

jingdon(让她开心 泰语歌词)

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让她开心 泰语歌词

riang kwaam reuang mae
นานานา นานา นานา นานา นานานา นานา นานา นานา
la la la .......
คุณครูสั่งให้เขียน เรียงความเรื่องแม่ฉัน
koon kroo sang hai kian riang kwaam reuang mae chan
My teacher asked me to write, an essay about my mother.
bok hai song hai tan wan proong-nee
She told me to pass up my work by tomorrow.
มันยากจังทำไม่ไหว หนูแม่ไม่มี แล้วจะเขียนให้ดียังไง
man yaak jang tam mai wai noo mae mai mee laew ja kian hai dee yang ngai
This is really difficult, I can’t make it. I don’t have a mother, how could I write abour her well?
เป็นห่วงก็ไม่รู้ ดูแลก็ไม่คุ้น
bpen huang gor mai roo doo lae gor mai koon
I don’t know what is worry, no familiar with looking after.
กอดแม่อุ่นจริงๆ มันจริงไหม
got mae oon jing-jing man jing mai
They say it is really heart-warming to embrace our own mother, is it true?
พร้อมหน้ากันทานอาหาร เคยมีแค่ฝันไป ไม่มีเพลงกล่อมใดไม่มี
prom naa gan taan aa-haan koie mee kae fan bpai mai mee pleng glom dai mai mee
Being together with her, enjoying our meal. This is just my dream. There surely won’t be any lullaby for me.
ห่มผ้าไม่เคยอุ่นเลย กอดหมอนไม่เคยอุ่นใจ
hom paa mai koie oon loie got mon mai koie oon jai
My blanket is never warm, the pillow that I’m hugging has never lit up my heart.
non lap bpai yaang dieow daai took tee
I’m falling asleep every time accompanied by loneliness.
ไม่มีอะไรจะเขียน ให้ครูได้อ่านพรุ่งนี้
mai-mee-a-rai ja kian hai kroo daai aan proong-nee
There is nothing that I can write about for my teacher to read tomorrow.
bon naa gra-daat gor le naam dtaa
There are only traces of teardrops on the piece of paper.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ ไม่ว่าแม่อยู่ไหน ไม่ว่าแม่เป็นใคร ช่วยส่งรักกลับมา
taa mae fang yoo mai waa mae yoo nai mai waa mae bpen krai chuay song rak glap maa
Dear mother, if you are listening, no matter where you are and who you are. Please deliver the love back to me.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ คิดถึงหนูหน่อยหนา หนูขอสัญญาว่า หนูจะเป็นเด็กดี
taa mae fang yoo kit teung noo noi naa noo kor san-yaa waa noo ja bpen dek dee
Dear mother, if you are listening, please think about me now and then I promise that I’ll always be a good boy/girl.
นานานา นานา นานา นานา นานานา นานา นานา นานา
la la la ......
เป็นห่วงก็ไม่รู้ ดูแลก็ไม่คุ้น
bpen huang gor mai roo doo lae gor mai koon
I don’t know what is worry, no familiar with looking after.
กอดแม่อุ่นจริงๆ มันจริงไหม
got mae oon jing-jing man jing mai
They say it is really heart-warming to embrace our own mother, is it true?
พร้อมหน้ากันทานอาหาร เคยมีแค่ฝันไป ไม่มีเพลงกล่อมใดไม่มี
prom naa gan taan aa-haan koie mee kae fan bpai mai mee pleng glom dai mai mee
Being together with her, enjoying our meal. This is just my dream. There surely won’t be any lullaby for me.
