


admin admin 发表于2022-06-01 09:28:27 浏览192 评论0





世博会的英文缩写为: World Expo

2010上海世博会: World Expo 2010 Shanghai 

世博会徽标 :Expo Logo 

世博会吉祥物 :Expo Mascot 

世博会纪念品: Expo Souvenir

世博园: Expo Park

国际馆: International Pavilion 

主题馆 :Theme PavIlion 

企业馆: Enterprise Pavilion 

中国馆: China Pavilion

专题讨论会 :symposium 

世博村: Expo Village 

世博餐饮中心 :Expo Dining Center 

世博急救中心: Expo First-aid Center 

志愿者: volunteers

关于 这几个单词的区分(forum/symposium/assembly等)

1. forum place where important public issues can be discussed (讨论公共问题的)场所
2. symposium small conference for discussion of a particular subject (专题)讨论会
3. association group of people joined together for a common purpose; organization 社团
4. council a. group of people elected to manage affairs in a city, county, etc 会议 b. group of people appointed or elected to give advice, make rules, manage affairs,
etc (顾问﹑ 立法﹑ 管理等)委员会
5. congress 代表大会 (和assembly是同义词)
6. assembly coming together of a group of people for a specific purpose 集合

立法会议 legislative council