
spared re是什么意思 是什么

Spare是什么意思?relatively spared or impaired是什么意思

admin admin 发表于2022-07-10 14:32:10 浏览124 评论0



spare: spare adj. 多余的, 剩下的, 高而瘦的人的, 少量的, 贫乏的, 备用的v. 节约, 节省, 不伤害, 宽恕, 分让, 提供给某人 英英解释:名词spare:1. an extra com...名词 spare :1. an extra component of a machine or other apparatus同义词: spare part 2. an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle同义词: fifth wheel 3. a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls动词 spare :1. refrain from harming同义词: save 2. save or relieve from an experience or action3. give up what is not strictly needed同义词: give up, part with, dispense with 4. use frugally or carefully形容词 spare :1. thin and fit同义词: trim 2. more than is needed, desired, or required同义词: excess, extra, redundant, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus 3. not taken up by scheduled activities同义词: free 4. kept in reserve especially for emergency use5. lacking in amplitude or quantity同义词: bare, scanty 6. lacking embellishment or ornamentation同义词: plain, bare, unembellished, unornamented 副词: sparely形容词比较级: sparer形容词最高级: sparest名词: spareness动词过去式: spared动词过去分词: spared动词现在分词: sparing动词第三人称单数: spares

relatively spared or impaired是什么意思

  relatively spared or impaired:相对幸免或受损
  impair:美 [ɪm’per]英 [ɪm’peə(r)]
  过去分词:impaired 现在分词:impairing 第三人称单数:impairs
  1.Loud noise can impair your hearing.

  2.Other actions that impair the dealing party or the order of the internationalocean shipping market.

  3.Will otherwise give the son not to create the severely impair, like rupture ofuterus, fetal deaths.

  4.Don’t let promises of large amounts of money impair your judgment.

  5.This provision does not limit or impair any right of subrogation arising from anyother relationship.


approach to
(1)接近, 近似, 约等于
