
买iphone7的人没脑子 深度


admin admin 发表于2022-08-17 10:06:59 浏览122 评论0



不买iPhone7的理由一:加“量”也涨价之前有媒体曝光iPhone7加“量”不加价,32G起步,国行售价还是5288起,但是现实却告诉我们,这个消息有误,不仅加The quantity also increases the price. Compared with the average increase of 200 yuan from 6S last year, the average increase in iPhone7 Plus was 300 yuan. The increase in memory, the price of Apple has risen! Is it really a good deal to buy like this? If the price of the iPhone7 in Hong Kong has risen in the global price, I expressed acceptance, after all, everyone is equal. But there is no price increase in other places! Compared with the price of Hong Kong iPhone7 compared with 6S last year, the iPhone6s of the Hong Kong Beggar Edition (16G) last year is priced at 5588 Hong Kong dollars. Is it easy to make money? Reasons for not buying iPhone7: Bright black version has added a new color every year from 128G to become a big magic weapon for Apple Circle, but can you not do such power? Because bright black is a new color, it will be sold from 128g. Apple really falls into the eyes of the money. As long as you make money, someone will buy it. The bright black version iPhone7 wants to say that "routine" is deep. Apple plays the most real, just such a color threshold, and it can easily make 800 yuan in everyone's hands. This year's routine is good, and you can continue to use it next year. "Daddy", I really only admire Apple. Reason for not buying iPhone7: No fast charging nor equipped with wireless charging. Cook tells us that Apple Watch2 supports wireless charging, AirPods wireless headset supports wireless charging iPhone7 is not equipped for you, why? Because "we" Apple has this technology, "We" wants to put it on the new iPhone next year, so that there will be another selling point in the new machine next year, and it can also make a wave of waves. The iPhone (concept map) supports wireless charging! Feeling a "old blood" is about to spray on the screen. In addition, according to the official website, the iPhone7 is still equipped with a 5V 1A charger, which is not equipped with a general fast charging today. If Apple is so "play", there is no need to buy new iPhone molds next year. Anyway, add a few new features, and there will be a group of people to pay for it. Don't make money too much. Reasons for not buying iPhone7: If you ca n’t charge the song while charging, it ’s normal to listen to the song while charging, but you have to buy iPhone7 and tell you that a“ good news ”will be charged later. Can't listen to songs, unless you spend more money to buy Bluetooth headsets! The headset do you want to buy an official one? Please refer to the AirPods wireless headset. The headset supports wireless charging, but the price is 1288 yuan RMB, and local tyrants can buy one. AirPods wireless headsets but want to buy AirPods wireless headphones, and there is no goods to replenish you in time. You must wait until late October to be sold, and the headset is charged only for 5 hours at a time. Seeing the content of the official website, I said that I was a bit tired. Don't ask me why, I need to move the power. Reasons for not buying iPhone7 5: The unchanged screen resolution of three years last year's iPhone6s display is better than the iPhone6 ​​in the previous year. This year's iPhone7 display is better than last year's iPhone6s, but in terms of resolution, the three generations of products have not changed at all at all. The resolution of 4.7 inches is still 1334 × 750, 5.5 inches resolution is still 1920 × 1080. In fact, in terms of resolution, the 1920 × 1080 experience is quite good, but why did the 4.7 -inch version improve? The resolution of the two versions of the iPhone7 said that Apple is to save power to the 4.7 -inch version. In fact, I think this is Apple's money -saving method, because this does not need to be equipped with higher -capacity batteries for the 4.7 -inch version. Summary of Apple's iPhone7 this year still has not much surprise. Most of the previous exposure information has been exposed. It is still weak in innovation. The scheme of squeezing toothpaste is used again, which can not help but look forward to disappointment of fruit powder again. However, Apple can rest assured that a large number of people will buy even if they are disappointed, because such a "routine" is very practical in China. I believe that Cook can play in the "back garden" tonight. Reference link: http://www.gamersky.com/handbook/201609/805822.shtml I hope to help you

会买iPhone 7的只有这五类人,你属于哪一类

中国农业银行的信用卡用户可以在中国农业银行用户排除Apple Store在线商店申请分期付款服务。该银行将根据客户申请验证和批准。分期付款费率相对有利。有关详细信息,请登录到Apple Store验证率。实际付款金额主要基于银行账单。


原因如下:1。Apple 7并不明显,然后揭示了一些质量问题2。苹果无法解决电池和信号的弱点3。国内手机的进度确实非常快,这对所有人来说都是显而易见的。4。消费者概念的更改:手机是一种工具。