ห่มผ้าไม่เคยอุ่นเลย กอดหมอนไม่เคยอุ่นใจ
hom paa mai koie oon loie got mon mai koie oon jai
My blanket is never warm, the pillow that I’m hugging has never lit up my heart.
non lap bpai yaang dieow daai took tee
I’m falling asleep every time accompanied by loneliness.
ไม่มีอะไรจะเขียน ให้ครูได้อ่านพรุ่งนี้
mai-mee-a-rai ja kian hai kroo daai aan proong-nee
There is nothing that I can write about for my teacher to read tomorrow.
bon naa gra-daat gor le naam dtaa
There are only traces of teardrops on the piece of paper.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ ไม่ว่าแม่อยู่ไหน ไม่ว่าแม่เป็นใคร ช่วยส่งรักกลับมา
taa mae fang yoo mai waa mae yoo nai mai waa mae bpen krai chuay song rak glap maa
Dear mother, if you are listening, no matter where you are and who you are. Please deliver the love back to me.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ คิดถึงหนูหน่อยหนา หนูขอสัญญาว่า หนูจะเป็นเด็กดี
taa mae fang yoo kit teung noo noi naa noo kor san-yaa waa noo ja bpen dek dee
Dear mother, if you are listening, please think about me now and then I promise that I’ll always be a good boy/girl.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ ไม่ว่าแม่อยู่ไหน ไม่ว่าแม่เป็นใคร ช่วยส่งรักกลับมา
taa mae fang yoo mai waa mae yoo nai mai waa mae bpen krai chuay song rak glap maa
Dear mother, if you are listening, no matter where you are and who you are. Please deliver the love back to me.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ คิดถึงหนูหน่อยหนา หนูขอสัญญาว่า หนูจะเป็นเด็กดี
taa mae fang yoo kit teung noo noi naa noo kor san-yaa waa noo ja bpen dek dee
Dear mother, if you are listening, please think about me now and then I promise that I’ll always be a good boy/girl.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ ไม่ว่าแม่อยู่ไหน ไม่ว่าแม่เป็นใคร ช่วยส่งรักกลับมา
taa mae fang yoo mai waa mae yoo nai mai waa mae bpen krai chuay song rak glap maa
Dear mother, if you are listening, no matter where you are and who you are. Please deliver the love back to me.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ คิดถึงหนูหน่อยหนา หนูขอสัญญาว่า หนูจะเป็นเด็กดี
taa mae fang yoo kit teung noo noi naa noo kor san-yaa waa noo ja bpen dek dee
Dear mother, if you are listening, please think about me now and then I promise that I’ll always be a good boy/girl.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ ไม่ว่าแม่อยู่ไหน ไม่ว่าแม่เป็นใคร ช่วยส่งรักกลับมา
taa mae fang yoo mai waa mae yoo nai mai waa mae bpen krai chuay song rak glap maa
Dear mother, if you are listening, no matter where you are and who you are. Please deliver the love back to me.
ถ้าแม่ฟังอยู่ คิดถึงหนูหน่อยหนา หนูขอสัญญาว่า หนูจะเป็นเด็กดี
taa mae fang yoo kit teung noo noi naa noo kor san-yaa waa noo ja bpen dek dee
Dear mother, if you are listening, please think about me now and then I promise that I’ll always be a good boy/girl.


