
gate one


admin admin 发表于2022-04-28 14:29:49 浏览153 评论0



  娜妈是很爱HEY~~~或是YEAH~~~~或是OH~~~~的,尤其是你所说的“很有激情很野性的歌”。  我给你几首比较符合你所述要求的歌,你看看究竟是哪个。  试听地址的链接不全、请全部复制粘贴至地址栏。  1.我想如果是你最近听到的话,那极有可能是新砖BIONIC的同名歌曲Bionic。  因为主歌部分娜妈没有用她标志性的牛嗓狮吼、所以你可能一错觉以为是别人吧。副歌每一句后都会跟上一句用力的EI!    2.Ain’t no other man 开篇就是又高又长的 震撼高音。HEY~~~~~~    3.Lady Marmalade  这首歌是Pink,Mya,CA和Lil Kim四人共同翻唱的经典名曲,所以你也有可能错觉怎么前后声音不像一个人。娜妈是最后一个隆重出场、开腔便是标志性的高音。HEY~~~~~~~~~~~!!  


gate[^eit]n.大门gategate 1AHD:[g³t] D.J.[ge!t]K.K.[get]n.(名词)A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway.大门:一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道An opening in a wall or fence for entrance or exit.围墙门,篱笆门:墙壁或篱笆上的口子,作为出口或入口The structure surrounding such an opening, such as the monumental or fortified entrance to a palace or walled city.城门:一种构造,围绕着上述的出口或入口,比如一个山区或一设防的出口通向一宫殿或一有城墙的城市A means of access:门路:进入的一种方式:the gate to riches.生财之道A passageway, as in an airport terminal, through which passengers proceed for embarkation.登机门:一种通道,比如在机场终点,乘客通过它而登机A mountain pass.山路:山间通道The total paid attendance or admission receipts at a public event:门票收入:在某一公共活动中观众的总人数:a good gate at the football game.有好多人观看了这场足球赛A device for controlling the passage of water or gas through a dam or conduit.水门,闸门:一种用来控制水或气通过一坝堤或水道的装置The channel through which molten metal flows into a shaped cavity of a mold.闸道:熔化的金属液流入模型型腔的通道Sports A passage between two upright poles through which a skier must go in a slalom race.【体育运动】 路径:位于两竖直的杆之间的一通道,滑雪运动员在障碍滑雪赛中必须通过Electronics A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received.【电子学】 选通电极,门电路:具有多个输入端和一个输出端,只有当一套指定的输入端受到脉冲时才有能量v.tr.(及物动词)gat.ed,gat.ing,gates Chiefly British To confine (a student) to the grounds of a college as punishment.【多用于英国】 禁足学校的处分:把(一个学生)禁闭于一大学校园作为惩罚Electronics To select part of (a wave) for transmission, reception, or processing by magnitude or time interval.【电子学】 电波传送:选择波的一部分,用来传导、接收或通过电流量或时间间隔来操作get the gate【俚语】To be dismissed or rejected.被拒绝,被抛弃give (someone) the gate【俚语】To discharge from a job.解雇:从一项工作中解雇To reject or jilt.拒绝,抛弃Middle English 中古英语 from Old English geat 源自 古英语 geat gategate 2AHD:[g³t] D.J.[ge!t]K.K.[get]n.(名词)Chiefly British A particular way of acting or doing; manner.【多用于英国】 方法,方式,风俗习惯:一种特殊的行为方式或做事方式;礼貌Archaic A path or way.【古语】 小径或路Middle English 中古英语 from Old Norse gata * see gh¶- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 gata *参见 gh¶- gate来自古英语gatu,类似荷兰语和古挪威语的gat,开孔gatebarrierfence

be动词后加 动词 ing形式 除了表示进行时,还表示什么

be动词后加 动词 ing形式 除了表示进行时,还能表示其他内容


1.be doing 表现在进行时,正在做某事。

例句:Tom is playing football now.

2.be doing 也可以表示一般将来时,指最近将要发生某事。

例句:The old man is dying.老人快要死了。

3.be doing 后接always等表示频率性副词,常表达说话人的某种情绪如赞扬、不满、责备等

4.be doing 形式 表示动作正在进行,但是有时也可以表示将来或者打算.

比如:I am visiting my grandma tomorrow.






advise(但advice sb to do),allow(但allow sb to do),permit(但permit sb to do),forbid(但forbid sb to do) 



keep on,insist on,feel like,give up,put off,burst out,set about,be worth,can’t help,be busy,have difficulty/trouble (in) -gate one


dream of/about,think of,think about,succeed in,be afraid of,be good at,be interested in,thank somebody for,excuse for,apologize to sb for,be tired of,be fond of-gate one

be sure of,what (how) about,a way of,have the idea of,can’t do something without,in hopes/the hope of,with/for the purpose of-gate one


object to,be/get used to,look forward to,be devoted to,devote oneself to,come close to,pay attention to,get down to-gate one

be reduced to(被迫、沦落到……的地步),take to(变得喜欢、开始经常),fall to(开始)

lead to,be opposed to,come to(接近,差一点),refer to,agree to(同意某个观点),be on the way to(就要……)