
空战雄鹰 l t

谁玩过AirForce Deltastar strike delta?ps2飞行游戏

admin admin 发表于2022-09-01 06:22:27 浏览167 评论0



谁玩过AirForce Deltastar strike delta

Air Force Delta Strike(空战雄鹰:袭击)
Jetfighter V: Homeland Protector(喷气战斗机5:家园保卫者)
Lethal Skies II(致命天空2)
Lock On: Modern Air Combat(锁定:现代空战)
Falcon 4.0(战隼4.0)
Jane;s F/A-18
Ace Combat IV: Shattered Skies(皇牌空战4:破碎的天空)


空战雄鹰Airforce Delta (空中三角力量)
零(The Zero)
壮志凌云之战斗地带(Top Gun Combat Zones)

也来求个小时候的游戏吧 横板飞行射击类

怪怪水族箱 休闲类的吧,可以养很多的鱼和不同功能的鱼,一定时间会放出章鱼、鲨鱼、机器人一类的怪兽杀玩家的鱼。攒够一定金币可以买蛋,买几次后攒齐蛋后过关 不是来赚分的,只是很怀念小时候玩这个游戏时的感觉
空战雄鹰,大型单机 飞行 作战游戏,三维 操作, 剧情过关 游戏,玩着挺好的,刚开始 玩的 不习惯 会 经常 坠毁 飞机的哟…-t


和你一样我也是位空战游戏发烧友,尤为钟爱皇牌空战系列。PS2所有的飞机游戏我都有收藏,看到你的提问后我又翻箱倒柜的看了看,找出了几款飞机游戏的封面,以下是名字,请你记录下:1.蓝空战将(Energy Airforce) 2.空战雄鹰AIRFORCE DELTA 3.响尾蛇5(SIDEWINDER V) 4.零(The Zero)5.壮志凌云之战斗地带(Top Gun Combat Zones) 6.热导追踪(Heatseeker)
你提到的内容我没什么印象了,但《蓝空战将》封面上是F14 不知道是不是-l


空战雄鹰,大型单机 飞行 作战游戏,三维 操作, 剧情过关 游戏,玩着挺好的,刚开始 玩的 不习惯 会 经常 坠毁 飞机的哟…………
东方系列、雷电系列、式神之城系列,斑鸠、宇巡5,raystorm和sine mora。???
西方Project系列,RebRank的Project Blank系列,PlatineDispositif的Gundemonium系列,天然素材的eXceed系列,Eikyuu Loop的双子系列。
至于你当初玩的,我 觉得 确实 不好找,但是 爱玩的话, 可以 找几个 上面的 玩玩……-t


Beyond Forever
Forever Beyond Hogan uomo, by no means to savor their musical ability. Later, Wong Ka Kui is gone, the band almost disbanded, but their songs are still as red as in the music shine.
I like to listen to the song One year the school to celebrate New Year’s Day,Hogan uomo, prepare a program requires each class, I used this song. I do not understand music, I just think it’s very dynamic rhythm melody, the lyrics positive, healthy, suitable for public performances. I find four students, four girls themselves as they prepared for some dancing. After the performance, with great success. At that time, I did not know this song is for the black hero Nelson Mandela and made. Beyond pains after I listen to the song. I really think they could even create so many good songs. These songs can be fed into your hearts.
Chow has starred in a movie title is He played the corner to escape a boring marriage,Hogan uomo, wealthy young master’s interested in throwing their copies to a fast food restaurant workers. There are four stores from time to time on the young man holding the guitar sing. Them to participate in singing competitions won an award. Later, they is popular in north and south of Beyond. At the time of how they look juvenile, how can ah!
Today, I occasionally see on TV,Hogan uomo, Although the song is not them, but their songs, as if that turn us back to the glory of their times. Many of the audience stood, and they and the cast singing together deep. Many are involuntarily shed tears, I was.
There have been rumors that kui is not dead, because this saw him. Beyond their excitement for a while, but soon confirmed that it was a false news, just some of the good wishes nothing more. Beyond really gone. To stay in this Red Dust is their music, their brave fighting spirit.
After them, there are too many bands, too many combinations, such as the Tang Dynasty, such as the zero point, such as reincarnation, and so they have a smash hit, but not the years, the singer constantly updated Let them step by step go to waste. Today’s are too easily fatigued, so the eyes, ears also the case.
1980s what a great time ah,Ray Ban sonnenbrille Pore-water distribution and q! There are so many classic art. Beyond the honor students in that era, they are more fortunate to bake into their hearts.
The earth will always have your old footprint, our eternal Beyond.


黑鹰堕落 (称:三角洲5) 第一人称游戏, 可以单机 也可以连服务器玩.
版本很多 有中/英 字言
要求电脑配件不高, 可玩枪 也可玩坐在飞机使用加特林


空战雄鹰,大型单机 飞行 作战游戏,三维 操作, 剧情过关 游戏,玩着挺好的,刚开始 玩的 不习惯 会 经常 坠毁 飞机的哟…………
东方系列、雷电系列、式神之城系列,斑鸠、宇巡5,raystorm和sine mora。???
西方Project系列,RebRank的Project Blank系列,PlatineDispositif的Gundemonium系列,天然素材的eXceed系列,Eikyuu Loop的双子系列。
至于你当初玩的,我 觉得 确实 不好找,但是 爱玩的话, 可以 找几个 上面的 玩玩……-t