丼,为古汉字。1、jing 。2、dòng 一为投物井中所发出的声音;二作姓。宋 邵思《姓解》卷一:“丼,蕃姓也”。

日语的发音为:丼(どん) ,可以指盛装饭或面的食具,又称丼钵;丼物,以碗盛装的饭上浇盖各式食材的日本庶民料理;另一则为投物井中所发出的声音。日本自唐后引入汉文化,此字后在日文中便为饭盒之意。在「井」字中间加上一点便成了「丼」-jingdon



故字典多云,古同“井”。 据考究,(宋)丁度等撰写、(清)方成珪考正的《集韵》中「丼:投物井中声。」其实并非如此。此字当为“丹”字。







辞海:其一念 jǐng/ㄐㄧㄥˇ,即井字的古字;其二念 dǎn/ㄉㄢˇ,即东西投到井里的声音。

语源由来辞典(日本):丼とは、食物を盛る茶碗より厚手で深い陶制の钵。どんぶり钵。また、どんぶり钵に入れた料理。(大意为:丼是指比盛食物的碗更深的陶制钵。 丼钵。另外也指放进丼钵的菜。)


woop neung nai keun ngow 歌词

จากวันที่เขาเจอเธอ ทุกอย่างก็เริ่มเปลี่ยน
jaak wun tee kao jer ter took yaang gor rerm blian
From the day he met you, everything started to change.
blian bai laew yeu yai tee ker-ee hai gun
It changed lingering sentiments we used to give each other.
เธอแบ่งปันให้เขา ทุกคราวที่เจอะกัน
ter baeng bun hai kao took krao tee jer gun
You share with him every time you meet.
มันเจ็บและช้ำ ทุกครั้งในใจ
mun jeb lae chum took krung nai jai
It hurts my heart every time.
ในวันที่เธอเจอเขา ต่างคนต่างมองสบตาซึ้งใจ
nai wun tee ter jer kao dtaang kon dtaang mong sob dtaa seung jai
The day you met him, you both looked into each others eyes.
รู้เห็นเป็นใจกับเขาใช่ไหม เธอแอบมีใจให้กัน
roo hen ben jai gup kao chai mai ter aeb mee jai hai gun
I saw that you felt something for him, right? You hide your feelings for each other.
yaa bot-ti-set gup chun waa mun mai jing
Don’t deny that it’s not true.
ยิ่งเธอสบตามองกับเขา จิตใจคงเบาโผบิน
ying ter sob dtaa mong gup kao jit jai kong bao poh bin
The more you looked into his eyes, your mind probably fluttered around.
mai naan suk wun kwarm jing ja gra jaang jai
One day the truth will become clear.
เก็บใจให้เขาไปเลย ยอมเอ่ยมาสักคำ
geb jai hai kao bai ler-ee yorm er-ee maa suk kum
Keep your heart for him. Open your mouth and tell me one thing.
bork gup chun waa ter ja mee ruk mai
Tell me you have a new love.
ทนอยู่ไปก็ช้ำ ร้อยคำความห่วงใย
ton yoo bai gor chum roi kum kwarm huang yai
I can bear it, though it hurts.
มันหมดความหมาย เมื่อไม่มีกัน
mun mot kwarm mai meua mai mee gun
A hundred words of worry have no meaning when we’re apart.
ในวันที่เธอเจอเขา ต่างคนต่างมองสบตาซึ้งใจ
nai wun tee ter jer kao dtaang kon dtaang mong sob dtaa seung jai
The day you met him, you both looked into each others eyes.
รู้เห็นเป็นใจกับเขาใช่ไหม เธอแอบมีใจให้กัน
roo hen ben jai gup kao chai mai ter aeb mee jai hai gun
I saw that you felt something for him, right? You hide your feelings for each other.
yaa bot-ti-set gup chun waa mun mai jing
Don’t deny that it’s not true.
ยิ่งเธอสบตามองกับเขา จิตใจคงเบาโผบิน
ying ter sob dtaa mong gup kao jit jai kong bao poh bin
The more you looked into his eyes, your mind probably fluttered around.
mai naan suk wun kwarm jing ja gra jaang jai
One day the truth will become clear.
รู้เห็นเป็นใจกับเขาใช่ไหม เธอแอบมีใจให้กัน
roo hen ben jai gup kao chai mai ter aeb mee jai hai gun
I saw that you felt something for him, right? You hide your feelings for each other.
yaa bot-ti-set gup chun waa mun mai jing
Don’t deny that it’s not true.
ยิ่งเธอสบตามองกับเขา จิตใจคงเบาโผบิน
ying ter sob dtaa mong gup kao jit jai kong bao poh bin
The more you looked into his eyes, your mind probably fluttered around.
mai naan suk wun kwarm jing ja gra jaang jai
One day the truth will become clear.
ยิ่งเธอสบตามองกับเขา จิตใจคงเบาโผบิน
yinh ter sob dtaa mong gup kao jit jai kong bao poh bin
The more you looked into his eyes, your mind probably fluttered around.
mai naan suk wun kwarm jing ja gra jaang jai
One day the truth will become clear.








1、 我最喜爱的课程是计算机。
My favorite course is computer course.
2、 你是什么时候大学毕业的?
When did you graduate ?
3、 玛丽靠写作为生。
Mary writes for a living.
4、 中国文学一定很有意思。
Chinese literature must be interesting.
This young mother has l lot of burden.
Page 17
1、 一定要记得带纸和笔。(be sure to )
Be sure to bring( your) paper and pen.
2、Jinglejing想申请哈佛大学的奖学金。(apply for scholarship)
Jingleijing wants to apply for the scholarship of Howard University.
3、简历当中还应包括要谋求的职位。(resume include job objective)
Resume should include the job objective you are applying for.
Since you have plenty work experience., I believe good luck will accompany you.

5、我已经通过了大学英语 级考试。
I have passed the Band (Four/f Six/) Of College English Test.
Page 28
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
What kind of position you are interested in?
You prefer work with others or work solo/alone?
Why do you think you are competent/fitted to/ suitable for this job?

What is your ideal salary/ wage?
What kind of salary do you have in mind?
5、你对我公司有什么了解?(know about)
How much do you know about our company?
Page 40
Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense.
We are going to Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We are heading for Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We are leaving for Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We set off to Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We will be back (at) 6 o’clock tonight.
We will be back (at) 6 pm.
We coming back at 6 pm.
He is not available tonight.
He is not free tonight.
They are starting a overall review next week.
He will come if you invited him.
How long will you be staying there?
I ask him immediately when he arrives.
Don’t bother/disturb him; he would be angry if you do
Don’t bother/ disturb him, otherwise he would get angry/mad.






