
carpeted 是什么意思

英语中,名词动用是什么意思?mount 是什么意思啊

admin admin 发表于2022-05-22 09:04:12 浏览187 评论0



��we are tabling this matter until further notice.我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说。
��i have long prided myself on being a good teacher.我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。
��the flower girls carpeted the floor with rose petals before the bride’s entrance.新娘进来前,花童将玫瑰花瓣撒满了地板。
��when you see apolice car,don’t�floor�it.当你看到警车时,别开快车。
��the news really floored me;i hadn’t been expecting it at all.这个消息真使我不知所措,完全出乎我的意料。
��if�he had tried harder,he could have topped his class.假如他以前用功些,他会在班里名列前茅的。
��mr.lin tops me by three inches.林先生比我高三英寸。
��the beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication.海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息。
��when my car broke down,iflagged a police car.当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个手势招来一辆警车。
��the parents are trying to bridge the generation gap with their children.父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟。
��the security Officer should not club any suspect who does not resist arrest.保安人员对任何没有拒捕的嫌疑犯都不该用棍棒殴打。
��the marine corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.海军陆战队通常在最艰难的情况下,仍要勇敢前进。
��his speech was full of generalizations,and ducked all the real issues.他的讲话全是泛泛而谈,回避了所有实质性的问题。
��she will chair the math department next semester.下学期她将担任数学系主任。
��they were charged with doctoring the election results.他们因篡改选举结果而受到控告。
��powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing.有效的缓冲装置缓解了我们着陆时的冲撞力。
��what’s the one thing you want to cap your stage career with before retirement?在退休前,你特别希望做一件什么事来圆满结束你的舞台生涯呢?

our school will cap the white student enrollment to promote its diversity programs.本校为了促进生源的种族多元性,对白人学生的生源加以了限制。
��the city passed an ordinance restricting the size of advertising signs,but grandfathered all those signs erected before 1982.该市通过了一项限制广告牌规格的法令,但那些在1982年以前竖起来的招牌免受限制。
��finally,the escaped criminal was cornered.那名逃犯最终走投无路了。
��it is difficult for him to distance himself from her.对他来说,疏远、冷淡她是很困难的。
��yesterday he booked a flight to nanjing.昨天他预定了到南京的机票。
��the farmer has housed the horse in the barn.农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。
��every ship is required to radio its position.要求每一条船用无线电报告各自所在位置。
��he was dogged wherever he went.他不管到哪里,总被人尾随。
��how did you fare in your exam?考得怎样?
��hopefully,mr.chen is going to father a child soon.希望陈先生很快能够当上爸爸。

mount 是什么意思啊


还有:SMA(Surface Mount Assembly)的英文缩写,中文意思是 表面贴装工程

一个文件系统可以使用之前,必须安装(mount)。操作系统然后做一些记录以确认正常。因为UNIX所有的文件在一个目录树中, mount操作的结果使新的文件系统的内容好象在某个已经mount的文件系统的一个已经存在的子目录中。
mount 命令使用2个参数。第一个是与包括文件系统的磁盘或分区相关的设备文件。第二个是要mount到的目录。


n.记号,标记法( notation的名词复数 );
