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魏海明 男 1983年3月14日出生于北京。80后年轻企业家中的佼佼者。魏海明长期居住在加拿大,就读于加拿大温哥华的UBC和Kamloops市的TRU大学,并拿到双硕士学位,期间成立了名为加拿大卓越俱乐部的连锁娱乐公司,并在加拿大的不同城市中心里分别投资了多项娱乐产业,其中包括温哥华最大的KTV. 投资期间魏海明更是凭借自己的出色表现受到了当地市长Terry Lake的单独接见,名声鹤起。与此同时, 魏海明还在美国收购了一家能源上市公司和一片位于加拿大Kamloops市的Hugh Allen Dr别墅区。毕业后,魏海明看好了中国市场,并回到了中国进行投资。魏海明先后参与了金融,地产,保险,娱乐,设计,玉雕字画,文化产业等不同领域的投资,其中包括在内地颇有名气的baby face酒吧,Richy酒吧和NEST酒吧,等知名连锁品牌。在此期间,魏海明还积极参加各种慈善活动和公益事业。之后在香港组建了HnM亚洲,并担任董事长职位。


Haiming Wei, Jian Zhang, Wei Xiao, Jinbo Feng, Rui Sun, and Zhigang Tian. Involvement of Human natural killer (NK) cells in asthma pathogenesis: NK2 cells in type-two cytokine predominance. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Apr;115(4): 841-7Haiming Wei, Xiaodong Zheng, Derming Lou, Liang Zhang, Ruijun Zhang, Rui Sun, Zhigang Tian. Tumor-induced suppression of interferon production and enhancement of interleukin-10 production by natural killer (NK) cells:paralleled to CD4+ T cells. Molecular Immunology;2005 May;42(9):1023-31Zhang B, Wei HM, Zheng XD, Tian ZG. Synthetic short peptides, mimicking MICA and targeting at NKG2D receptors, inhibit the function of human NK cells: implication in therapy of autoimmune liver injury. Peptides ; 2005 Mar;26(3):405-12.Wei H, Sun R, Xiao W, Feng J, Zhen C, Xu X, Tian Z. Traditional Chinese medicine Astragalus reverses predominance of Th2 cytokines and their up-stream transcript factors in lung cancer patients. Oncol Rep. 2003; 10(5):1507-12Zhang J, Sun R, Wei HM, Tian Z. Antitumor effects of recombinant human prolactin in human adenocarcinoma-bearing SCID mice with human NK cell xenograft. Int Immunopharmacol. 2005 Feb;5(2):417-25.Dong ZJ, Wei HM, Sun R, Zhiqiang Hou,Gao B,Tian ZG. Involvement of natural killer cells in Poly IC-induced liver injury. Journal of hepatology;2004; 41(6):966-973(IF=5.3)Sun R, Wei H, Zhang J, Tian Z. The effects of natural killer-cell depletion on ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells from umbilical cord blood. Haematologica. 2003; 88(5):561-9.Liu W, Wei H, Liang S, Zhang J, Sun R, Tian Z. A balanced expression of two chains of heterodimer protein, the human interleukin-12, improves high-level expression of the protein in CHO cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004; 313(2):287-93.Liang S, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z. IFNalpha regulates NK cell cytotoxicity through STAT1 pathway. Cytokine. 2003; 23(6):190-9.Chen Y, Wei H, Gao B, Hu Z, Zheng S, Tian Z. Activation and function of hepatic NK cells in hepatitis B infection: an underinvestigated innate immune response. J Viral Hepat. 2005 Jan;12(1):38-45.Wu P, Wei H, Zhang C, Zhang J, Tian Z. Regulation of NK cell activation by stimulatory and inhibitory receptors in tumor escape from innate immunity. Front Biosci. 2005 Sep 1;10:3132-42.Sun R, Wei H, Zhang J, Li A, Zhang W, Tian Z. Recombinant human prolactin improves antitumor effects of murine natural killer cells in vitro and in vivo.Neuroimmunomodulation. 2002-2003;10(3):169-76.


 近日,安又琪在微博上发布了一张照片,照片中的安又琪脸部僵硬,而且跟以前的容貌大相径庭,小编记得,安又琪在参加《超级女声》这档综艺节目的时候,是个非常可爱的小女孩,笑起来也非常的吸引人,她是当时的冠军,受到很多人的追捧,现在的安又琪很少能看到她的作品,也很少出现在公众面前,那安又琪现状如何?安又琪老公魏海明又是做什么的呢?一起来了解下吧。   左边为安又琪,脸部僵硬多年以前的安又琪,现在的远远不如那个时候清纯了 安又琪老公魏海明资料照片 据传安又琪的老公是富二代魏海明,魏海明曾经参加过《快乐男声》,也是一个选秀男孩,魏海明是海归,也是混血儿,家境殷实,他有很多豪车,例如斯莱斯幻影、兰博基尼、保时捷、法拉利等,跟京城四少之一王烁关系很好,平时也跟房祖名等人一起玩过。  魏海明安又琪和李亚鹏的合影 魏海明也有自己的产业,他有酒吧叫baby face,他的外形也很俊朗,经常被邀请拍摄知名杂志,还有着独特的唱功,也许是跟安又琪有着相同的爱好,他们才能在一起。 安又琪现状如何? 安又琪现在除了给一些电视剧唱插曲之外,还偶尔客串电影电视剧,不过仅今年安又琪很少出现在公众面前,也许是年龄大了,想在家相夫教子吧,据知情人透露,安又琪跟魏海明是在聚会上认识,认识以后,魏海明追求的安又琪,很久之后两个人才在一起,现在感情应该是比较稳定的,安又琪也想过相夫教子的生活,相信不久以后我们就能够听到他们的好消息了。-魏海明