丼,井的中间加了一点,汉字里多用于古汉语,与“井”字同音、同义,日语里意义不同,发音DONBURI(丼 どんぶり),如果跟着某个名词之后,就减省地念为DON(丼 どん)。


日本最普遍的五大丼为GYUDON(日本语:ぎゅうどん 牛丼)、KATSUDON(カツ丼)、OYAKODON(日本语:おやこどん 亲子丼),TENDON(日本语:てんどん 天丼)及UNADON(日本语:うなどん 鳗丼)。-jingdon



ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅡ ㅜ ㅣ ㅐ ㅔ ㅚ ㅟ
a eo o eu u i ae e oe wi
ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ ㅒ ㅖ ㅘ ㅙ ㅝ ㅞ ㅢ
ya yeo yo yu yae ye wa wae wo we ui
ㄱ ㄲ ㅋ ㄷ ㄸ ㅌ ㅂ ㅃ ㅍ
g,k kk k d,t tt t b,p pp p
ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅅ ㅆ ㅎ
j jj ch s ss h
ㄴ ㅁ ㅇ ㄹ
n m ng r,l
가 ga 각 gak 간 gan 갈 gal 감 gam 갑 gap 갓 gat 강 gang 개 gae 객 gaek 거 geo 건 geon 걸 geol 검 geom 겁 geop 게 ge 겨 gyeo 격 gyeok 견 gyeon 결 gyeol 겸 gyeom 겹 gyeop 경 gyeong 계 gye 고 go 곡 gok 곤 gon 골 gol 곳 got 공 gong 곶 got 과 gwa 곽 gwak 관 gwan 괄 gwal 광 gwang 괘 gwae 괴 goe 굉 goeng 교 gyo 구 gu 국 guk 군 gun 굴 gul 굿 gut 궁 gung 권 gwon 궐 gwol 귀 gwi 규 gyu 균 gyun 귤 gyul 그 geu 극 geuk 근 geun 글 geul 금 geum 급 geup 긍 geung 기 gi 긴 gin 길 gil 김 gim 까 kka 깨 kkae 꼬 kko 꼭 kkok 꽃 kkot 꾀 kkoe 꾸 kku 꿈 kkum 끝 kkeut 끼 kki

나 na 낙 nak 난 nan 날 nal 남 nam 납 nap 낭 nang 내 nae 냉 naeng 너 neo 널 neol 네 ne 녀 nyeo 녁 nyeok 년 nyeon 념 nyeom 녕 nyeong 노 no 녹 nok 논 non 놀 nol 농 nong 뇌 noe 누 nu 눈 nun 눌 nul 느 neu 늑 neuk 늠 neum 능 neung 늬 nui 니 ni 닉 nik 닌 nin 닐 nil 님 nim

다 da 단 dan 달 dal 담 dam 답 dap 당 dang 대 dae 댁 daek 더 deo 덕 deok 도 do 독 dok 돈 don 돌 dol 동 dong 돼 dwae 되 doe 된 doen 두 du 둑 duk 둔 dun 뒤 dwi 드 deu 득 deuk 들 deul 등 deung 디 di 따 tta 땅 ttang 때 ttae 또 tto 뚜 ttu 뚝 ttuk 뜨 tteu 띠 tti
라 ra 락 rak 란 ran 람 ram 랑 rang 래 rae 랭 raeng 량 ryang 렁 reong 레 re 려 ryeo 력 ryeok 련 ryeon 렬 ryeol 렴 ryeom 렵 ryeop 령 ryeong 례 rye 로 ro 록 rok 론 ron 롱 rong 뢰 roe 료 ryo 룡 ryong 루 ru 류 ryu 륙 ryuk 륜 ryun 률 ryul 륭 ryung 르 reu 륵 reuk 른 reun 름 reum 릉 reung 리 ri 린 rin 림 rim 립 rip

마 ma 막 mak 만 man 말 mal 망 mang 매 mae 맥 maek 맨 maen 맹 maeng 머 meo 먹 meok 메 me 며 myeo 멱 myeok 면 myeon 멸 myeol 명 myeong 모 mo 목 mok 몰 mol 못 mot 몽 mong 뫼 moe 묘 myo 무 mu 묵 muk 문 mun 물 mul 므 meu 미 mi 민 min 밀 mil

바 ba 박 bak 반 ban 발 bal 밥 bap 방 bang 배 bae 백 baek 뱀 baem 버 beo 번 beon 벌 beol 범 beom 법 beop 벼 byeo 벽 byeok 변 byeon 별 byeol 병 byeong 보 bo 복 bok 본 bon 봉 bong 부 bu 북 buk 분 bun 불 bul 붕 bung 비 bi 빈 bin 빌 bil 빔 bim 빙 bing 빠 ppa 빼 ppae 뻐 ppeo 뽀 ppo 뿌 ppu 쁘 ppeu 삐 ppi

