

unique melody耳机怎么样?请帮忙翻译成英语

admin admin 发表于2022-05-16 20:49:28 浏览119 评论0


unique melody耳机怎么样



1. According to legend “suddenly turn hostile“ is archaic facing fierce beast, his face in order to survive in different ways in different forms, sketch to frighten the invasion of beast. Stage “suddenly turn hostile“, with excellent skill makes it become a unique artistic culture.
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny, laughing laughter to break out, the continuous scene.
4. Through the magnificent brilliant collective social dancing scene and the colourful dance performances, show datang unprecedented prosperous magnificent guofeng, showing the Oriental verve primeval culture style.
5. Datang, acquisition at the dance. Good guests mid autumn.we joy,


The Northeast is the birthplace of song and dance duet, the world-famous song and dance duet of the township, in 1934, the rich flavor of the North and Northeast characteristics of folk opera, “Lotus down“ is versatile in Northeast sons and daughters onto the stage. 二人转从此经历了“风柳“、”春歌“、”半班戏”等几个发展阶段,并以其真切细腻的表演,委婉动听的唱腔,优美抒情的旋律演示着她独特的韵味。 Song and dance duet from experienced the “wind willow“, “Spring Song“, “semi-class opera,“ and several other stages of development, and its real fine performances, euphemism pleasant singing, beautiful lyrical melody demonstrates her unique charm.