


admin admin 发表于2022-09-19 13:48:26 浏览228 评论0




go dancing
网络 跳舞; 去跳舞;
Let’s go dancing tonight.

---【提问】---***英语*** 求*翻译*

那不是side of啦。
是to the bed side of ····
全句翻译是:一个护士伴随一个疲倦的、忧虑的男人去了一个老男人的床边。bed side,床边。

昭君出塞 文言文 翻译



1.Han during his reign of the Han dynasty, a period of prosperity again. Time, for the king because of the power elite, force more decline Later, the Huns split five Chanyu separation continued to attack each other. One Huhanye Chanyu named by his brother Zhizhi (zh sound Zhi Si) Chanyu defeat. a lot of men killed or wounded. Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. Huhanxie is one of the addressees of the original audience, like the Han Emperor VIP hospitality like to entertain him. Changan personally to the countryside to meet him, he held a grand banquet. Huhanye Chanyu Changan live in a month. He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. Han Emperor promised to send 10,000 of the two generals to lead a cavalry escort him to Monan. At this time, the king is lack of food, kind Han also sent 34,000 (h ú tone, a kind of struggle in ancient times 10) food. Huhanye Chanyu very grateful, and the Han Dynasty, and a good one. States and the West Han Dynasty and Xiongnu hear well, are scrambling to deal with the Han dynasty. Han Emperor died, his son Liu Shi (phonetic sh Si) ascended the throne, Emperor Hanyuan. Not years, the king of the Western Regions Zhizhi Chanyu violations States, the scrapping of the Han Dynasty sent envoys. Han troops hit Kangju defeat Zhizhi Chanyu, Zhizhi Chanyu killed. Zhizhi Chanyu death Huhanye Chanyu a stable position. BC 33, Huhanye Chanyu again to Changan, asking the Han Dynasty and the pro. Emperor Hanyuan agree. Han during his reign of the Han dynasty, a period of prosperity again. Time, for the king because of the power elite, force more decline Later, the Huns split five Chanyu separation continued to attack each other. One Huhanye Chanyu named by his brother Zhizhi (zh sound Zhi Si) Chanyu defeat. a lot of men killed or wounded. Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. Huhanxie is one of the addressees of the original audience, like the Han Emperor VIP hospitality like to entertain him. Changan personally to the countryside to meet him, he held a grand banquet. Huhanye Chanyu Changan live in a month. He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. Han Emperor promised to send 10,000 of the two generals to lead a cavalry escort him to Monan. At this time, the king is lack of food, kind Han also sent 34,000 (h ú tone, a kind of struggle in ancient times 10) food. Huhanye Chanyu very grateful, and the Han Dynasty, and a good one. States and the West Han Dynasty and Xiongnu hear well, are scrambling to deal with the Han dynasty. Han Emperor died, his son Liu Shi (phonetic sh Si) ascended the throne, Emperor Hanyuan. Not years, the king of the Western Regions Zhizhi Chanyu violations States, the scrapping of the Han Dynasty sent envoys. Han troops hit Kangju defeat Zhizhi Chanyu, Zhizhi Chanyu killed. Zhizhi Chanyu death Huhanye Chanyu a stable position. BC 33, Huhanye Chanyu again to Changan, asking the Han Dynasty and the pro. Emperor Hanyuan agree.

Before Han and Xiongnu and the pro-seal or clan’s daughter Princess challenges months. This time, the Emperor Hanyuan months odalisque decided to challenge him, and he asked people to pass on messages to the title : “Who is willing to go to the king. When the emperor Princess put her approach. “Empress of the odalisque are elected from the public, they entered the palace. Just as the birds were locked in veritable cages, are hoping that they can one day claim to the Palais des Nations. But they would leave the country to the king, he is not happy. An odalisque character Qiang (phonetic fed Mr. ng), also known as Wang Zhaojun and look very beautiful and are very knowledgeable. To own life, she took reservations, and go voluntarily to the pro-king. Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan. Emperor Hanyuan instructed the Minister of optional days of work, and Wang Zhaojun in Changan Huhanye Chanyu get married. Huhanye Chanyu got such a young and beautiful wife, happy and grateful mood is not to say. Grateful to the Emperor Hanyuan and Wang Zhaojun Huhanye Chanyu when Emperor Hanyuan see Lady beautiful person, somewhat reluctant. Wang Zhaojun he wants to leave, but has been late. Legend Emperor Hanyuan return Naigu, more and more convinced upset. He shared among the portraits were telling people from the show as Lady view. Despite the somewhat look like, but I did not lovely Lady. Odalisque palace of the original, are generally not see the emperor, but by the painter painted a portrait Where have the discretion to select the emperor. Maoyanshou a painter known for portraits of the odalisque, send gifts to the ladies came up to him, he would paint beautiful. Wang Zhaojun reluctant to give gifts, beauty Wang Zhaojun Maoyanshou not accurately drawn. Furious Emperor Hanyuan, Maoyanshou killed. Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty and Wang Zhaojun, escorted by officials from the Chang’an. She riding horses, braving the biting cold wind, the way to the Huns, the Hsiungnu done Huhanye Chanyu. Over a long time, she will slowly accustomed to the life, and gets along well with people Huns. Xiongnu people like her, respect her. Wang Zhaojun away from their home to stay in the Huns. Huhanye Chanyu advised her not to go to war, and also pass on the culture of the Central Plains Huns. After this fight, Huns and Han live in harmony, 60 years did not go to war. Wang Zhaojun left Changan not long before Emperor Hanyuan died, his son Liu Ao (phonetic à o) ascended the throne, is Han Dynasty.
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领队的英语翻译 领队用英语怎么说

翻译成英文是:tour escort
tour escort
Arrival in New York City, tour escort will meet you at the baggage claim area and transfer to hotel.
escort 英
n. 护送者; 护航舰; 陪同某人参加社交活动的人(尤指男人); 受雇陪同某人外出社交的人(尤指女人);
vt. 护送,护卫;
He arrived with a police escort shortly before half past nine.
第三人称单数:escorts 复数:escorts 现在分词:escorting过去式:escorted 过去分词:escorted


A motorcycle rapidly, has hit a boy in the intersection,but the motorcycle escaped instead of being stop, so you extremely were angry,after have taken down the vehicle number, made the phone call toreport to the police immediately, and escorted the child to the hospital .