

emerald(emerald buddha是什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2022-09-20 20:26:08 浏览166 评论0



emerald buddha是什么意思

翠玉佛或者翡翠佛像或者就是泰国的玉佛寺  拉玛一世夺得王位后,除了战争保卫国家外,立意将曼谷建成像过去的大城都一样,他在王宫内建筑玉佛寺(Emerald Buddha Temple)供奉玉佛,又下令修建其他十三座佛寺,如著名的菩提寺(原名古寺),历时七年多,巍峨壮丽。(陈明德《泰国佛教史》第15节(净海译)。)  玉佛寺(Temple of the Emerald Buddha)位于曼谷大王宫的东北角,是泰国最著名的佛寺,也是泰国三大国宝之一。建于1784年的玉佛寺是泰国大王宫的一部分,面积约占大王宫的1/4。玉佛寺是泰国王族供奉玉佛像和举行宗教仪式的场所,因寺内供奉着玉佛而得名。寺内有玉佛殿、先王殿、佛骨殿、藏经阁、钟楼和金塔。玉佛殿是玉佛寺的主体建筑,大殿正中的神龛里供奉着被泰国视为国宝的玉佛像。玉佛高66厘米,阔48厘米,是由一整块碧玉雕刻而成。每当换季时节,泰国国王都亲自为玉佛更衣,以保国泰民安。每当泰国内阁更迭之际,新政府的全体阁员都要在玉佛寺向国王宣誓就职。每年5月农耕节时,国王还要在这里举行宗教仪式,祈祷丰收。寺内四周有长约一公里的壁画长廊,上面绘有178幅以印度古典文学《罗摩衍那》史诗为题材的精美彩色连环画,并附有泰文译诗。玉佛寺内的几块大瓷屏风上彩绘着中国《三国演义》的故事。

Emerald Sword歌词

歌曲名:Emerald Sword歌手:rhapsody专辑:Emerald Sword(EP)Title: Emerald SwordArtist: RhapsodyI crossed the valleys the dust of midlandsto search for the third key to open the gatesNow I’m near the altar the secret insideas legend told my beloved sun light the dragon’s eyesOn the way to the glory I’ll honor my swordto serve right ideals and justice for allFinally happened the sun fit their eyesthe spell was creating strange games of lightThanks to hidden mirrors I found my lost wayover the stones I reached the place it was a secret caveIn a long bloody battle that prophecies toldthe light will prevail hence wisdom is goldFor the king for the land for the mountainsFor the green valleys where dragons flyFor the glory the power to win the black lordI will search for the emerald swordOnly a warrior with a clear heartcould have the honor to be kissed by the sunYes, I’m that warrior I followed my wayLed by the force of cosmic soul I can reach the swordOn the way to the glory I’ll honor my swordto serve right ideals and justice for allFor the king for the land for the mountainsFor the green valleys where dragons flyFor the glory the power to win the black lordI will search for the emerald swordFor the king for the land for the mountainsfor the green valleys where dragons flyfor the glory the power to win the black lordI will search for the emerald sword