
clothes是单数还是复数 clothe he

clothes和clothing的区别(要详细的)?英语竞赛作文, 真心求语法纠正,高分!!!!

admin admin 发表于2022-06-11 12:10:06 浏览109 评论0




1、用法上:clothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词, 其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用 some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。如:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes

2、clothing 是不可数名词。如:They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。

3、clothes 的含义比较具体,而 clothing 的含义则比较抽象。

4、从语体上看:clothing 比 clothes 更正式。


clothes 使用例句:

1、Your clothes fit well. 


2、It was made in the size of the clothes. 


3、Do you think I can jam all these clothes in this suitcase? 


clothing 使用例句:

1、We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month. 


2、Our shop has made [entered into] a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week. 


3、But of those, six states consider handkerchiefs to be clothing. 


英语竞赛作文, 真心求语法纠正,高分!!!!


Boy: Don’t worry, Mom and Dad. I promise ⑴【not to make any mistake you’ve ever】 made.
Standing on the shoulders of giants

“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” Isaac Newton said it in 1672 when he ⑵【first】 brought ⑶【forward】 ⑷■The Particles of Light Said■ which made him well-known ⑸【to the whole world】 或 【all over the world】.
What he said was to tell us that we are supposed to do something 【farsightedly】 and based on the predecessors’ experiences. Just like the boy ⑹【in】 the picture, he just wanted to show his parents that he ⑺【wouldn’t】 make ⑻【any mistake that his parents had ever made.】⑼【It was obvious that he had beared his parents’ words in his mind and he had also drawn lessons from the failures of his life and the experiences of his parents.】He ⑽【had】 realized how to be a qualified college student, how to be a real man, how to deal with the matters, how to take care of himself ⑾【and how to sum up experience and draw lessons in the days to come.】
Just ⑿【as】 Newton said, reference is really important. Newton’s success ⒀【comes from both his natural endowments and great efforts,】 ⒁【but the predecessors’ achievements are also indispensible,】 so Newton ⒂【paid】 his respect to the predecessors.
⒃【As a matter of fact, there are more giants and more ways to study today than what Newton had more than four hundredyeas ago.】 Why ⒄【do】 people ⒅【develop】 some traditional ⒆【teachings ?】? Because ⒇【these teachings ?】 can help us deeply understand the problems. Therefore, (21)【by standing on the shoulders of giants we can look at problems all-sidedly and thoroughly.】So (22)【not only should a person think independently, but also】 be good at thinking of the past teachings. There are lots of giants (23)【before us】, and they’re also a reason to delight. Do we need (24)【to】 fear while we (25)【are】 standing on the shoulders of giants (26)【省略】? The answer is surely “No”.
So (27)【just keep calm】 when we feel puzzled, think (28)【it over and over】, and draw (29)【more experience from the predecessors,】 At last, we will (30)【suddenly be】 enlightened.
(31)【To sum it up,】 the giant’s shoulder (32)【enable us to see farther and more clearly】 !

