- 关于英语词缀
- ample和enough的区别
- winform中formborderstyle设置为sizable, 设完属性后,用show方法打
- 求开头字母是S,第3个字母是Z,汉语意思比较好的英文单词!!急!!
- sizable minority什么意思是多还是少啊
- 请教形容“大”的英语单词
- 各种形状的英文是什么
例如:在“a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, anemia”例条中,
a- 和 an- 为前缀,其中 an- 为 a- 的变体;/ without, lacking, not / 为该前缀的含
义;而asymmetric, apolitical和anemia为例词。
a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, asexual, anemia, anarchy
ab-, a-, abs- / from, away from / abduct, abjure, abdication, avert, abstain
ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- / to, forward / admit, adjure, accord, affliction,
aggregation, annexation, apparition, arraignment, assumption, attendance
ambi- / both / ambidextrous, ambivalent
amphi- / round, about / amphitheater, amphigens
an-, ana- / up; up through, back / anatomy, analysis, anachronism
ante-, anti- / before / antecedent, antebellum, anticipate
anti- / counter, against / antibiotic, antibody, antisocial, antifascist
apo- / away, from / apostasy, apostle
ar-, arch- /chief, principal / archangel, archenemy, architect
be- / to make, to take from / belittle, befriend, betake, bespeak
belli- / war / belligerent, rebellious, bellicose
ben-, bon- / good, well / benefit, benediction, benign, bonus
bi- / two / bicycle, bilateral, bisect, bipolar, bivalence
biblio- / book / bibliography, bibliophile, Bible
by- / aside or apart from the common, secondary / by-product, bypass, byname
cat- / downwards, under, against / catacomb, catechise, catastrophe
circu-, circum- / around / circumnavigation, circumlocution, circumspection, circuit
com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- / together, with / combine, compassion, contract, concentric,
collaborate, correspond, cooperation
contra- / against / contradiction, contraband, contrast
de- / down from, away / decapitate, dehydrate, dehumanize, degrade
demi- / a half or a part of / demi-god, demilune, demiwolf
di-, dia- / through, across / diode, diameter, dialog, dialectics
dif-, dis- / not, the opposite, apart / different, diffuse, disagree, divert, dispel
dys- / badly, with difficulty, hard / dyscrasia, dyslexia, dyspepsia
e- / out / emigrant, egress, emit, elope, ejaculate, eject
ec-, ef-, ex- / an outcome of / effect, effulgence, ecstasy, eccentric, expire
em-, en- / to make / employ, embrace, enable, enrich
em-, en- / in, on, into / encage, enclose, embalm, emphasis, energy
epi- / on, outer, over / epidermis, epicenter, epitaph
equi- / equal / equilateral, equilibrium, equivalent
ex-, exo-, extra- / from, out of, without / export, exodus, exotic, ex-officio, extraordinary
eu- / beautiful, good / eulogize, eugenics, euphemism
for- / not, against, away / forget, forbid, forgo, forfend
fore- / before, in front of / forehead, foretell, forefather
hemi- / a half / hemisphere, hemistich, hemicrania
hetero- / denoting dissimilarity / heterogeneous, heterodox, heterarchy
homo- / denoting similarity / homogeneous, homonym, homosexual
hydro- / water / hydraulics, hydrometer, hydropathy
hyper- / over, beyond, excessive / hypertension, hypercritical, hypersensitive
hypo- / under, beneath, down / hypothesis, hypothermia, hypocrisy
im-, in-, il-, ir- / in, into, on / imbibe, import, income, input, illustration, irrigation
im-, in-, il-, ir- / not / impossible, immature, inconsiderate, ineffectual, illegal, irresponsible
infra- / under, beneath / infrared, infra-structure, infra-costal
inter- / between / international, interpersonal, interaction, Internet
intra-, intro- / within / intramural, intravenous, Intranet, introduction, introspection
iso- / equality or similarity / isocheimal, isochomatic
kilo- /a thousand/ kilogram, kilowatt, kilometer
magna- /big, great/ magnanimous, magnitude, magnum
macro- / big / macrocomputer, macrocontrol, macroeconomy
mal- / bad, wrong / malnutrition, maltreatment, malapropism
