1 the transmission of something is the passing or sending of it to a different person or place.
2 the reansmission of television or radio programmes is the broadcasting of them.
1 if a person or animal transmits a disease to another they have the disease and cause the others to have it.
2 if an object or substance transmits something such as sound or electrical signals, the sound or signals are able to pass through it.
1 If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or they transfer from one place to another, they go from the first place to the second.
您是想问iis不支持pwa的原因吗?是支持的,但我们需要给他添加渐进式Web应用(PWA,Progressive Web App)的支持,根据官方文档指引,我们可以借助插件vuepress/plugin-pwa来添加PWA的支持。
PWA全称Progressive Web Apps(渐进式WebApp),是通过现代API来构建和增强的,这些API提供了与原生App相似的能力、可靠性、可安装性,而且具备一套代码即可触达任何人、任何地方、任何设备。
怎么使用String类中的split()函数统计出this ismyhomewore!l must
split 方法:将一个字符串分割为子字符串,然后将结果作为字符串数组返回。
split 方法参数为stringObj.split([separator,[limit]])
stringObj(必选项) ,指要被分解的 String 对象或文字。该对象不会被 split 方法修改。
说明 :
split 方法的结果是一个字符串数组,在 stingObj 中每个出现 separator 的位置都要进行分解。
例:String oldStr = “z,,,z“;
String strs = oldStr.split(“,“);
for(String str:strs) {
System.out.println(str); }