


admin admin 发表于2022-09-01 12:30:54 浏览79 评论0




1、星星 (Star)(Natalia,Aileen译)
Очень много раз я себе задавал вопрос:
“Для чего родился на свет я, взрослел и рос?
Для чего плывут облака и идут дожди?“
В этом мире ты ничего для себя не жди!
Я бы улетел к облакам!!! Да крыльев нет!
Манит меня издалека тот звёздный свет!
Но Звезду достать не легко, хоть цель близка!
Я подожду ещё чуть-чуть
И собираться буду в путь
Вслед за надеждой и мечтой.
Не догорай, Звезда моя! Постой!
Я подожду ещё чуть-чуть
И собираться буду в путь
Вслед за надеждой и мечтой.
Не догорай, Звезда моя! Постой!
Я подожду ещё чуть-чуть
И собираться буду в путь
Вслед за надеждой и мечтой.
Не догорай, Звезда моя! Постой!
И не знаю, хватит ли сил для броска?!
Я подожду ещё чуть-чуть
И собираться буду в путь
Вслед за надеждой и мечтой.
Не догорай, Звезда моя! Постой!
Сколько же ещё мне дорог предстоит пройти?!
Сколько покорять мне вершин, чтоб Себя найти?!
Сколько же с отвесной скалы мне падать вниз?!
Сколько начинать всё с нуля?! И есть ли смысл?!
Я подожду ещё чуть-чуть
И собираться буду в путь
Вслед за надеждой и мечтой.
Не догорай, Звезда моя! Постой!


Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the southeast of Hebei Liaoning Provinces Mongolia Interchange, east, southeast and Tongliao City and Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, adjacent to the southwest border with Hebei Chengde, north west and is connected with the Xilin Gol League. “Chifeng“ because of the northeast corner of town there is a rich red mountain is named. Chifeng area is east Hu Warring States period. Forty three years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1778) home in Chifeng County, Guangxu three years (1906) promoted Zhili. Heat the North in 1946 the agency changed Zhaowuda Union. 1956, part of the original Qi Xian Hot provincial jurisdiction and is zoned Ruzhaowuda League of Inner Mongolia. Revocation Zhaowuda League 1983, the establishment of Chifeng City, the implementation of City Managing County. The total area of 90,275 square kilometers, 375 kilometers wide and most things, up to 457.5 km north and south. Jurisdiction Hongshan Qu, Songshan District, Yuanbaoshan District, Bahrain Banner, Balinyouqi, Alukerqinqi, Wengniute, Kalaqin flag, Aohan, Keshiketengqi, Linxi County, Ning County , 2, 3, District 7 County Flag, Mongolian, Han, Hui, Manchu and other 30 ethnic groups, with a total population of 4.6 million, of which the Mongolian population of 820,000. Chifeng City has a long history, culture has a long history, is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, has been found in various ancient human cultural sites 6,800. After a history of civilization, Chifeng in northern China became the center of activities of the ethnic minorities, and the bronze culture of grassland Khitan Liao cultural birthplace. “Eighth Five-Year“ period, one of China’s top ten archaeological discoveries of Aohan “Xinglongwa settlement sites“, established 8,000 years of Chinese civilization, defined by historian called “the first Chinese village.“ Wengniute unearthed in the Hongshan culture --- Jade Dragon iconic objects, defined by historians as the “first Chinese dragon.“ Chifeng rich resources, precious metals, nonferrous metals reserves, ranking first in the forefront of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Grassland, desert, Moulin, Stone Forest, hot springs and other natural resources and the Hongshan culture, prairie bronze culture, Khitan, Liao culture, Yuan cultural enrichment of human resources, development of tourism in natural conditions. Chifeng is located in the Northeast and North China with the Ministry of Economic Zone, the Bohai economic circle important part of the unique geographical position, convenient transportation, it is easy to accept Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, and several other cities of radiation. Chifeng City, Chifeng Hongshan and emblem of the Samsung Wengniute Chifeng City, he pulled the dragon jasper found in the composition. The pattern was a circle. The bottom of Red Hill, Yulong into the central, the idea is to highlight the theme of Dragon and Red Hill. Background with dark green for the lining, a symbol of an oasis of green grassland, reflecting the Chifeng City, agriculture and animal husbandry production characteristics. School of life the vast grassland. Red Hill was red meat, light meat, red granite natural landscape ever, is the main Wulanhada Chifeng or symbol. Chifeng City, the heroic people of all nationalities reflect the strong, simple and honest and simple, without fear of violence, heroism Top Gun. Yulong prototype design for the gold, in the design center. Reflects an important feature of the Chinese Chong Shanglong type and Chifeng and long history of ancient civilizations. Leading the long lifted, the attitude and elegant, from the green earth and leaps Hongshan waist, symbolizing the rise of Chifeng City, the revitalization of the peoples, the spirit is always up. Dragon-type coincided with the Chifeng City, the first c consistent spelling each word. Chifeng City area is very vast, rich resources, is a biological and geological diversity, natural museum, a unique eco-tourist destination. The city has 9,000 mu of grassland and forest land 3000 hectares, the forest coverage rate of 23%. The territory of the old Ha River, PROPAGATION, Wuer Ji Mu perish River, called River and five major river systems Gongger River, perennial water more than 70 natural lakes, of which Keqi area of 35.7 hectares in Lake It is the third largest lake in Inner Mongolia. Chifeng City in the vicinity of grain, livestock, fur, medicine distribution center. Agriculture is the basic industry in Chifeng City, the city area of 1760 mu of cultivated land, planting species except wheat, millet, corn and other food crops, there are sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco, herbs and other economic crops. Livestock production, beef cattle, wool sheep, sheep, cashmere goats, pigs, chickens, hens and other important animal husbandry in the autonomous region, wool, cashmere production occupies an important position in the country. Rich in mineral resources, has found that more than 70 kinds of minerals, mining point more than a thousand, mainly in coal, oil, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, iron, fluorite, marble and so on. Golden key national origin, among the nation’s top three. Particularly unusual is that there are large areas have not received within any industrial or urban pollution, to maintain a pristine state, blue sky and moon, stars, grass green, white sand Avon, Mut Wah sky can be described as outstanding, real san water simple style. Chifeng industries of coal, pharmaceutical, paper, leather, chemicals, machinery and so on. Agriculture to produce millet, sorghum, corn-based. And broad development prospects, economic potential, is a great advantage after the region, is implementing the western development strategy in the forward position. Continuous improvement of infrastructure, the city was significantly improved, all-round social progress and spiritual civilization fruitful.




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