
tambourine urine


admin admin 发表于2022-06-16 04:49:17 浏览98 评论0





  Yeah I got a little somethin I want you to play with (baby yeah)
  And it ain’t a little something I usually give away (usually give away)

  You see I’m looking for a new one to join my band
  I promise you’ll have lots of fun, (Oh yeah)
  Once you take it in your hand

  What a gentle sound what a pretty little sound
  When you shake it all around (shake it all around)
  It’s making me move cause you know just what to do
  You’re the best I’ve ever found

  What a lovely sound what a sexy little sound
  It’ll never let you down
  Cause I know that you can make it scream. Ow!

  My tambourine
  Won’t you come and play
  My tambourine
  Cradle it in your palm
  My tambourine
  Now get down on your knees and play
  My tambourine

  Now I see you wanna keep on playing the same old tune
  So you better come to practice to learn something new
  And if you’re looking for somebody who’ll guide you through
  Then you’ve already met your match (oh yeah)
  Cause honey I can shake it too

  What a gentle sound what a pretty little sound
  When I shake it all around
  It’s making you move cause I know just what to do
  I’m the best you’ve ever found

  What a lovely sound what a sexy little sound
  It’ll never let you down
  Cause I know that I can make it scream. Ow!

  If you want to come and play
  You better be on your way
  Cause it’ll be here waiting
  If you want to maybe stay
  You know that’s it’s okay
  Cause it’ll keep on playing

  What a gentle sound what a pretty little sound
  When you shake it all around
  It’s makin me move cause you know just what to do
  You’re the best I’ve found

  What a lovely sound what a sexy little sound
  It’ll never let you down
  Cause I know that you can make it scream
  Because I know that you can make it scream

  Oh Yeah.
  Oh, I wonder how you make it scream.

  Aren’t you gonna come cause you wanna come
  Won’t you come play
  My tambourine.


flute、pan flute、Lu Sheng、suona horn、Liu chin、Lute。


2、排箫(pan flute)传统乐器,迄今发现的世界上最早的排箫,是距今3000年的中国西周初期的骨排箫。排箫是把若干支同种材质的音管,用粘接、捆绑、或框架固定的方式把它们结合成一个整体乐器。

3、芦笙(Lu Sheng),为西南地区苗、瑶、侗等民族的簧管乐器。 发源于中原,后传入少数民族地区,其前身为竽。芦笙,是少数民族特别喜爱的一种古老乐器之一,逢年过节,他们都要举行各式各样、丰富多彩的芦笙会,吹起芦笙跳起舞,庆祝自己的民族节日。

4、唢呐(suona horn)的音色明亮,音量大,管身木制,呈圆锥形,上端装有带哨子的铜管,下端套着一个铜制的喇叭口(称作碗),所以俗称喇叭。在台湾民间称为鼓吹;在广东地区又被称为嘀嗒 ,是广东“八音”乐器中的一种。-tambourine

5、柳琴(Liu chin),弹弦乐器。又称柳叶琴、金刚腿、土琵琶。中国传统乐器。原流行于苏、鲁、皖等省。现流行于全国各地,以山东临沂及苏北一带为主。 属唐代以来在民间流传的梨形音箱弹弦乐器之一种,其外形、构造、奏法均与阮相似。-urine

6、琵琶(Lute),是弹拨乐器首座, 拨弦类弦鸣乐器。木制,音箱呈半梨形,上装四弦,原先是用丝线,现多用钢丝、钢绳、尼龙制成。颈与面板上设用以确定音位的“相”和“品”。演奏时竖抱,左手按弦,右手五指弹奏,是可独奏、伴奏、重奏、合奏的重要民族乐器。-tambourine


小提琴violin,中提琴viola,大提琴cello,低音提琴double bass(有时简称bass)。

短笛piccolo,长笛flute,单簧管clarinet,低音单簧管bass clarinet,双簧管oboe,英国管Engilsh horn,低音管bassoon,倍低音管contrabassoon。

小号trumpet,圆号Frech horn(简称horn),长号trombone,低音号tuba。
其他铜管乐器:短号cornet,上低音号baritone horn,上低音大号euphonium,这些主要用于音乐会或军乐队中。

无绝对音高:小鼓snare drum;side drum,大鼓bass drum,铃鼓tambourine,三角铁trangle,钹cymbals,锣gong;tam-tam。