사 sa 삭 sak 산 san 살 sal 삼 sam 삽 sap 상 sang 샅 sat 새 sae 색 saek 생 saeng 서 seo 석 seok 선 seon 설 seol 섬 seom 섭 seop 성 seong 세 se 셔 syeo 소 so 속 sok 손 son 솔 sol 솟 sot 송 song 쇄 swae 쇠 soe 수 su 숙 suk 순 sun &96; sul 숨 sum 숭 sung 쉬 swi 스 seu 슬 seul 슴 seum 습 seup 승 seung 시 si 식 sik 신 sin 실 sil 심 sim 십 sip 싱 sing 싸 ssa 쌍 ssang 쌔 ssae 쏘 sso 쑥 ssuk 씨 ssi ㅇ
아 a 악 ak 안 an 알 al 암 am 압 ap 앙 ang 앞 ap 애 ae 액 aek 앵 aeng 야 ya 약 yak 얀 yan 양 yang 어 eo 억 eok 언 eon 얼 eol 엄 eom 업 eop 에 e 여 yeo 역 yeok 연 yeon 열 yeol 염 yeom 엽 yeop 영 yeong 예 ye 오 o 옥 ok 온 on 올 ol 옴 om 옹 ong 와 wa 완 wan 왈 wal 왕 wang 왜 wae 외 oe 왼 oen 요 yo 욕 yok 용 yong 우 u 욱 uk 운 un 울 ul 움 um 웅 ung 워 wo 원 won 월 wol 위 wi 유 yu 육 yuk 윤 yun 율 yul 융 yung 윷 yut 으 eu 은 eun 을 eul 음 eum 읍 eup 응 eung 의 ui 이 i 익 ik 인 in 일 il 임 im 입 ip 잉 ing

자 ja 작 jak 잔 jan 잠 jam 잡 jap 장 jang 재 jae 쟁 jaeng 저 jeo 적 jeok 전 jeon 절 jeol 점 jeom 접 jeop 정 jeong 제 je 조 jo 족 jok 존 jon 졸 jol 종 jong 좌 jwa 죄 joe 주 ju 죽 juk 준 jun 줄 jul 중 jung 쥐 jwi 즈 jeu 즉 jeuk 즐 jeul 즘 jeum 즙 jeup 증 jeung 지 ji 직 jik 진 jin 질 jil 짐 jim 집 jip 징 jing 짜 jja 째 jjae 쪼 jjo 찌 jji

차 cha 착 chak 찬 chan 찰 chal 참 cham 창 ch
ang 채 chae 책 chaek 처 cheo 척 cheok 천 cheon 철 cheol 첨 cheom 첩 cheop 청 cheong 체 che 초 cho 촉 chok 촌 chon 총 chong 최 choe 추 chu 축 chuk 춘 chun 출 chul 춤 chum 충 chung 측 cheuk 층 cheung 치 chi 칙 chik 친 chin 칠 chil 침 chim 칩 chip 칭 ching 칩 chip 칭 ching

코 ko 쾌 kwae 크 keu 큰 keun 키 ki

타 ta 탁 tak 탄 tan 탈 tal 탐 tam 탑 tap 탕 tang 태 tae 택 taek 탱 taeng 터 teo 테 te 토 to 톤 ton 톨 tol 통 tong 퇴 toe 투 tu 퉁 tung 튀 twi 트 teu 특 teuk 틈 teum 티 ti

파 pa 판 pan 팔 pal 패 pae 팽 paeng 퍼 peo 페 pe 펴 pyeo 편 pyeon 폄 pyeom 평 pyeong 폐 pye 포 po 폭 pok 표 pyo 푸 pu 품 pum 풍 pung 프 peu 피 pi 픽 pik 필 pil 핍 pip

하 ha 학 hak 한 han 할 hal 함 ham 합 hap 항 hang 해 hae 핵 haek 행 haeng 향 hyang 허 heo 헌 heon 험 heom 헤 he 혀 hyeo 혁 hyeok 현 hyeon 혈 hyeol 혐 hyeom 협 hyeop 형 hyeong 혜 hye 호 ho 혹 hok 혼 hon 홀 hol 홉 hop 홍 hong 화 hwa 확 hwak 환 hwan 활 hwal 황 hwang 홰 hwae 횃 hwaet 회 hoe 획 hoek 횡 hoeng 효 hyo 후 hu 훈 hun 훤 hwon 훼 hwe 휘 hwi 휴 hyu 휼 hyul 흉 hyung 흐 heu 흑 heuk 흔 heun 흘 heul 흠 heum 흡 heup 흥 heung 희 hui 흰


黄景渠 英文:Huang Jingqu。
或 Jingqu Huang。(在国际场合)。