mega- / of great size / megaphone, megaton, megalopolis, megavolt
meta- / beyond, transcending / metaphor, metaphysics, meta-memory
micro- /small / microcomputer, microcontrol, microeconomy
milli- /a thousand/ millennium, millimeter, millisecond
mis- / bad, wrong / mistake, misspelling, mispronounce, mislead
mono- / one, alone / monotony, monogamy, monochrome
multi- / many / multiple choice, multilateral, multimedia
neo- / new / neo-Confucianism, neolithic, neology, neodoxy
neu- / non-partial / neutral, neutron
neuro- / nerve / neurology, neurotic, neurasthemia
non- / not, reversing the sense / nonalignment, nonsmoker, nonsense
ob-, oc-, of-, o-, op- / in the way of, against / object, obsolete, occasion, offend, omit, oppose
omni- / all / omnivorous, omnibus, omniscient
out- / beyond, exceeding / outbid, outbreak
over- / beyond, excessive / overwork, overawe, overcoat
paleo- / old, anscient / paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleolithic
pan-, panta- / all, everything / pan-America, pantomime, pandemonium
para- / alike, comparison, unlike / paraphrase, paradox, parody
peri- / around / peripheral, periscope, perimeter
poly- / many / polytechnic, polymer, polyglot
post- / after / postgraduate, posthumous, postwar
pre- / before / prewar, prepare, preposition, preschool
pro-, por-, pur- / forward, forth / progress, proceed, portend, pursue
pseud- / false or spurious / pseudo-science, pseudo-membrane, pseudonym
re-, retro- / back, again / regression, review, retrospect, retrogressive
se- / aside, separating / secede, seduce, sedition, separate
semi- (hemi-) / half, partly / semiconductor, semifinal, semicircle, hemisphere
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-, / under / submit, submarine, succeed, suffix, suggest, support
sustain, subsonic
super- / above, greater, better / supersonic, supermarket, superpower, superiority
syn-, sym- / with, together / sympathy, symmetry, synchronic, synonym
trans- / across / transport, transplant, translation, transcontinental
tri- / three / tricycle, triple, triangle
ultra- / beyond, excessive, extreme / ultrasonic, ultraviolet
un- / not / undecided, unimportant
under- / beneath, lower in rank or degree / underdog, underfeed, undercoat
uni- / one / unite, unification, uniform
up- / upwards / uproot, upcast, upstart
with- / opposition, privation / withdraw, withstand
-able, -ible / adj. capable of, fit for / eatable, workable, considerable, sizable
-ac /adj. like, pertaining to / cardiac, maniac
-age, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency /n. signifying the state of being / coinage, acceptance,
existence, constancy, consistency
-ate / v. to make / activate, motivate, originate
-cle, -cule / adj. or n. small, little / particle, sickle, animalcule, miniscule
-dom / n. signifying dominion, office / kingdom, officialdom
-er, -or, -eer / n. one who / worker, writer, professor, engineer
-fy / v. to make / beautify, purify, simplify
-ic, -ical / adj. relating to, having the nature of / historic, economic, biblical, mechanical
-ics /n. study / economics, physics, linguistics
-il, -ile /adj. having the property of / civil, juvenile, puerile, ductile
-ism / n. action or practice, theory or doctrine / mechanism, imperialism, dogmatism
-ist / n. one who / physicist, communist, cyclist
-ity / n. condition, quality / activity, flexibility, identity, probability, feasibility
-ize / v. to make / modernize, revolutionize, popularize, realize
-logy / n. study, work / geology, psychology, metallurgy
-ment, -mony / n. the state of being / experiment, movement, harmony, hegemony
-ness / n. condition, quality, state of being / carelessness, sadness, illness
-oid / n. like, resembling / asteroid, mongoloid, anthropoid
-ous, -ious, -ose /adj. having the quality of / industrious, dangerous, bellicose
