
serve as

serve as主动还是被动?serve的具体用法是什么是用to,for还是什么

admin admin 发表于2022-06-09 15:04:53 浏览543 评论0


serve as主动还是被动

我查了牛津词典,其里面的的例句是:The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.可见这是一个用主动语态表示被动力语态的固定用法.这个词就这么用.


【动词】(给…)提供;端上:serve sth (with sth) / serve sth (to sb) / serve sb sth

【动词】够…吃(或用):This dish will serve four hungry people.这盘菜够四个饿汉吃.

【动词】接待;服务:Are you being served?有人接待您吗?

【动词】对…有用;能满足…的需求:These experiments serve no useful purpose.这些实验没有任何实际意义.

【动词】(向一地或一群体)serve sb (with sth)

【动词】可用作,可当…使(尤其别无选择时)serve (as sth):The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.沙发可以当床凑合一两夜.

【动词】产生…的效果(或结果):serve (as sth):The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.法官说这种惩罚将起到杀一儆百的作用.

【动词】(为…)工作,服务,履行义务:serve (sb) (as sth) / serve (in/on/with sth) / serve (under /with sb).

【动词】任期为;担任(时间)达;培训期为:serve (as sth)

【动词】服(刑):She is serving two years for theft.她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑.

【动词】把…递交;(向某人)递交:serve sth (on sb) / serve sb with sth (如递交传票)

【动词】发(球):Who’s serving?谁发球?

“work as”和“serve as”的区别有哪些

work as多指长期.稳定的职位和工作。

serve as多指暂时.不稳定的工作。


I served as a temporary worker in a cafe last summer.