H series, Canon 博show series telephoto machine, the price is a博ut 1800-3000 yuan, and the high mag尼fication optical zoom of more than 10 times or more. The focal length covers a large face, and basically you can walk the world in one mirror. The comprehensive manual shooting function can also be integrated into the effect you want when shooting. , The fun and space of shooting will be greater, but the volume is relatively large. Pay attention to the appearance of the 索尼 T series, the price is a博ut 1400-2400 yuan, exquisite and stylish, if you focus (Such as the 索尼 T series) full -automatic card machine, the actual imaging effect of such cameras is not ideal when the light is poor, especially when shooting尼ght scenes. Several new models launched by Canon, such as Canon 95, 100 110, 950, 990IS and Canon IXUS80, 85, 90, 860, 870, 970IS models, 索尼 newly launched several models such as 索尼 T90, T900, W210, W220, W290, 索尼 T series, W series old old On the model, the main imaging device photoretically sensor chip CCD size is almost the same, all a博ut 1/2.3 inches. Although some of the millions of pixels are improved, the actual imaging effect has no large substantial difference. Basically, basically the basics. Basically It is the same type and the same -grade model. It is a fully automatic camera. It belongs to the new博ttle of old wine. There is no prominent function. It only has a fancy function that has no effect on improving the imaging effect. At present, the price is comparative. Buying a camera is the same as buying a computer. It is best for you to use it. You can check the information on the Internet according to your own price and love.
4、2.8寸lcd取景器,23万像素,带防反射涂层的 TFT LCD 显示屏。
6、短片拍摄:30fps的电视短片 (640);30fps 的小短片 (320);15fps 的超小短片 (160)。
7、供电方面:AA电池*2、氢氧或锂电池,2枚 EN-MH1 可充电镍氢电池(另购)。
2、一提到家用相机,大家肯定都会想到佳能A系列产品,而这也是佳能A720 IS的热销原因之一,毕竟是出身名门嘛,光是前辈们打造出的光环就够耀眼的啦。而除了品牌号召力的优势之外,佳能A720 IS在2008上半年之所以能够持续热销的最根本原因,不仅在于它在半年内出现了近400元的降价,更在于它那齐备而强悍的拍摄功能。
3、可以说,除了LCD品质略低之外,A720 IS几乎没有任何缺陷,集大变焦能力、齐备的手动曝光、IS光学防抖拍摄和1cm微距拍摄能力于一身。在松下LZ8没有上市之前,在2000元以下的800万像素相机中,就各种拍摄性能来说,绝对没有任何一款产品能够像佳能A720 IS那样齐备。
三、我推荐的一款是2008年1月份推出的,佳能IXUS80 IS,北京的售价在1900以内。
1、80是卡片机人气王IXUS 70的功能升级版,造型优雅简约,从使用者的反应来看,拍摄的手感还是不错的。
2、传感器尺寸 1/1.72英寸 ,3.5倍光学变焦,最大光圈在F2.7,23万像素TFT LCD。8-1/2000秒的快门速度。
1、A650 IS搭载了一块1/1.7英寸、1210万像素的CCD感光元件,同时配备了DIGIC III数字影像处理器,带来了高速度、低功耗的性能提升,并支持面部识别对焦功能,而支持IS光学防抖技术。
2、在镜头方面,佳能A650 IS使用的是一枚6倍光学变焦IS光学防抖镜头,这一点改动较大,镜头实际等效焦距为35-210mm,最大光圈F2.8-4.8,最近对焦距离为1cm。
3、A650 IS机身后面配备了一块2.5英寸、17.3万像素可旋转LCD液晶显示屏,同时依然保留了光学实像取景器。佳能A650 IS和SX100 IS支持全手动曝光操作,在测光方式上支持评价测光、中央重点平均测光、点测光三种方式。
4、佳能A650 IS支持从ISO80到ISO1600的手动设定,在动态拍摄方面存储格式可以达到640 x 480、30帧每秒。佳能PowerShot A650 IS依然使用SD、SDHC、MMC作为存储介质,机身没有提供内置存储,电池使用四节AA五号电池,三围体积为:112.1×67.8×56.2毫米,重量为300克。
5、作为佳能A系列的旗舰机型,A650 IS更像是之前A6XX和A7XX系列的结合体。不但拥有1200万的高像素、旋转屏幕,同时还具备了6倍光变的IS防抖镜头。搭载了DIGIC III之的A650 IS在各方面都拥有出色的表现。
1、作为卡片机中的高端产品,佳能IXUS 960 IS不光拥有1200万的高像素,以及光学防抖功能,还使用了钛这个当今最为时尚的金属,作为机身外壳的主要材质。
2、佳能IXUS 960 IS这次使用了一块1/1.7英寸、1210万像素CCD传感器,同时配备一枚3.7倍光学变焦IS光学防抖镜头。与IXUS 950 IS一样,IXUS 960 IS依然没有配备广角镜头,这枚镜头的实际等效焦距为36-133mm,最大光圈F2.8-5.8,最近对焦距离为5cm。另外IXUS 960 IS还保留了光学实像取景器,对于一些光线强烈环境下的正常取景还是相当有帮助的。
3、佳能IXUS 960 IS提供了9点人工智能自动对焦、面部优先、中央单点自动对焦三种,同时支持评价测光、中央重点平均测光以及点测光。
4、IXUS 960 IS作为佳能IXUS系列相机的新一代的旗舰机型,拥有不俗的性能配置。全套下来会花掉你2600到2700左右。