
symposium forum or

关于 这几个单词的区分(forum/symposium/assembly等)?想问下invaluable、valueless、valuable的区别

admin admin 发表于2022-05-22 10:31:18 浏览155 评论0


关于 这几个单词的区分(forum/symposium/assembly等)

1. forum place where important public issues can be discussed (讨论公共问题的)场所
2. symposium small conference for discussion of a particular subject (专题)讨论会
3. association group of people joined together for a common purpose; organization 社团
4. council a. group of people elected to manage affairs in a city, county, etc 会议 b. group of people appointed or elected to give advice, make rules, manage affairs,
etc (顾问﹑ 立法﹑ 管理等)委员会
5. congress 代表大会 (和assembly是同义词)
6. assembly coming together of a group of people for a specific purpose 集合

立法会议 legislative council


区别一:valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)和 invaluable (极宝贵的,极有价值的)并不是一对反义词,而是一对意义相近的词,后者比前者语气更强,相当于 extremely valuable。
如:It was a valuable (an invaluable) painting. 那是一幅很有(极有)价值的画。
Your help has been valuable (invaluable) to us. 你对我们的帮助是非常宝贵的。
注:在现代英语中,invaluable 通常不用来谈论价格 (price) 或钱 (price) (money),而是指“极其有用的”(=very useful indeed),即侧重品质而不侧重东西。 区别二:valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)与 valueless (无价值的,没有用的)是一对反义词。如:This jewellery is valueless; it is made of glass and ordinary metals. 这首饰不值钱,它是由玻璃和普通金属做的。
The metal looked like gold, but in fact it was valueless [worthless]. 这块金属看起来像黄金,但实际上不值钱。
注:valueless 和 worthless 是同义词,均指“无价值的”、 “不值钱的”。 还有一个valued,也是易混淆的词,它表示“珍贵的”、“宝贵的”,指对某人来说是珍贵的,但对别人来说却并非如此。
如:The portrait of his grandfather was his most valued possession. 祖父的像片是他最珍贵的东西。

怎样理解英语中的 vague rhetoric最好举几个例子,谢谢!

vague rhetoric:模糊修辞,模糊修辞手法。这种手法的特点是用模棱两可、似是而非的词句说事,读者需要经过思考,甚至猜度来理解作者的本意。例:
Candidates continue to spew the old adages: “Bold ideas! Sweeping reform! A new direction for the country!” How? Why? For whom? These are nothing but clichés of vague rhetoric.(空洞的套话,没有具体内容)
“I share this hope. But hope is not a strategy.” Romney said, in an example of his commitment to keeping the speech as nebulous and unspecific as possible. (听不出演讲者是同意还是不同意对方的“this hope“)