The problem is to make the flywheel rotate at the set speed, in order to achieve this you need to focus and work as hard as possible
“博士后“英文怎么说拜托了各位 谢谢
博士后 Post doctorate eg. Of,relating to,or engaged in academic study beyond the level of a doctoral degree. 博士后的博士学位后的学术研究的,与博士学位后的学术研究有关的或从事博士后研究的. ps. postdoctor :(n.)博士后 postdoctorate :(adj.)博士后的 postdoctoral adj. (取得博士学位后)从事更高深研究的; 博士后的 postdoc 《口》 =postdoctoral
straightening hair 拉直头发
Chemical hair straightening 用药水拉直的那种
直板夹 hair straightener