调试源码,通常是由于源代码有错误,或是需要跟踪代码的执行过程。 在 delphi 里可以通过编译运行源码后出错,自动进入调试状态;或是在 IDE 源代码指定位置下断点,再运行后触发断点后进入调试状态。 进入调试状态后
编译Delphi要用到 dcc32.exe,此文件位于 Delphi安装文件夹\bin里面
Syntax: dcc32 [options] filename [options]
-Aunit=alias = Set unit alias -LUpackage = Use package
-B = Build all units -M = Make modified units
-CC = Console target -Npath = DCU output directory
-CG = GUI target -Opaths = Object directories
-Dsyms = Define conditionals -P = look for 8.3 file names also
-Epath = EXE output directory -Q = Quiet compile
-Foffset = Find error -Rpaths = Resource directories
-GD = Detailed map file -Upaths = Unit directories
-GP = Map file with publics -V = Debug information in EXE
-GS = Map file with segments -VR = Generate remote debug (RSM)
-H = Output hint messages -W = Output warning messages
-Ipaths = Include directories -Z = Output 'never build' DCPs
-J = Generate .obj file -$dir = Compiler directive
-JP = Generate C++ .obj file --help = Show this help screen
-Kaddr = Set image base addr --version = Show name and version
Compiler switches: -$letterstate (defaults are shown below)
A8 Aligned record fields P+ Open string params
B- Full boolean Evaluation Q- Integer overflow checking
C+ Evaluate assertions at runtime R- Range checking
D+ Debug information T- Typed @ operator
G+ Use imported data references U- Pentium(tm)-safe divide
H+ Use long strings by default V+ Strict var-strings
I+ I/O checking W- Generate stack frames
J- Writeable structured consts X+ Extended syntax
L+ Local debug symbols Y+ Symbol reference info
M- Runtime type info Z1 Minimum size of enum types
O+ Optimization
delphi的源代码文件,通常以 .pas 为文件扩展名。
如果是 windows 程序,一般还会包含一个同名的窗体文件,以 .dfm 为扩展名。
delphi 2007 基本都是用这个版本编译的
再安装 Raize JSocket 插件 这两个是必要的 如果它还使用了其他的插件 那需要再安装 要不然 你打开还是会报错。
然后 可以直接编译生成了。