-ship / n. the state or quality of / sportsmanship, partnership, friendship
-tion, -ation, -sion /n. condition, the act of / information, reflection, extroversion
-tude, -ty / n. signifying the property / attitude, altitude, radioactivity, tenacity
-ward(s) / signifying direction / eastward, homeward, upward
-us cactus, alumnus, impetus (original plural form: “i”, alumni)
-a alumna, vita, formula (original plural form: “i”, alumni, or “ae”, formulae)
-um datum, curriculum (original plural form: “a”, data, curricula)
-ia, -sis, -tis (medical terms) anoxia, anemia, dyslexia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis
-acr- / sharp / acrimonious, acerbity, acidulate
-act-, -ag- / to do / action, reaction, agent,
-aev- / age, era / primeval, coeval, medieval
-agog- / leader / demagogue, pedagogue
-agri-, -agrari- / field / agriculture, agrarian, peregrination
-ali- / another / alias, aliens, inalienable
-ann-, -en- / year / annual, anniversary, centennial, biennial
-anim- / spirit / unanimous, magnanimous, animation
-anthrop- / human / anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist
-aqua- / water / aquatic sports, aquarium, aquanaut
-arch- / government, chief, leader / monarchy, anarchy, archbishop
-aster-, -astro-, -stellar- / star / asteroid, astronomy, constellation
-audi- / hear / auditor, auditorium, audio-visual lab
-auto- / self / autobiography, automation, automobile, autism
-belli- / fight, war / bellicose, belligerent, rebellion
-bio- / life / biology, biography, biochemical, antibiotics
-bon-, -ben- / good / bonus, debonair, benefit, benign, benediction
-brev- / short / brief, abbreviate, brevity
-cad-, -cas- / to fall / cadence, decadent, accident
-cap-, -capt-, -cep- / to take / capture, precept, participate
-cap-, -capit- / head, chief / capital, captain, decapitation, per capita income
-carn- / flesh, body / carnivore, incarnation
-ced-, -cess- / go, move, yield / precede, recede, succeed, antecedent, secede, process
-cent- / one hundred / century, centennial, percentage, centigrade, centipede
-centr- / center / central, concentric, centrifugal, concentrate
-chrom- / color / monochrome, trichromatic chromosome
-chron- / time / chronology, anachronism, synchronic, chronicle
-cid-, cis- / cut / incision, homicide, precision
-cit- / call / excite, incite, recite
-civi- / citizen / civil, civilian, civilization
-clam- / to cry out / clamorous, acclamation, exclaim
-claud-, -claus-, -clos-, -clud- / to close / claustrophobia, enclose, conclude
-cogno- / knowledge, knowing / cognition, recognition, incognito, acognostic
-comp- / to fill / complete, complement, comply
-cord- / heart / accord, cordial, discord
-corp- / body / corpse, corps, incorporation, corporeal
-cred- / to believe / credence, incredulous, incredible
-cur- / to care / curator, sinecure, to cure
-curr-, -curs- / course, to run / excursion, current, precursor, curriculum
-cycle- / cycle / bicycle, tricycle, recycle
-dat- / to give / data, mandate, date
-demo- / people / demography, democracy, demagogue, epidemic
-deb- / to owe / debt, indebtedness, debenture
-derm- / skin / epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology
-di-, -diurn- / daytime / diary, diurnal, journal
-dic- / say, speak / dictation, dictionary, dictator, contradiction
-doc- / to teach / docile, doctrine, document, doctor
-domin- / to rule / dominate, domain, indomitable
-duc- / lead / aqueduct, conductor, education, viaduct
-dynam- / power, strength / dynamite, dynamo, dynamics
-ego- / self / egocentric, egotism
-erg- / to work / energy, ergatocracy, metallurgy
-err- / to wander, to deviate / error, erratic, errand
-fact-, -fect- / make, do / factory, manufacture, effect, affect
-fall-, -fals- / to deceive / fallacy, infallible, falsification
-fer- / to bring, to bear / ferry, transfer, coniferous, refer
