
手机上网速度慢怎么解决 手机 手机网


admin admin 发表于2022-08-30 00:37:22 浏览105 评论0



If you use a vivo mobile phone, you can refer to the following processing methods at a slow access to the Internet: 1. Slow inspection method of connected WiFi Internet speed: 1. Enter settings-application and permissions ”选择“显示系统进程”)--找到WLAN--点击存储,选择清除数据和缓存,再重新连接WiFi试试(部分机型进入设置--更多设置--应用程序--全部--找到WLAN); 2. Check or reset the settings of the wireless router, wired broadband or replace a new wireless router to try, at the same time (at the same time WiFi's network speed is related to the distance from the router, the bandwidth of the broadband and the number of connections is related); 3. 3. Enter the settings-system upgrade, some iQOO (Monster) UI version/FUNTouch OS9.2 models need to enter the settings-my device-iQoo (Monster) UI version/FunTouch OS version, detect and update the system; 4. Enter to enter Mobile phone settings-system management/more settings-backup and reset/restoration of factory settings-restore all settings to see, this operation will cause the third-party software account to log in Photos, videos and other files, please confirm that it does not affect the use of certain third -party software before reducing all settings. Avoid data loss caused by abnormal operations, it is recommended to backup the important data of the mobile phone first. ; 2. Use the data network to access the Internet. In the closed room and surrounded by high buildings, poor network signal coverage and other environments); 2. Switch to 4G network use; 3. It is recommended to replace other resources to download and try Observations for using data networks with different software networks. Third, the use of 5G online download speed is slow, it may be due to: 1. The resource of a single software itself is unstable, such as: the software server is unstable, it is recommended that you change the time period to try; It is caused by exceeding the standard, or comparison with the 5G card around you; the 3 and 5G networks are currently in the construction stage. The operator may have some restrictions on the network speed of the mobile phone registered to 5G base stations at the same time; 4. The operator may be right. The optimization and adjustment of the 5G base station may affect network stability during the period; 5. The current 5G network is under construction. Although the 5G signal is displayed in some areas, the network itself is not very stable. It is recommended that you replace the time or environment. If the above methods have not improved, you can bring your mobile phone and effective purchase voucher to the service center for testing and processing. The reception is over again to avoid dela议ng valuable time.


华为的许多手机相对易于使用,例如Mate9,Mate10,Honor V10,Honor 9,P10Plus等。这些型号是华为旗舰机。


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