
gateway ate way是什么意思


admin admin 发表于2022-05-15 21:06:34 浏览150 评论0




网关在网络层以上实现网络互连,是最复杂的网络互连设备,仅用于两个高层协议不同的网络互连。网关既可以用于广域网互连,也可以用于局域网互连。 网关是一种充当转换重任的计算机系统或设备。



应用网关是在使用不同数据格式间翻译数据的系统。典型的应用网关接收一种格式的输入,将之翻译, 然后以新的格式发送。输入和输出接口可以是分立的也可以使用同一网络连接。





event触发有三种方式,分别local 状态图内部发挥作用,Input from simulink,从simulink框图输入到statflow中,也就是stateflow外部触发事件,最后一种是Output to simulink。是从stateflow框图输出到simulink中的,即利用stateflow定义的时间驱动或触发其他stateflow框图或子系统动作


画图to draw a picture; to design; to sketch
填表to fill in a form
坚持insist on
把A误认为B A common misconception that the B
安排fix up
买 buy
阻碍to block
不适合not suitable
渴望 to be dying to do sth
导致 led to
克服恐惧To overcome fear
误解某人Misunderstanding of a person
源泉a spring
吸收 to digest
过去常常Often in the past
航行to sail
控制住 to be control
暴露 to expose
足够的 enough
特权 liberty
寄送 send
一定会 must be
抱怨 worried
控制 control
唤醒 wake up
不情愿 Reluctantly
打扰 trouble
购买力 purchasing power
感到尴尬 Feel embarrassed
前者 the former
完型 Gestalt
当时 at that time
某人有 someone have
足够 enough
与人分享 share
作家务 do housework
…结果 so ……that
不干 Do
再某种情况下 In some cases
正如 such as
花费时间 take some times
从适..工作 Engaged in work ... ...
为…做 To do so ... ...
对…发生… On the occurrence ... ... ... ..
像 like
对…失望 Of disappointment ... ...
…也不… ... ... ... Not ...
多种类型 Various types of
一般 in general
结果 result
正如 as
认为..是必要的 think……necessary
缺乏 to lack
渴望 to be dying to do sth
普通 common
1. 在某种文化当中,友谊意味着两个人的终生连接,(友谊的特点,可持续性缓慢)
In a culture, friendship means that the life of two people connected to (the characteristics of friendship, sustainability slow)
2. 在美国由120名著名的艺术家,运动员,学者这些人组成了研究小组,他们经过5年的研究之后,的出了一种结论,动力和决心会导致巨大的成功,而不是天才
In the United States by 120 well-known artists, athletes, scholars, who formed a study group after their 5-year study, out of a conclusion, power and determination will lead to great success, not talent
3. 园艺工作是一种很有益的锻炼活动,在空气新鲜和阳光充足的户外去缓解工作压力
Gardening is a very useful exercise, fresh air and sunny outdoor work to ease the pressure
4. 我们正在想出的答案对于一般人来说是不易理解的.
We are come up with the answer for most people is not easily understandable.
5. 读报时,当我偶然读到好文章时,我经常愿意把它剪下来保存
Reading, when I happened to read a good article, I often willing to cut it down to preserve
6. 虽然我游泳游的很好,但由于浪太大,以致于我用力撞到一块礁石上,失去了知觉
Although I swim a good swim, but because of too much waves, so I hit a rock hard, lost consciousness
7. 为了尽力控制流感,科学家们设法尽力地坚定出一种新的控制流感病毒
In order to make every effort to control influenza, scientists have managed to make every effort to strengthen control of a new influenza virus
8. 对于我来说,与别人最大不同是我有更为灵活的时间表,所以我决定更加关注我的健康
To me, the biggest difference is that other people and I have a more flexible schedule, so I decided to pay more attention to my health
9. 虽然没有进入足够好的纽约一所杰出的公寓中学学习,但是他这两天一直努力学习英语
Although there is no good enough to enter a New York apartment of an outstanding secondary school, but he has been trying over the past two days to learn English
10. 虽然不是故意的,我们在这个国家所做的事情是造就几代人,他们中的大多数不知道如何推理.不知如何解简单的数学题,不知研究工作,不知如何具有创造性.
Although not on purpose, we have in this country do is bring up generations of people, most of them do not know how to reasoning. I do not know how the solution simple mathematical problem, I do not know the study, I do not know how creative.