-flect- / bend / inflexible, reflect
-gam- / marriage / monogamy, bigamy, polygamy
-gen- / produce, birth / gene, generator, eugenic, generation
-geo- / earth / geology, geothermal, geometric
-graph-, -gram- / writing / geography, biography, telegram, diagram
-greg- / group, together / gregarious, aggregate, egregious
-helio- / the sun / heliotrope, heliograph, helium
-homo- / of human / homicide, homunculus,
-hydr- / water, of hydrogen / hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrotherapy, hydrocarbon, hydroxide
-it-, -itiner- / journey, road / exit, itinerary, reiterate
-jac-, -jec- / to throw / ejaculate, project, reject
-jur- / to swear / jury, abjure, perjury, jurisdiction
-lab-, -labor- / to work / laboratory, collaborate, laborious
-leg- / law / legislature, legal, legitimate
-leg-, -lect- / to choose / election, select, legible, eligible
-lib- / book / library, libretto, libel
-locu-, -log-, -loq- / to talk / elocution, monologue, soliloquy, eloquent
-luc- / light / elucidate, lucid, translucent
-magn- / big, great / magnum, magnanimous, magnify
-man- / hand / manufacture, manuscript, manicure, emancipation
-mar-, -mer- / sea, ocean / submarine, mermaid, marinology
-mit-, -miss- / send / transmit, emit, transmission, emission, permit, permission
-mon-, -monit- / to warn / admonish, premonition, monitor
-morph- / form, structure / morphology, morpheme, anthropomorphism
-mort-, -mori- / death / mortal, mortuary, moribund
-nav- / ship / navy, navigation, naval
-onym-, -nom- / name / synonym, pseudonym, nomenclature, nomination, misnomer
-oper- / to work / operation, cooperate, opera
-pac- / peace / pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean
-pathy- / feeling / sympathy, antipathy, telepathy, empathy
-pel- / to drive / compel, dispel, repel, propel
-pet-, -petit- / to seek / petition, compete, appetite
-phil- / love / Anglophile, hydrophilic, philosophy, philanthropist
-phob- / hate, fear / claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia
-phon- / sound / telephone, microphone, phonology
-pod-, -ped- / foot / tripod, pedestrian, centripetal
-pon-, -pos- / position / postpone, position, preposition, positive
-polis- / city / metropolis, Indianapolis
-port- / carry / porter, portable, transport, exportation
-pseudo- / false, sham / pseudonym, pseudo-science, pseudology, pseudomorph
-psych- / mind / psychology, psychoanalysis, psywar
-put-, -putat- / to trim, to calculate / amputate, compute, putative, reputation
-que-, -qui- / to ask / question, query, request, inquisitive, prerequisite
-rid-, -ris- / to laugh / ridiculous, risibility, derision
-rog- / to ask / interrogate, prerogative, derogatory
-rupt- / to break / rupture, interrupt, eruption, bankrupt
-sci- / knowledge / science, omniscient, consciousness
-scrib-, -script- / write / scribble, inscribe, description, prescription, manuscript, scripture
-sed-, -sess- / to sit / session, sedentary, president, residence
-sens-, -sent- / to think, to feel / sense, sensitive, sensation, resent, consent
-sequ-, -secut- / follow / sequence, consequence, consecutive
-sol-, -solut- / to loosen / solvent, solution, absolve, dissolute, absolute
-son- / sound / subsonic, consonant, resonant, ultrasonic
-spect- / look at / spectrum, inspection, circumspection, retrospection
-spir- / breathe / spirit, aspiration, respiration
-soph- / wise / philosophy, sophisticate, sophomore
-tang-, -tact- / to touch / tangent, tangible, contact, contingent
-tele- / far / television, telephone, telediagnosis, telex
-temp- / mood / temper, temperament, temptation, contemptuous
-tempor- / time / temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporize
-ten-, -tent- / to hold / tenable, tenacity, content, tenure
-terr- / land, earth / territory, subterranean, extraterrestrial, Mediterranean, inter
