
电饭锅做蛋糕的方法 饭煲 电饭煲


admin admin 发表于2022-08-27 05:00:26 浏览95 评论0



制作家庭米饭蛋糕的方法是:原材料:“最好的是低谷子面粉” 3个鸡蛋,盐和油,当然,您还需要一个米饭(最好是350W)茄子,您可以使用筷子,请记住均匀地停止它。方法:1将三个鸡蛋的蛋清和蛋黄分开。 2个骨骼粉和1勺糖在蛋黄中加入3个牛奶和7个汤匙。几滴颜色拉油4混合蛋黄。 5蛋清应放在一碗清洁和无油的锅中,无油(非常重要,否则不能张贴)。首先使用蛋酒几次。泡沫后,将少许盐放入蛋清(帮助通过),然后击中蛋清。顺时针顺时针方向,将糖放在两次,直到清除鸡蛋直到清除鸡蛋骨盆为止。在里面,蛋清无法流动。它看起来类似于外面出售的蛋糕上的奶油。 (请勿在中间,连续将其放置很长时间)鸡蛋低语到这种方式!相交,但这是制作蛋糕6混合蛋黄糊和蛋白质糊的关键。首先将蛋白质的三分之一混合到蛋黄中,使用塑料铲(类型的米饭),上下搅拌,不要画圆(防止面粉抬高肌肉),然后倒入蛋白质糊中并搅拌上下,并将其混合三遍。 7预先加热米饭,在预热的米粉中加入一点油,以防止粘在锅上。 (按空米炊具,按加热键,然后等待预热)。添加材料后,按加热,然后在跳后不要按。注意:米炊具的功率越大,隔热时间越短。 8.将毛孔盖在米炊具的盖子上40分钟(对于350W米饭)。 9.取出倒置的扣子,冷却。


Many people often like to eat noodles and other desserts, and they often go to the cake rooms outside to buy, but in some cases, I feel that the birthday cakes made outside are not so clean, so I want to make cakes by myself. Below, everyone has a lot of time in emptiness. Why not learn to use electricity rice cookers to make cakes at home. The method is very simple. Let's look at it. 电饭煲做蛋糕的简单做法:原材料主要材料:4个生鸡蛋(鸡蛋黄和鸡蛋清分离),4勺白砂糖,3勺出头的小麦面粉,6勺牛乳,调味品:盐适量,油适当, Auxiliary equipment: a general white glaze spoon, 3 wooden chopsticks,  1. Use 3 chopsticks to fight egg white, and soon you can get foam plastic (to highlight the sweetness, you can put a little salt), put a spoonful of sugar, and put a spoonful of sugar. Always fight and keep playing, put a spoonful of sugar when there is a little thick, and then play again ... about 15 minutes will become fresh cream -like, it is not easy to fall down on the wooden chopsticks. This full process is more important. You can't stop a bit painful. 2 egg yolks Put a teaspoon of sugar, 3 spoons of wheat flour, 6 spoons of beef milk and 3 pour into half of fresh creamy egg white, mix (mix left and right, instead of rotation) 4 Pour evenly and pour it evenly Enter the other half of the fresh cream -shaped egg white and mix with the left and right 5 rice cookers and hold the rice cooker to heat for 1 minute. The pot is a bit hot. Pour a small amount of oil and evenly apply it in the pan to prevent the sticky pot from pouring into the stable and good things. , Squat into the pot, shock the steam to hold out 7 and hold the cooking key. After 2 minutes, it will be automatically jump to the thermal insulation file. After cooking keys, it will be OK after 20 minutes (coated with oil in the pot, you can pour it out at the bottom of the bottom, the bottom color is deep)  Tips for all the whole process, you should not touch a drop of water, wipe the container!