1. 不是只犯父母没犯过的错误,而是不重复犯父母曾经犯过的错误。意思有区别;
2. firstly是指在列名单时排在第一,或说话时的第一点,first才是指做事情排在别人前面;
3. bring forward 才是“提出理论、观点”的意思,而bring up是“教育、养育”的意思,没有提出的意思;
4. 你想说的应该是“光子说”,但The Particles of Light Said明显是硬翻的,我觉得应该是“The theory of photon“,具体还是请教物理方面的专业人员或书籍;
5. 世界闻名应该这样表示(两种都可以);
6. 介词不对;
7. 要用过去将来时,保持时态一致;
8. any用在否定句中,表示不犯任何错误,用that引导的定语从句修饰mistake, 表示是父母犯过的错误;
9. 把……记在心里,英语应该是bear/keep sth in one’s mind, 你用的remember sth in the heart是典型的中式英语;时态不统一;前面是his, 这里又是their,不统一,全句都调整了;
10. 还是时态问题,要用过去完成时;
11. 意思不完整,应该是“在今后的日子里,总结经验,吸取教训”,也重写了;
12. 正如……,后面接从句时,介词应该用as;
13. 这样说才是地道的英语表达习惯,你的中国腔太浓:
14. previous work不如直接说predecessors’ achievements (前人的成果),你想表达的意思是“前人的成果也是必不可少的”,应该用indispensible,inseparable意思是不能分开的,也是中式英语,不符合英语的习惯;
15. 表示尊敬,动词用pay, 很少用express, 因为你是先想中文,再翻成英语,难免会有中式英语的痕迹;
16. 你的原句错误太多,且切不通顺,索性根据你的意思重写;
17. 疑问句中少了助动词;
18. 你的意思应该是“发扬、传承、发展”,用develop更地道;
19. 你的teachings想表示何意,好像用法有问题,没直接改,等搞清楚再改比较好;
20. 同上;
21. 根据你的意思,改成:站在巨人的肩膀上,我们看(思考)问题更全面、更深入。你原来的语句有错误、意思不到位;
22. need to 改为should, 表达“应该做……”更通顺;not only……but also 可以用倒装句,演讲时显得语句更生动,有变化;
23. in front of 是表示空间上的概念,而巨人是过去的人,是时间上的概念,应该用before;
24. 漏了不定式标志to;
25. 现在进行时,漏了系动词are;
26. 多余,应删除;
27. 演讲进入总结阶段,用祈使句可加强语气,表明观点,吸引听众注意;settle down是“安顿下来、定居下来”的意思,而你要表达是“冷静下来、静下心来”的意思,应该用keep calm;
28. it是代词,要放在介词over之前;用over and over, 重叠用词,加重语气,表示“要反复思考、再三思考”;
29. 从前辈那儿总结经验,用from, 并调整语句,更通顺;
30. 副词一般放在系动词之前,不过这不是大问题;
31. 加上To sum it up(总而言之),作为最后的总结用语,是一般演讲的常用语,还可以告诉听众你要结束了;
32. enable sb to do sth是“使某人能做某事”的意思,let 是“允许、让某人做”的意思,用在这里不符合你要表达的意思,这同样是中式英语。

Boy: Don’t worry, Mom and Dad. I promise not to make any mistake you’ve ever made.
Standing on the shoulders of giants

“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” Isaac Newton said it in 1672 when he first brought forward ’The Theory of Photon’ which made him well-known to the whole world / all over the world.
What he said was to tell us that we are supposed to do something farsightedly and based on the predecessors’ experiences. Just like the boy in the picture, he just wanted to show his parents that he wouldn’t make any mistake that his parents had ever made. It was obvious that he had beared his parents’ words in his mind and he had also drawn lessons from the failures of his life and the experiences of his parents. He had realized how to be a qualified college student, how to be a real man, how to deal with the matters, how to take care of himself and how to sum up experience and draw lessons in the days to come.
Just as Newton said, reference is really important. Newton’s success comes from both his natural endowments and great efforts, but the predecessors’ achievements are also indispensible, so Newton paid his respect to the predecessors.
As a matter of fact, there are more giants and more ways to study today than what Newton had more than four hundredyeas ago. Why do people develop some traditional teachings? Because these teachings can help us deeply understand the problems. Therefore, by standing on the shoulders of giants we can look at problems all-sidedly and thoroughly. So not only should a person think independently, but also be good at thinking of the past teachings. There are lots of giants before us, and they’re also a reason to delight. Do we need to fear while we are standing on the shoulders of giants? The answer is surely “No”.
So just keep calm when we feel puzzled, think it over and over, and draw more experience from the predecessors, At last, we will suddenly be enlightened.
To sum it up, the giant’s shoulder enable us to see farther and more clearly!


brother:英 [ˈbrʌðə(r)]   美 [ˈbrʌðər]  

n. 兄弟;(同父母的)兄,弟;(称男性的共事者或同道)同事,弟兄,伙伴;(同一宗教团体的男性)教友;(尤指)修士

int. 表示生气或吃惊



Her story coincided exactly with her brother’s. 


Does she have any brothers and sisters? 


The Brethren meet regularly for prayer. 


In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming. 


My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them. 


We’re brothers.