-theo-, -the- / god / theology, atheism, theory, pantheism
-therm- / heat / thermos bottle, thermometer, geothermal energy
-urb- / city / urban, suburban, urbane
-urn- / day / diurnal, nocturnal, journal
-ven-, -vent- / come / intervene, prevention, convention
-ver- / true / verify, verily, verisimilar, veracious
-via- / way / viaduct, deviation, trivial
-vid-, -vis- / see / video, visualize, vision, vista
-vinc-, -van- / conquer / victory, invincible, vanquish, vanity
-voc-, -vok- / call / vocation, revoke, invoke, provoke
-volv-, -volut- / to roll, to turn / evolve, revolve, convolution
a. 充足的,丰富的
1. We have ample time.
2. The house has an ample parlor.
3. Existing in great quantity or ample supply.
4. Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely.
1. more than enough in size or scope or capacity
2. affording an abundant supply
同义词:copious, plenteous, plentiful, rich
3. fairly large
同义词:sizable, sizeable
a. 足够的
ad. 足够地
n. 充足,足够
pron. 足够(的)
1. Enough is as good as a feast.
2. Do you have enough time to finish the paper?
3. I’ve had enough of her continual chatter.
4. Surely 15 minutes is enough time for you to have a coffee.
5. At 14 you aren’t old enough to buy alcohol.
你才14岁, 不到买酒的年龄.
6. There isn’t enough space for my address.
7. Six bottles of wine will be enough.
8. I wish you’d write clearly enough for us to read it.
但愿你能写得清楚点, 我们好能看明白.
1. an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose
1. enough to meet a purpose
同义词:adequate, decent
1. as much as necessary
winform中formborderstyle设置为sizable, 设完属性后,用show方法打
Form f=new Form();
f.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Show;
1. saz
2. sazerac
3. sbz
4. sez
5. sezary syndrome
6. sezession
7. sfz
8. siz
9. sizable
10. sizar
11. sizarship
12. size
13. size constancy
14. size of it
15. size stick
16. size up
17. sizeable
18. sizeableness
19. sized
20. sizel
21. sizer
22. sizes
23. siziness
24. sizing
25. sizy
26. sizz
27. sizzle
28. sizzled
29. sizzler
30. sizzles
31. sizzling
32. smz
33. soz
34. sozzle
35. sozzled
36. suzanne
37. suzanne farrell
38. suzerain
39. suzerainty
40. suzette
41. suzhou
42. suzi
43. suzie
44. suzuki
45. suzy
46. syzran
47. syzygial
48. syzygies
49. syzygium
50. syzygium aromaticum
51. syzygy
sizable minority什么意思是多还是少啊
sizable minority就是很多少数民族。
Although the Overall, majority of children studied were getting enough physical activity, a sizable minority of children were not.
significant 和large 都是不确定的形容词。比如,你可以说100 pounds (磅) 是large number. 他可以认为1000 磅是large number.
很大 very large: 用 huge, vast
大 large: 用 sizable, big
中等 not large or small:用 medium, average, standard
小:small: undersized, miniature, little, tiny
各种形状的英文是All shapes and sizes。
n. 大小,尺寸;庞大,巨大;数量,规模;(尤指衣服、鞋子等的)尺寸,尺码;特定尺寸;相应尺码的人(或衣物);(使纸张、布料坚挺且光亮的)浆料,(贴壁纸用的)涂料
v. 依大小分类(或排列);按一定大小制作;改变......的大小; 给(衣服、纸张等)上浆,给......涂胶;《非正式》 大致评价,估量;估算(或测量某物)大小;可比拟
adj. 一定大小(或尺码)的
particle size 粒度 ; 颗粒大小
Image Size 图像尺寸 ; 影像尺寸
Paper Size 纸张尺寸 ; 纸张大小 ; 纸张规格 ; 施胶剂
词根: size
sizable 相当大的;大小相当的
sizeable 大的,相当大的
sized 有…大小的
sizing 胶料;涂料;涂上胶水
sizing 制定…的标准(size的ing形式)
sized 相比(size的过去分词);按大小分类