

Puzzles 意思?effects of ads英语作文带翻译

admin admin 发表于2022-06-14 15:29:20 浏览102 评论0


Puzzles 意思


n. 谜题(puzzle的复数);智力游戏;游戏拼图

v. 使迷惑;感到迷惑;冥思苦想(puzzle的三单形式)


Crossword puzzles 填字游戏 ; 字谜游戏 ; 纵横单词 ; 纵横字谜

Anmynor Puzzles 妖精谜题

Pastime Puzzles 娱乐拼图 ; 下载地址

Fifteen Puzzles 拼图游戏

Creature Puzzles 变形虫拼图

sudoku puzzles 数独游戏

Kids Puzzles 交通工具认知游戏



词根: puzzle



puzzling 使迷惑的;使莫明其妙的


puzzlement 迷惑;费解

puzzler 难题;使困惑的人


puzzling 使迷惑(puzzle的ing形式)


We encourage you to take what you have learned here and attempt 

to write your own solution toour puzzle. 


effects of ads英语作文带翻译

Nowadays, there are increased advertisements with overstating even false information in our daily life. We can’t aviod these ads when we watch TV, go shopping and even watch doctors. It’s puzzlement that confuses our choices.
There are many negative influence on our normal living caused by cheated businessmen. It’s easily for us to trust the substance what the ads said that we are cheated by the dishonest businessmen and get loss. We may buy something with high price, we may choose something we don’t need, and we may get something bad. We not only lossing our money but not solve our problem. What was worse, we may eat some foods or drugs bad for our health.
This situation is a big problem in our economic society so we need take measures to deal with it. In my opinion, the government should make some rules to the ad-market and the ad companies should be responsbl for the ads they make. In addition, Customer must be clear-headed when someone wants to cheat you. By all of these, there is no profit for the illness business. As the result, the bad ads will disappear.如今,虚假广告夸大产品功能的情况在不断增加,在我们的日常生活中。在我们看电视的时候,我们不可避免的看到这些广告,在我们逛街购物,甚至是看医生的时候都可能见到。这是虚假广告混淆了我们对产品的选择。

3个小道 高中英语改错题 求解要说原因哟

1. We shouldn‘t expect a reward for doing a good deed. 用by的时候,整个短语做句子动词的方式状语,但是这里doing a good deed只是和reward 有关系,因为什么而获得回报,reward 在这个意义下搭配for比较合适。
2.to my puzzlement, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, that the professor was becoming impatient. 让我不解的是,我用眼角瞟了一眼,看到搅嗽开始不那么耐心了。 这个代词换了一下,不解释了。
3. I stood up in silence and made for the door. Three years has passed but the job interview still remains fresh in my mind. 这句是在主谓一致上出的问题。 Three years作为一个整体来看,谓语动词用单数。