
中兴v880和u880 u880 v880


admin admin 发表于2022-08-11 07:56:14 浏览132 评论0


尽管V880很小,则可以选择U880进行普通游戏,小U的CPU电力太多,小V赢了,而小V赢了,小V赢了,许多游戏和程序兼容性不是很好,U880 CPU频率比V880高600m。


Pay attention to the V880 for a long time, but then the U880 came out. I was the mobile number, and I entered the U880. It ’s 2 months. The screen is the same, and its workmanship is still good. To be honest, it is much better than NOKIA I used to work before. The CPU is a little bit. Some 3D games are not well supported. They need to be installed separately. This is more tangled, but the memory of the U880 is 512M (V880 licensed is 256, European version of parallel imports 512M), which is quite cool; ROM刷机,要是3个月前,U880的rom确实很少,但现在已经很成熟了,各种rom都很丰富,V880就更不消说;4,选择的关键还是你的运营商,如果是移动, Naturally, it is U880. After all, there are TD3G and mobile TV (although I rarely use these two functions, but I still feel better than nothing), there are many places to save U880; What is the price of parallel imports in European version? If the price of parallel imports is good, it is a good choice), WCDMA is still very useful. In general, the performance of the two is close (especially for friends who do not play games). The appearance is the same. The key is the mobile phone number ... If you have any questions, welcome to continue discussions.


看看您喜欢的地方,U880移动V880 UNICOM(但Unicom Mobile只能使用定制机器)U880车身内存高于V880,程序流利度优于V880,并且响应速度也为500万像素,V8.803亿,V8.803亿,V8.803亿v8.803亿v88.80亿v8803亿,以及V8.803亿。如果您只致电发送短信和聊天,则可以选择U880进行普通游戏。如果选择游戏,则选择V880。尽管V880很小,但CPU高于U880。支持的游戏超过U880。偏爱决定


U880是一台移动自定义3G机器。许多地方可以在许多地方发送U880。价格更具成本效益。 V880是Unicom自定义机器。 U880 CPU频率比V880高600m。 U880的内存为512m,V880为256m。 1.屏幕比较:V880“ U880,它并不比知道它更好。可以看出,小U的屏幕显然是淡黄色的,颜色不如小V,而小V赢了。2。系统流利性比较:U880“ V880,RAM无法决定Little V的RAM太小。即使我打开交换,性能也不像u那样小,您的胜利很小。 3.游戏兼容性比较:V880“ U880,小U的CPU无语,高频和低能,框架太老了,许多游戏和程序兼容性不是很好,小V赢了。4。待机时间。4。待机时间比较:V880“ U880,在正常使用下,小V基本上可以使用两天,而小U在一天之内结束。小U的CPU电力太多,备用功耗非常严重。经常电力,但我没有尝试过,效果是未知的。小V获胜。 5.加热比较:V880“ U880,小U热 - up太严重,玩游戏,充电,打电话非常热,仍然应该是高CPU主要频率的原因。相反,Little V Wins wins很大。6.DIY比较:V880“ U880,Small V有许多可用的ROM,尤其是2.3系统,小U不好,没有2.3系统可用,小V赢了。 7.音乐外包器的比较:U880“ V880,小V的最大音量很明显,您更好,您赢了。8。视频能力比较:U880“ V880,小型u的视频解码更好,小你赢了。 9.全面的表演比较:每日休闲娱乐,视频访问,小于小V;每日游戏,DIY闪烁,小V获胜。-v880